This document will help order the work contained.
###Early Python Work Early Python Folder The Python work was started before we learned about importing modules and using Git and I had to rename the first dozen or more because they began with numbers. Therefore, some may be out of order right now.)
- Madlib - first project committed
- Guess Random Number
- Dice Roller
- Vote Tally
- Pig Latin
- Farkle
- Unfinished
- Phone Book
- Hangman
- Word Count
- Rain Totals
- Road Mapping
- Reminder List
- Reviews
- Nested
- Flat
- BlackJack
- Connect Four
- Pair project with Justin E.
- Interface
- Camel Case
- Camel Case Test
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Tic-Tac-Toe Test
###HTML and CSS
- Bio
- Food Form
- ID Card
- Unfinished Pair Project with Peter D.
- Pyramid
- Sidebar
###Javascript, HTML, and CSS (jQuery used in some projects)
- Rarest
- Leetspeak
- Taxes
- Pair Project with Peter D.
- Sum Pairs
- Album
- Pair Project with Matthew K.
- Validator
- Visual Dice
- Whack-A-Trump
###Projects with Web Server Framework Django (some with JS and Python, some with just one or the other)
- Multi-Madlib
- Pair Project with Matthew K.
- Book Stats
- Jokes
- Polls
- Pair Project with Matt V.
- To Do
- Pair Project with Justin E. and Kyle H.
- Flutter
- Bias Tracker