nem-voting is a typescript / node.js module for using the NEM voting functionalities easily on any project. Created using NEM-library.
to install the npm module on your typescript or node project run:
npm install nem-voting --save
the module is made to work together with nem-library, so you should install that too:
npm install [email protected] --save
it is important that 1.0.5 is installed since it needs to be the same version than the one in nem-voting
The module exports two main classes: UnbroadcastedPoll and BroadcastedPoll. They represent polls that exist only locally and polls that exist in the blockchain, respectively.
It also exports a PollConstants object with various usefull constants for voting and a PollIndex object for handling indexes other than the public one (public and private), along with some useful functions specified below.
import { PollConstants, UnbroadcastedPoll, BroadcastedPoll } from "nem-voting";
import { NEMLibrary, NetworkTypes, Account, TransactionHttp } from "nem-library";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
// This function will bootstrap both the internal nem-library for nem-voting and the local one
// if the local version of nem-library and the one in nem-voting don't match then this will give problems
NEMLibrary.bootstrap(NetworkTypes.TEST_NET); // Change to NetworkTypes.MAIN_NET for main net
const testPrivateKey = "c195d7699662b0e2dfae6a4aef87a082d11f74d2bd583f7dec5663a107823691"; // introduce the poll creator private key
const formData = {
title: "test poll 2.0",
doe: + (60 * 1000 * 60), // Date of ending as timestamp in milliseconds
type: PollConstants.POI_POLL, // type of vote counting
multiple: false, // true if multiple votes are allowed
const description = "This is the description for the poll";
const options = ["option 1", "option 2"];
// Create poll object
const poll = new UnbroadcastedPoll(formData, description, options);
const account = Account.createWithPrivateKey(testPrivateKey);
// We get the broadcasted poll data, including the poll address and the option addresses
const broadcastData = poll.broadcast(account.publicKey);
// Now we sign and broadcast the transactions
const transactionHttp = new TransactionHttp();
Observable.merge(...( => {
const signed = account.signTransaction(t);
return transactionHttp.announceTransaction(signed);
.subscribe(() => {
// The poll is now broadcasted, but we need to wait for all the transactions to be confirmed
import { BroadcastedPoll, NEMVoting } from "nem-voting";
import { NEMLibrary, Address, NetworkTypes } from "nem-library";
// This function will bootstrap both the internal nem-library for nem-voting and the local one
// if the local version of nem-library and the one in nem-voting don't match then this will give problems
NEMLibrary.bootstrap(NetworkTypes.TEST_NET); // Change to NetworkTypes.MAIN_NET for main net
const pollAddress = new Address("TCX6LT3Y43IQL3DKU6FAGDMWJFROQGFPWSJMUY7R");
.map((poll) => {
return poll;
.subscribe((data) => {
import { BroadcastedPoll, NEMVoting } from "nem-voting";
import { NEMLibrary, Address, NetworkTypes } from "nem-library";
// This function will bootstrap both the internal nem-library for nem-voting and the local one
// if the local version of nem-library and the one in nem-voting don't match then this will give problems
NEMLibrary.bootstrap(NetworkTypes.TEST_NET); // Change to NetworkTypes.MAIN_NET for main net
const pollAddress = new Address("TCX6LT3Y43IQL3DKU6FAGDMWJFROQGFPWSJMUY7R");
.switchMap((poll) => {
return poll.getResults();
.subscribe((results) => {
import { BroadcastedPoll } from "nem-voting";
import { NEMLibrary, Address, NetworkTypes, Account, TransactionHttp } from 'nem-library';
// This function will bootstrap both the internal nem-library for nem-voting and the local one
// if the local version of nem-library and the one in nem-voting don't match then this will give problems
NEMLibrary.bootstrap(NetworkTypes.TEST_NET); // Change to NetworkTypes.MAIN_NET for main net
const pollAddress = new Address("TBW2PIAVJPW7QRHWJ74PA4E36B6FNE7QWGOI3JAF"); // Poll Address
const testPrivateKey = "c195d7699662b0e2dfae6a4aef87a082d11f74d2bd583f7dec5663a107823691"; // Voter private key
const account = Account.createWithPrivateKey(testPrivateKey);
.switchMap((poll) => {
// It is important to validate that a poll is valid before voting
if (!poll.validate()) {
throw new Error("Invalid Poll");
const voteTransaction =[0]); // get vote transaction
const signed = account.signTransaction(voteTransaction); // sign transaction
const transactionHttp = new TransactionHttp();
return transactionHttp.announceTransaction(signed); // broadcast transaction
.subscribe((announceResult) => {
interface IFormData {
* Title of the poll
title: string;
* date of ending, as milliseconds from UNIX epoch
doe: number;
* True if multiple votes are accepted
multiple: boolean;
* type of the poll
type: number;
interface IPollData {
* General information abount the poll
formData: IFormData;
* Detailed description for the poll
description: string;
* Options of the poll
options: string[];
* (optional) Array of Addresses to be whitelisted. Only for whitelist polls
whitelist?: Address[];
interface IBroadcastData {
* Transactions that need to be sent and confirmed for the poll to be broadcasted
transactions: TransferTransaction[];
* Broadcasted Poll object. Can not be used until the transactions have been broadcasted and confirmed
broadcastedPoll: BroadcastedPoll;
* Abstract class that represents a poll
declare abstract class Poll {
readonly data: IPollData;
* An unbroadcasted poll. Exists only locally and not on the blockchain yet
declare class UnbroadcastedPoll extends Poll {
constructor(formData: IFormData, description: string, options: string[], whitelist?: Address[]);
* Broadcasts an unbroadcasted poll and returns the resulting broadcasted poll object (as a promise)
* @param creatorPublicKey - public key of the poll creator
* @param pollIndex - optionally provide the poll index to send the poll to.
