##Firmware for q282 hexacopter ( rate / angle )
###Radio protocol: Current options are Stock q282 / H8 mini transmitter / devo, cg023 transmitter , CX-10 (later "blue" variant) and H7. Protocol is by default stock protocol, and can be changed in file config.h On stock tx 40 and 60 are level mode, 80 , 100 acro mode.
If using devo change to H8 protocol as it's a better protocol in several areas.
video / pic functions not coded (fpv will still work )
###Accelerometer calibration: Move the pitch stick down 3 times within about 2 seconds. Needs to be done on a level surface. Saved so it only needs to be done once. You may need to use high rates in order to reach the treshold.
###Installation and Support Currently this port is covered by the cg023 thread on rcgroups. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2634611#post34381034
###Wiki http://sirdomsen.diskstation.me/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start
- added stock protocol
- initial commit