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ImageJ plugin, Java and CuPy implementation of the mode filter and empirical null filter. The mode filter is an edge-preserving smoothing filter by taking the mode of the empirical density.


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Mode Filter and Empirical Null Filter

  • MIT License - all source code
  • Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Sherman Lo

The mode filter is an edge-preserving smoothing filter by taking the local mode of the empirical density. This may have applications in image processing such as image segmentation. The filter is available:

  • As an ImageJ plugin which uses either the CPU or an Nvidia GPU. By extension, developers may use the Java API or the provided CLI.
  • As a Python package using an Nvidia GPU only.

The CUDA binding to Java and Python was done using JCuda and CuPy respectively. The use of a GPU speeds up the filtering by a huge margin.

Where appropriate, please cite the thesis

  • Lo, S.E. (2020). Characterisation of Computed Tomography Noise in Projection Space with Applications to Additive Manufacturing. PhD thesis, University of Warwick, Department of Statistics.

images of a Mandrill with a mode filter, of varying radius kernel, applied The mode filter was applied to the Mandrill test image. Top left to top right, bottom left to bottom right: mandrill test image with the mode filter with a radius of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 applied.

How to Compile (Linux recommended)

Clone this repository and follow the instructions below in order:

  • If you require the use of a GPU (mandatory for the Python implementation), follow the instructions for compiling the CUDA code.
  • Afterwards, there are instructions for:
    • Compiling the Java code into a .jar file. This is required for the use of a GPU.
    • Downloading the compiled .jar. files from Releases. Only CPU computation is support with this method.
    • How to install the .jar file as an ImageJ plugin and using the provided CLI.
    • Building the Python package and installing it. A GPU is required in the Python implementation.

Instructions For Compiling CUDA Code (for GPU)

Compiling CUDA code for the use of an Nvidia GPU requires GCC and the Nvidia CUDA Development Kit, a version appropriate for your GPU, which should include an nvcc compiler.

Older versions of the Nvidia CUDA Development Kit can be found in the archive.

Identify the architecture of your GPU by looking it up in the manual for the NVIDIA CUDA Compiler Driver NVCC Section 5.2 or other sources such as this. For example:

  • An Nvidia Tesla K80 has a Kepler architecture with code sm_37.
  • An Nvidia Tesla V100 has a Volta architecture with code sm_70.
  • An Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 has a Turing architecture with code sm_75.
  • An Nvidia A100 has an Ampere architecture with code sm_80.

Compile the code into a .ptx file by calling make and providing the architecture. For example, for an Nvidia A100 with code sm_80

make NVCC_ARCH=sm_80

The compiled .ptx file should be located in both cuda/ and python/modefilter/.

Instructions For Compiling Java Code or Downloading From Releases

Compiling Java Code (for both CPU and GPU)

Requires Java Runtime Environment, Java Development Kit and Maven. For the use of the GPU, you must compile the CUDA beforehand.

At pom.xml, run

mvn package

to compile the Java code. The compiled .jar file should be located in target/Empirical_Null_Filter-*.*.*.jar and can be used as an ImageJ plugin. Copies of required libraries are stored in target/libs/ and would need to be installed in ImageJ as well.

Downloading From Releases (CPU only)

Download from the releases (CPU only) and extract it.

The compiled .jar file is named Empirical_Null_Filter-*.*.*.jar and can be used as an ImageJ plugin. Copies of required libraries are stored in libs/ and would need to be installed in ImageJ as well.

Instructions For Installing And Using The ImageJ Plugin (Fiji recommended)

Installation of Empirical_Null_Filter-*.*.*.jar can be done by copying the file into Fiji's plugins/ directory or, in Fiji, using the Plugins menu followed by Install... (or Ctrl + Shift + M).

The required .jar libraries are to be copied into Fiji's jars/ directory. They are:

  • commons-math3-3.6.1.jar (may already be provided)
  • jcuda-10.1.0.jar (for GPU usage)
  • jcuda-natives-10.1.0-linux-x86_64.jar (or similar for GPU usage)

ImageJ Options

Screenshot of the GUI

  • Number of (CPU) threads
    • Number of CPU threads to use when doing mean, median and quantile filtering. Currently, they are only implemented on the CPU. These are used as inputs for mode filtering. Thus there will be some CPU computation even in the GPU version of the mode filter. It will default to use all detectable threads.
  • Number of initial values
    • Number of initial values for the Newton-Raphson method. Increase this for more accurate filtering at a price of more computational time. Compared to other options, this has a big effect on the resulting image. The default value is 3 but should be in the order of 50-100 if this filter is to be applied to (non-Gaussian) images.
  • Number of steps
    • Number of iterations in the Newton-Raphson method. Increase this for more accurate filtering at a price of more computational time.
  • Log tolerance (CPU version only)
    • The tolerance allowed for the Newton-Raphson method to accept the solution. Decrease this for more accurate filtering at a price of more computational time.
  • Block dim x and y (GPU version only)
    • Sets the dimensions of the block of threads on the GPU. This affects the performance of the filter. Good suggestions are 16 and 32. Solutions are shared between neighbours within blocks.

Using the CLI

The mode filter can be used via the terminal by calling the Empirical_Null_Filter-x.x.x.jar file. To use a GUI for parameter selection

java -jar Empirical_Null_Filter-x.x.x.jar gui ['cpu' or 'gpu'] \
    <loc of image to filter>

This will make a GUI appear to select your parameters. Once selected, click OK to filter the image. A dialogue box will appear to save the resulting image in .png format.

