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CuDiff adds forward auto-differentiation capability using dual numbers to GPU kernels and is a bridge between the JuliaGPU and JuliaDiff ecosystems.

Automatic Differentiation has many applications in numerical computation, including solving ordinary differential equations, optimization, and machine learning. JuliaDiff is a powerful set of routines for auto-differentiation, including those that calculate gradients, jacobians and hessians, but unfortunately does not work with JuliaGPU.

CuDiff provides only a limited subset of JuliaDiff functionality, namely the simple scalar forward differentiation. However, even this limited capability can be very useful when combined with the power of the GPU computation.


CuDiff exports two function: derivative(f,x,...) that works similar to ForwardDiff.derivative and evaluate(f,x,...) that simply evaluate f using the same accuracy and rounding-error as derivative. Here, f is a GPU compatible function with one or more inputs and out scalar output. derivative returns a tuple (f(x,...), f'(x,...)), where the differentiation is with respect to x, i.e., the first argument of f.

Let's look at an example. We define a GPU function that calculates a triangular waveform using the Fourier series:

using CUDAnative

function triangle_series(x)
    series_sum = 0f0

    for k = 1000:-1:1
        n = 2*k-1
        series_sum += (k & 1 == 1 ? +1f0 : -1f0) * CUDAnative.sin(n*x) / (n*n)

    return series_sum

We can call this function by setting up the input and output CuArrays and invoking a GPU kernel that convert the arrays into scalar calls:

import PyPlot; plt = PyPlot;
using CuArrays

function kernel(x, y)
    i = (blockIdx().x-1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
    y[i] = triangle_series(x[i])
    return nothing

x = range(0, 4*pi, length=1024)
y = similar(x)
d_x = CuArray(x)
d_y = CuArray(x)

CUDAnative.@cuda threads=1024 kernel(d_x, d_y)

copy!(y, d_y)
plt.plot(x, y)

Assuming the GPU, CUDA drivers and SDK are all correctly set up, the result is

Now, let's differentiate! We change the main kernel to

function kernel_deriv(x, y, dy)
    i = (blockIdx().x-1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
    y[i], dy[i] = CuDiff.derivative(triangle_series, x[i])
    return nothing

The main difference is that now the kernel does not call triangle_series directly. Instead, it calls CuDiff.derivative passing triangle_series as the first argument. The rest of the code is modified with the addition of a placeholder for the derivative (dy):

x = range(0, 4*pi, length=1024)
y = similar(x)
dy = similar(x)
d_x = CuArray(x)
d_y = CuArray(x)
d_dy = CuArray(x)

CUDAnative.@cuda threads=1024 kernel_deriv(d_x, d_y, d_dy)

copy!(y, d_y)
copy!(y, d_dy)
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, dy)

As expected, the result - which also exhibits Gibb's phenomenon - is

derivate accepts more than two arguments. These additional arguments are passed unchanged. If a function has more than one parameter, say f(x, y, z), we can differentiate with respect to a y or z by using an anonymous function. For example, the follow code allows us to differentiate f with respect to y:

df_dy = derivate((y,x,z)->f(x,y,z), y, x, z)