- Efficient Neural Audio Synthesis, WaveRNN [ArXiv] [NLP]
- World Models [ArXiv] [RL]
- MemGEN: Memory is All You Need [ArXiv] [AdHoc]
- Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation [ArXiv] [NLP]
- A Brief Survey of Deep Reinforcement Learning [ArXivx] [RL]
- Neural Episodic Control [ArXiv] [RL]
- Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning [ArXiv] [RL]
- Pixel Recurrent Neural Networks [ArXiv] [CV]
- WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio [ArXiv] [NLP]
- Neural Machine Translation in Linear Time, ByteNet [ArXiv] [NLP]
- Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks [ArXiv] [NLP]