Turbulence models for parametric UQ studies in OpenFOAM using the Bayesian-Model-Scenario-Averaging (BMSA) framework by Edeling et al. (2014)
The following turbulence models are available in the library
- Wilcox (2006) k-omega (Based on the implementation by Gomez et al., see: http://turbmodels.larc.nasa.gov/ChangesToOpenFOAM.pdf)
- Launder-Sharma Low-Re k-epsilon (Based on the standard implementation in OpenFOAM 2.3.3)
- Spalart-Allmaras (Based on the standard implementation in OpenFOAM 2.3.3)
Each model can be compiled with the standard procedure
source <path-to-your-OpenFOAM-installation>/etc/bashrc
cd <path-to-model-in-repository>
W. Edeling
S. Gomez