* If not specified the default public index is used
* @return {pollAddress: Address, transactions: TransferTransaction[]} - returns the poll address
* and the transactions that need to be sent for it to be broadcasted
broadcast: (creatorPublicKey: string, pollIndex?: PollIndex | undefined) => IBroadcastData;
* A broadcasted poll. Represents a Poll that exists in the blockchain.
declare class BroadcastedPoll extends Poll {
* The poll address
readonly address: Address;
* Map from option to option address
private optionAddresses;
* Fetches a Broadcasted Poll from the blockchain by its address
* @param pollAddress - The poll's NEM Address
* @return Promise<BroadcastedPoll>
private static fromAddressPromise;
* Fetches a Broadcasted Poll from the blockchain by its address
* @param pollAddress - The poll's NEM Address
* @return Observable<BroadcastedPoll>
static fromAddress: (pollAddress: Address) => Observable<BroadcastedPoll>;
* Gets the option address for a given option
* @param option - The option
* @return Address | null
getOptionAddress: (option: string) => Address | null;
* Gets the results for the poll
* @param pollAddress - The poll's NEM Address
* @return Observable<IResults>
getResults: () => Observable<IResults>;
* Gets the results for the poll as a csv string
* @param pollAddress - The poll's NEM Address
* @return Observable<string>
getCsvResults: () => Observable<string>;
* Gets the results for the poll as an array of vote objects
* @param pollAddress - The poll's NEM Address
* @return Observable<IResults>
getVoters: () => Observable<IVote[]>;
* validates a poll's structure and returns wether it is correct or not
* @return boolean
validate: () => boolean;
* Votes on the poll from a given account, returns the vote transaction result
* @param option - The option to vote
* @return TransferTransaction - the transaction that needs to be sent to vote
vote: (option: string) => TransferTransaction;
* Votes on the poll from a multisig account, returns the vote transaction result
* @param multisigAccount - The public account of the multisig account that votes
* @param option - The option to vote
* @return MultisigTransaction - the transaction that needs to be sent to vote
voteMultisig: (multisigAccount: PublicAccount, option: string) => MultisigTransaction;
* Gets the votes that an address has sent to the poll, if it has not voted returns null
* @param address - The address of the voter
* @return Observable<Transaction[] | null>
getVotes: (address: Address) => Observable<Transaction[] | null>;
export const PollConstants = {
* Poll Types
* Poll Indexes
* Represents the info from a poll header sent to an index
interface IPollHeader {
title: string;
type: number;
doe: number;
address: Address;
whitelist?: Address[];
* Contains the info for a poll index, public or private
declare class PollIndex {
* Poll Index Address
address: Address;
* true if the index is private. On private indexes only the creator can send valid polls
isPrivate: boolean;
* the creator of the poll, only needed for private indexes
creator?: Address;
* array of broadcasted header polls for the index
headers: IPollHeader[];
* Gets a poll index from its address with all of its broadcasted polls
* @param address - the index account address
* @return Observable<PollIndex>
static fromAddress: (address: Address) => Observable<PollIndex>;
* Creates a new poll Index
* @param isPrivate - will create a private index if true
* @param creatorAddress - needed only if the index is private
* @return Observable<PollIndex>
static create: (isPrivate: boolean, creatorAddress?: Address | undefined) => {
address: Address;
transaction: TransferTransaction;
* Gets the addresses for all the poll indexes created by an address
* @param creator - the address of the creator of the indexes we want
* @return Observable<Address[]>
declare const getCreatedIndexAddresses: (creator: Address) => Observable<Address[]>;
A Detailed Technical description of the NEM voting Standard is mantained at