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ODBaaS is a free Database service which is set up to eliminate the need for deploying and managing dedicated database hardware and software for every individual project environment. In contrast to existing DBaaS implementations, our service is specifically designed to provide a simplified one stop service for your Create, Read, Update and Delete requests directed to our database.

Version: 1.0.0


You may use our already existing endpoint mentioned here. Or if that's not available you may look at the release we offer here.





Summary: Logs in the user to the DBaaS, and creates a DB for the user if it doesn't exist.



Name Located in Description Required Schema
user_name formData username associated with the user in the AnSu-IAM service. Yes string
password formData Password associated with the user in the AnSu-IAM service. Yes string
outputFormat formData The mode of sending a response. ( defaults to json ) No string


Code Description
200 Successfully logged in to database
401 Unauthorized access to Database
404 Invalid userId supplied
500 DB already exists



Summary: Create a table in a specified db for a particular user



Name Located in Description Required Schema
table_name path name of table to be created Yes string
token formData The token that is generated from the IAM token management system. Yes string
schema formData Comma separated sentences where each sentence is a key-value pair ( colon separated ) ; key is the column name and value is constraints for that column. Ex. "id:INT NOT NULL,name:VARCHAR(3)" Yes string
primary_key formData the set of attributes that serve as the primary key of the table (Give as comma separated values) Ex. "id,name" No string
outputFormat formData The mode of sending a response. ( defaults to json ) No string


Code Description
200 Successfully created a table
401 Unauthorized access to Database
500 The error reported in creating a table



Summary: Insert values in the database



Name Located in Description Required Schema
table_name path name of table to be created Yes string
token formData The token that is generated from the IAM token management system. Yes string
data formData A JSONArray where each JSON contains the column names as keys and the column values as the corresponding value. ( Column names have to be fixed for each and every JSON ). Yes string
outputFormat formData The mode of sending a response. ( defaults to json ) No string


Code Description
200 Successfully inserted into a table ( Returns number of records inserted )
401 Unauthorized access to Database
500 The error reported in inserting into a table



Summary: Retrieve attribute values from tables



Name Located in Description Required Schema
table_name query name of table to be created Yes string
token query The token that is generated from the IAM token management system. Yes string
columns query Comma separated values denoting the column values to be shown ( defaults to "*" ). Yes string
where query Comma separated key-value pairs where key denotes conjunction (AND) or disjunction (OR), and the value denotes the condition No string
sort_cols query Individual ( or comma separated ) column names No string
sort_order query May be ASC or DESC ( defaults to ASC if sort_cols is provided ). No string
limit query The max. no. of records to output ( Should be a number ). No string
outputFormat query The mode of sending a response. ( defaults to json ) No string


Code Description
200 The data required is returned
401 Unauthorized access to Database
500 The error reported in selecting to a table



Summary: Update given record(s) in the table



Name Located in Description Required Schema
table_name path name of table to be created Yes string
set formData key_value_pairs where key is the column and value is the corresponding value Yes string
where formData key_value_pairs where key is the column and value is the corresponding value No string
token formData The token that is generated from the IAM token management system. Yes string
outputFormat formData The mode of sending a response. ( defaults to json ) No string


Code Description
200 The table is updated
401 Unauthorized access to Database
500 The error reported in updating a table



Summary: Update given record(s) in the table



Name Located in Description Required Schema
table_name path name of table to be created Yes string
where formData key_value_pairs where key is the column and value is the corresponding value No string
token formData The token that is generated from the IAM token management system. Yes string
outputFormat formData The mode of sending a response. ( defaults to json ) No string


Code Description
200 The table data is deleted
401 Unauthorized access to Database
500 The error reported in deleting data in a table



Summary: Update given record(s) in the table



Name Located in Description Required Schema
table_name path name of table to be created Yes string
token formData The token that is generated from the IAM token management system. Yes string
outputFormat formData The mode of sending a response. ( defaults to json ) No string


Code Description
200 The table is deleted
401 Unauthorized access to Database
500 The error reported in deleting a table