My workplace is discontinuing their timeregistration application. So I decided to try and create my own, with a Python Flask project backed by cockroachdb.
The test website is currently exposed on: and is in a very early stage. All the groundwork is just about done. Now I am in the process of adding real functionality, starting with registration of users and login.
I am using this oppertunity to dive into TDD and automated testing. The goal is to attain high test coverage, and test all manner of things.
The list here is a start of what I'd like to end up with CI/CD, and how far I am:
- Test all code --> Done with pytest
- Do test coverage --> Done with "coverage"
- Database migration --> Done with Flyway
- Build docker image --> Done with Github Actions
- Test Session management in redis
- Do Continuous Deployment --> Done with ArgoCD
- Selenium tests
- Automatic promotion from DEV --> TEST
- Automatic promotion from TEST --> PROD
The database layout is now available in the code, thanks to DbSchema