A [knife] (http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Knife) plugin to create, delete and enlist [Google Compute Engine] (https://cloud.google.com/products/compute-engine) resources.
This plugin adds functionality to Chef through a knife plugin to create, delete, and manage Google Compute Engine servers and disks.
This plugin conforms to the nomenclature used by similar plugins and uses the term "server" when referencing nodes managed by the plugin. But in Google Compute Engine parlance, this is equivalent to an "instance" or "virtual machine instance".
Before getting started with this plugin, you must first create a Google Cloud Platform "project" and add the Google Compute Engine service to your project. Once you have created your project, you will have access to other Google Cloud Platform services such as App Egnine, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL and others, but this plugin only requires you enable Google Compute Engine in your project. Note that you will need to be logged in with your Google Account before creating the project and adding services.
In order for the knife plugin to programmatically manage your servers, you will first need to authorize its use of the Google Compute Engine API. Authorization to use any of Google's Cloud service API's utilizes the OAuth 2.0 standard. Once your project has been created, log in to your Google Account and visit the API Console and follow the "API Access" menu. Create a new "Client ID" and specify the Installed Application Application type with sub-type "Other". These actions will generate a new "Client ID", "Client secret", and "Redirect URI's".
This knife plugin includes a 'setup' sub-command that requires you to supply the client ID and secret in order to obtain an "authorization token". You will only need to run this command one time and the plugin will record your credential information and tokens for future API calls.
Be sure you are running Chef version 0.10.0 or higher in order to use knife plugins.
gem install knife-google
or, for Gemfile:
gem 'knife-google'
Depending on your system's configuration, you may need to run this command with root/Administrator privileges.
For initial setup, you must first have created your Google Cloud Platform project, enabled Google Compute Engine, and set up the Client ID described above. Run the 'setup' sub-command and supply the Project ID (not your project name or number), the Client ID, client secret, and authorization tokens when prompted. It will also prompt you to open a URL in a browser. Make sure sure the you are logged in with the Google account associated with the project and client id/secrete in order to authorize the plugin.
knife google setup
By default, the credential and token information will be stored in
. You can override this location with
-f <credential_file>
flag with all plugin commands.
In order to bootstrap nodes, you will first need to ensure your SSH
keys are set up correctly. In Google Compute Engine, you can store
SSH keys in project metadata that will get copied over to new servers
and placed in the appropriate user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
If you don't already have SSH keys set up, you can create them with
the ssh-keygen
program. Open up the Metadata page from the
GCE section of the cloud console. If it doesn't already exist, create
a new sshKeys
key and paste in your user's ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
file; make sure to prefix the entry with the username that corresponds
to the username specified with the -x
(aka --ssh-user
) argument of the knife
command or its default value of root
. An example entry should look
something like this -- notice the prepended username of myuser
myuser:ssh-rsa AYAAB3Nwejwejjfjawlwl990sefjsfC5lPulcP4eZB+z1zcMF
329df/2348sd3ARTx99 mymail@myhost
Some usage examples follow:
# See a list of all zones, their statuses and maintenance windows
$ knife google zone list
# List all servers (including those that may not be managed by Chef)
$ knife google server list -Z us-central2-a
# Create a server
$ knife google server create www1 -m n1-standard-1 -I centos-6-v20130325 -Z us-central2-a -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -x jdoe
# Delete a server (along with Chef node and API client via --purge)
$ knife google server delete www1 --purge -Z us-central2-a
For a full list of commands, run knife google
without additional arguments:
$ knife google
knife google disk list --google-compute-zone ZONE (options)
knife google zone list (options)
knife google server delete SERVER [SERVER] --google-compute-zone ZONE (options)
knife google server create NAME --google-compute-zone ZONE (options)
knife google disk create NAME --google-disk-size N --google-compute-zone ZONE (options)
knife google setup
knife google server list --google-compute-zone ZONE (options)
knife google disk delete NAME --google-compute-zone ZONE
More detailed help can be obtained by specifying sub-commands. For instance,
$ knife google server list -Z foo --help
knife google server list --google-compute-zone ZONE (options)
-s, --server-url URL Chef Server URL
-k, --key KEY API Client Key
--[no-]color Use colored output, defaults to enabled
-f CREDENTIAL_FILE, Google Compute credential file (google setup can create this)
-c, --config CONFIG The configuration file to use
--defaults Accept default values for all questions
-d, --disable-editing Do not open EDITOR, just accept the data as is
-e, --editor EDITOR Set the editor to use for interactive commands
-E, --environment ENVIRONMENT Set the Chef environment
-F, --format FORMAT Which format to use for output
-u, --user USER API Client Username
--print-after Show the data after a destructive operation
-V, --verbose More verbose output. Use twice for max verbosity
-v, --version Show chef version
-y, --yes Say yes to all prompts for confirmation
-Z, --google-compute-zone ZONE The Zone for this server (required)
-h, --help Show this message
Use this command to initially set up authorization (see above for more
details). Note that if you override the default credential file with the
parameter, you'll need to use the -f
switch for all sub-commands.
