- New Delhi
- 5h30m ahead - https://www.linkedin.com/in/siddharth-sinha-x8/
- @sid_x8
- https://portfolio-sidx8.vercel.app
Chatbot-flow-builder Public
This project is a simple node based React application built with React Flow and next.js .
nodejs-email-auth Public
This project is a simple OTP (One-Time Password) Verification system built with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
validator_regex Public
Validator is a Dart package that provides simple and convenient methods to validate common input data such as emails, URLs, and IP addresses. This package can be particularly useful in situations w…
cal.com Public
Forked from calcom/cal.comScheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
TypeScript Other UpdatedMay 22, 2023 -
quiz-portal-for-cesta Public
a quiz portal for cesta (Delhi Technical Campus computer science society)
next.js Public
Forked from vercel/next.jsThe React Framework
Expense-tracker Public
This is a simple expense Tracker mobile app built useing flutter
UPI-Plugin-Flutter Public
Forked from ksdme/UPI-Plugin-FlutterFlutter Plugin to do UPI transaction using different apps like PhonePe, Google Pay, PayTM etc.
Next.js-blog Public
my personal blog built useing next js
hacktoberfest2021 Public
Forked from cestasociety/hacktoberfest2021This is HacktoberFest Repo for everyone who has alphabets in his Keyboard.