###Welcome to Space 7 - a Cocos2d iOS game
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
The game is now available for all iPhones and iPods that are running on iOS 6 or above.
##Project Details
- Authors: Si Te F and Karim K
- Project Start Date: September 22nd, 2013
- Version 1.01 Finish Date: October 27th, 2013
- Sound Effects: http://www.freesfx.co.uk
Initial Plan: To fight aliens in different galaxies until the spaceship returns to the Milky Way galaxy.
Version 1.01 Goal: To destroy as many astroids as possible and level up to gain badges and highscores.
Initial Plan
* Move the main spaceship within a predefined, constrained 2D area
* Level based game, 3 levels in total (ver 1.0)
* UFOs chasing the main spaceship, decreased health upon collision
* Randomly floating space rocks, decreased health upon collision
* A limited amount of health
* Collect anti-matter to increase energy bar level. Advance to next level when 100% energy
Version 1.01 Features
- Move the main spaceship within the screen boundaries
- Level based game, infinite amount of levels, automated level up implementations
- Randomly floating astroids, decreased health upon collision
- A limited amount of health
- Increased energy level upon destroying an astroid
Initial Plan
There are 5 items to help during the game:
* Anti-matter: Increase the energy bar lebel to help advance to the next leve
* Invincible: Make the spaceship bigger so it can destroy UFOs upon collision
* Plutonium Bomb: Destroy all UFOs within the vincinity
* Health: Increase the health level of the main spaceship (ver 2.0)
* Shield: Prevents the spaceship from all damages for a limited amount of time (ver 2.0)
Version 1.01
No Collectables in Version 1.01 !
##Score Tracking
Inital Plan
- Main Score: Positively affected by time elapsed and number of UFOs destroyed
- UFOs destyed: Tracks the number since level 1
- Time Elapsed: The total time between level 1 and when the player finishes the game. This time does not appear in the game scene
Version 1.01
- Main Score: Positively affected by time elapsed and number of Astroids destroyed
- Astroids destyed: Tracks the number since level 1
- Time Elapsed: The total time between level 1 and when the player finishes the game. This time does not appear in the game scene
##Game Scene Inputs
Initial Plan
- A Joystick for spaceship movement control
- A button to release bombs
- A button to pause the game/ return to home screen
- A button to reveal current galaxy information
Version 1.01
- A Joystick for spaceship movement control
- A button to release bombs
- A button to pause the game/ return to home screen
##Game Scene Output
Initial Plan
- Health bar and energy bar
- Current galaxy's name
- Game elements
- Background image
- Background music
- Sound effects
Version 1.01
- Health bar and energy bar
- Game elements
- Dynamic Background
- Background Music
- Sound Effects
- Current Level
- Player's name
##Misc Features
Version 1.01
- About page
- Intro scene
- Main menu
- Game Over scene
* Level Summary Scene - Loading Scene
Good to have later on
- A Hexagonal shaped medal will be awarded for after the completion of each level
- The galaxy's name disappears after a while
- The Joystick gradually disappears after 5 seconds
- Redirect link to the "Space 7 Glide" which will be the paid version of the game intended for one-handed controls. (ver 1.1)
- Advertisements only placed after the game has ended (ver 3.0)
##Contact Email: [email protected]