When prompted, make sure to specify the "Project ID" (and not the name or
number) or you will see 404/not found errors even if the setup command
completes successfully.
Use this command to list out the available Google Compute Engine zones. You can find a zone's current status, number of deployed servers, disks, and upcoming maintenance windows. The output should look similar to:
Name Status Servers Disks Maintainance Window
europe-west1-a up 0 0 2013-08-03 19:00:00 +0000 to 2013-08-18 19:00:00 +0000
europe-west1-b up 0 0 2013-05-11 19:00:00 +0000 to 2013-05-26 19:00:00 +0000
us-central1-a up 0 1 2013-08-17 19:00:00 +0000 to 2013-09-01 19:00:00 +0000
us-central1-b up 0 0 2013-06-08 19:00:00 +0000 to 2013-06-23 19:00:00 +0000
us-central2-a up 10 6 2013-05-25 19:00:00 +0000 to 2013-06-09 19:00:00 +0000
Use this command to create a new Google Compute Engine server (a.k.a.
instance). You must specify a name, the machine type, the zone, and
image. Note that if you are bootstrapping the node, make sure to
follow the preparation instructions earlier and use the -x
commands to specify the username and the identity file for
that user. Make sure to use the private key file (e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa
for the identity file and not the public key file.
See the extended options that also allow bootstrapping the node with
knife google server create --help
This command terminates and deletes a server. Use the --purge
option to also remove it from Chef. Use knife google server delete --help
for other options.
Get a list of servers in the specified zone. Note that this may include servers that are not managed by Chef. Your output should look something like:
Name Type Image Public IP Private IP Disks Zone Status
chef-svr n1-standard-1 gcel-12-04-v20130325 us-central2-a running
chef-workstation n1-standard-1 gcel-12-04-v20130325 us-central2-a running
fuse-dev n1-standard-1 gcel-12-04-v20130225 pd-fuse us-central2-a running
magfs-c1 n1-standard-2 gcel-12-04-v20130225 us-central2-a running
magfs-c2 n1-standard-2 gcel-12-04-v20130225 us-central2-a running
magfs-c3 n1-standard-2 gcel-12-04-v20130325 jay-scratch us-central2-a running
magfs-svr n1-standard-4 gcel-12-04-v20130225 pd28g us-central2-a running
Create a new persistent disk. You must provide a name, size in gigabytes, and the desired zone.
Delete an existing disk in the specified zone. Note that the disk will not be deleted if it is currently attached to a running server.
See a listing of disks defined for a specific zone. For example,
Name Zone Source Snapshot Size (In GB) Status
jay-scratch us-central2-a 10 ready
pd-fuse us-central2-a 10 ready
pd28g us-central2-a 28 ready
- Seeing 404 errors or zone not found?
This can result if you mistakenly specified an invalid "Project ID"
while going through the
knife google setup
command. Make sure you specified the "Project ID" (not the project name or number).
Standard rake commands for building, installing, testing, and uninstalling the module.
# Run spec tests
$ rake
# Build and install the module
$ rake install
# Uninstall
$ rake uninstall
- See CONTRIB.md