To run the mode filter without a GUI

java -jar Empirical_Null_Filter-x.x.x.jar run ['cpu' or 'gpu'] \
    <loc of image to filter> <loc to save resulting .png> [options]

where the options are

  • -r radius of the kernel
  • -n number of CPU threads
  • -i number of initial points for Newton-Raphson
  • -s number of steps for Newton-Raphson
  • -t stopping condition tolerance for Newton-Raphson (recommend negative number), only for CPU
  • -x x block dimension, only for GPU
  • -y y block dimension, only for GPU

Instructions For Building and Installing the Python Package

Requires setuptools. Verify the compiled .ptx file is located in python/modefilter/.

At pyproject.toml, run

python -m build

which will build the package. To install it, run

pip install dist/modefilter*.whl

Troubleshooting CuPy

You may require a version of CuPy which uses a specific version of CUDA. In that case, you may edit the file pyproject.toml with the version of CuPy you want. For example, if you require CuPy with CUDA 11, edit the dependencies to contain

dependencies = [

Please refer to the CuPy installation documentation.


Apptainer definition files are provided as a way to compile CUDA and Java code in a container as well as use it. There is also a definition file which builds a wheel for Python.

Apptainer For Java (CPU)

To build the container

apptainer build modefilter-cpu.sif modefilter-cpu.def

To apply the mode filter on an image using the container via the terminal

apptainer run modefilter-cpu.sif run cpu \
    <loc of image to filter> <loc to save resulting .png> [options]

where the options are the same in the previous section.

The compiled .jar files can be extracted using

apptainer exec \
    modefilter-cpu.sif cp -r /usr/local/src/modefilter/target <destination>

Apptainer For Java (GPU)

Identify the architecture of your GPU (as discussed previously here). For example:

  • An Nvidia Tesla V100 has a Volta architecture with code sm_70.
  • An Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 has a Turing architecture with code sm_75.
  • An Nvidia A100 has an Ampere architecture with code sm_80.

Edit modefilter-gpu.def so that nvcc_arch has the correct architecture code, for example:

  • For an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660
    • nvcc_arch="-arch=sm_75"

The container can be built

apptainer build modefilter-gpu.sif modefilter-gpu.def

To apply the mode filter on an image using the container via the terminal, use the --nv flag

apptainer run --nv modefilter-gpu.sif run ['cpu' or 'gpu'] \
    <loc of image to filter> <loc to save resulting .png> [options]

Apptainer For Python (GPU)

Similarly to the Apptainer for Java, edit modefilter-python.def so that nvcc_arch has the correct architecture code.

The container can be built

apptainer build modefilter-python.sif modefilter-python.def

The compiled .whl file can be extracted using

apptainer exec \
    modefilter-python.sif bash -c \
    "cp /usr/local/src/modefilter/dist/modefilter-*.whl <destination>"

Running the container will run Python with the modefilter package available.

apptainer run --nv modefilter-python.sif run

Further Troubleshooting

Depending on your GPU architecture, you may require an older version of the Nvidia CUDA Toolkit. For example, a Nvidia Tesla K80 is supported by the Nvidia CUDA Toolkit version 10.1. Refer to Nvidia's CUDA toolkit archive.

About the Mode Filter

The mode filter is an image filter much like the mean filter and median filter. They process each pixel in an image. For a given pixel, the value of the pixel is replaced by the mean or median over all pixels within a distance r away. The mean and median filter can be used in ImageJ, it results in a smoothing of the image.

Mean, median and mode filter applied to an image of a Mandrill Top left: Mandrill test image. Top right: Mean filter with radius 32. Bottom left: Median filter with radius 32. Bottom right: Mode filter with radius 32.

The mode filter is a by-product of the empirical null filter. Instead of taking the mean or median, the mode is taken, more specifically, the argmax of the empirical density. The optimisation problem was solved using the Newton-Raphson method. Various random initial values were tried to home in on the global maximum. Because the filtered image is expected to be smooth, the different initial values were influenced by neighbouring pixels to aid in the optimisation problem.

The resulting mode-filtered image gives a smoothed image which has an impasto effect and preserved edges. This may have applications in noise removal or image segmentation.

The mode filter was implemented on the CPU by modifying existing Java code from ImageJ. Each thread filters a row of the image in parallel from left to right. The solution to one pixel is passed to the pixel to the right. The filter was also implemented on the GPU by writing CUDA code which can be compiled and read by the JCuda package. The image is split into blocks. Within a block, each thread filters a pixel and shares its answer with neighbouring pixels within that block.

One difficulty is that with the introduction of CUDA code, the ability to "compile once, run anywhere" is difficult to keep hold of. A design choice was that the user is to compile the CUDA code into a .ptx file. This is then followed by compiling the Java code with the .ptx file into a .jar file which can be installed as a Plugin in ImageJ or Fiji. The compiled .jar file can be used by MATLAB as well.

Further Reading and References

  • Lo, S.E. (2020). Characterisation of Computed Tomography Noise in Projection Space with Applications to Additive Manufacturing. PhD thesis, University of Warwick, Department of Statistics.
  • Efron, B. (2004). Large-scale simultaneous hypothesis testing: The choice of a null hypothesis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(465):96.
  • Griffin, L. D. (2000). Mean, median and mode filtering of images. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 456(2004):2995–3004.
  • Charles, D. and Davies, E. R. (2003). Properties of the mode filter when applied to colour images. International Conference on Visual Information Engineering VIE 2003, pp. 101-104.


ImageJ plugin, Java and CuPy implementation of the mode filter and empirical null filter. The mode filter is an edge-preserving smoothing filter by taking the mode of the empirical density.








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