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simondankelmann edited this page Mar 24, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the LED-Server wiki!

This Script can be used on a Raspberry Pi to Control a RGB-Led Strip connected to its GPIO-Pins. The Script creates a Socket and waits for Commands to set the Color of your LED-Strip.

An Android App to Control the LED-Strip via Wifi can be found here: Android LED-Controller App

In Order to use it you will need the PIGPIOD Library installed on your Raspberry Pi, have a look at it here:

Before you start the script (after installing PIGPIOD) you need to run:

sudo pigpiod

to start it as a daemon. Set the IP-Address and Port in the Script to your local Settings.

Here's how to wire it, in my case i used STP16NF06L Mosfets (The RGB-Led in this Picture can be replaced by a RGB-Led Strip):

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