Source code for the paper A Memory-Augmented Neural Model for Automated Grading in L@S 2017.
Note that recent check-in updates the python from python 2.5 to python 3.7.
The dataset comes from Kaggle ASAP competition. You can download the data from the link below.
Glove embeddings are used in this work. Specifically, 42B 300d is used to get the best results. You can download the embeddings from the link below.
git clone
Download training data file 'training_set_rel3.tsv' from Kaggle and put it under the root folder of this repo.
Download '' from and unzip all files into 'glove/' folder.
- Tensorflow 1.10
- scikit-learn 0.19
- six 1.10.0
- python 3.7
# Train the model on an essay set <essay_set_id>
python --essay_set_id <eassy_set_id>
There are serval flags within Below is an example of training the model on essay set 1 with specific learning rate, and epochs.
python --essay_set_id 1 --learning_rate 0.005 --epochs 200
Check all avaiable flags with the following command.
python -h
Note: The model is trained on the training data with 5-fold cross validation. By default, the output layer of the model is a classification layer. There is another model whose output layer is a regression layer in To train the model with the regression output layer, set flag is_regression to True. For example,
python --essay_set_id 1 --learning_rate 0.005 --epochs 200 --is_regression True