This is a fork of the popular EasyModbusTCP.NET library by Rossmann-Engineering.
Support for RTU over TCP was added. It's experimental at the time of writing, and it supports only FC03.
RTU over TCP uses the same packet as standard Serial Modbus RTU, but in a TCP/IP environment.
It's useful when you have old equipment with no Ethernet/WiFi but only serial interface. Additional hardware is required, such as Serial-To-Ethernet converters.
Standard ModbusTCP to ModbusRTU hardware converters can be expensive. Low cost Serial-To-Eth converter can be used with this added feature of this library
EasyModbusTCP.NET - www.EasyModbusTCP.NET
Modbus TCP, Modbus UDP and Modbus RTU client/server library for .NET
Industry approved!!
Fast and secure access from PC or Embedded Systems to many PLC-Systems and other components for industry automation.
Only a few lines of codes are needed to read or write data from or to a PLC.
Additional Software tools e.g. Modbus Server Simulator, makes software development fast and easy.
Download Library (*.DLL) from NuGet or from:
For JAVA-Version see:
Now available: Modbus RTU Slave for ATMEL ATMEGA microcontrollers
See Also CRC-Checking Tool for RTU Frames:
Supports Function Codes:
- Read Coils (FC1)
- Read Discrete Inputs (FC2)
- Read Holding Registers (FC3)
- Read Input Registers (FC4)
- Write Single Coil (FC5)
- Write Single Register (FC6)
- Write Multiple Coils (FC15)
- Write Multiple Registers (FC16)
Modbus TCP, Modbus UDP and Modbus RTU client/server library
This file is part of the EasyModbus library.
EasyModbus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
EasyModbus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EasyModbus. If not, see