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CLI app to monitor real-time consumption and production rates on kafka broker.


  • A brief with topic and partitions lists and consumer group statuses
  • Rate of events written to topics
  • Rate of events consumed by consumer groups, per topic
  • LAG per consumer group and topic
  • ETA for each consumer group to consume the remaining topic events


  • Name filtering
  • Multiple topics/consumer group
  • Showing only troublesome groups, useful if you have hundreds
  • Exporting status in json for mass health surveillance of remote hosts


usage: [-h] [--kafka-broker KAFKA_BROKER] [--text] [--poll-period KAFKA_POLL_PERIOD] [--poll-iterations KAFKA_POLL_ITERATIONS] [--group-exclude-pattern KAFKA_GROUP_EXCLUDE_PATTERN]
                   [--group-filter-pattern KAFKA_GROUP_FILTER_PATTERN] [--status] [--summary] [--summary-json] [--topicinfo] [--topicinfo-parts] [--only-issues] [--anonymize] [--all]

Kafka consumer statistics

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --kafka-broker KAFKA_BROKER
                        Broker IP (default: localhost)
  --text                Only plain text, no rich output. (default: False)
  --poll-period KAFKA_POLL_PERIOD
                        Kafka offset poll period (seconds) for evts/sec calculation (default: 5)
  --poll-iterations KAFKA_POLL_ITERATIONS
                        How many times to query and display stats. -1 = Inf (default: 15)
  --group-exclude-pattern KAFKA_GROUP_EXCLUDE_PATTERN
                        If group matches regex, exclude (default: None)
  --group-filter-pattern KAFKA_GROUP_FILTER_PATTERN
                        Include *only* the groups which match regex (default: None)
  --status              Report health status in json and exit. (default: False)
  --summary             Display consumer groups, states, topics, partitions, and lags summary. (default: False)
  --summary-json        Display consumer groups, states, topics, partitions, and lags summary, in json. (default: False)
  --topicinfo           Only show informational data about the cluster, topics, partitions, no stats (fast). (default: False)
  --topicinfo-parts     Same as --info but also show data about partitions, isr, leaders. (default: False)
  --only-issues         Only show rows with issues. (default: False)
  --anonymize           Anonymize topics and groups. (default: False)
  --all                 Show groups with no members. (default: False)
  --version             show program's version number and exit



In the screenshot above (anonymized topics/groups), the 1st row is highlighted as the ETA to consume all the lag, with the consuming rate of the last period, is > 1 minute. Red rows indicate consumption rate is lower than it should be. Cell colors indicate severity.
A healthy system.
A summary of (anonymized) groups, topics, partitions, lag and consumer group states. Lag is the median lag of all topic partitions.

Text output

kafkatop --kafka-broker  --group-filter-pattern 'GroupName1' --summary-json

results in:

  "ConsumerGroupName1": {
    "TopicName": {
      "partitions": 1672,
      "state": "ConsumerGroupState.STABLE",
      "lag_max": 86169242,
      "lag_min": 0


You may download the multi-platform pex file from releases. It is a one-file executable, compatible with x86_64 and just needs python 3.9, 3.10 or 3.11 in your path.


Requires python >=3.9 in your path

  1. set the full path of PYTHON at the top of Makefile or add the PYTHON= parameter when calling make
  2. make
  3. make pex
make pex

This will create a "kafkatop" pex executable which will include the python code and library dependencies all in one file. It will need the python3 in the path to run.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.