Using Sylvian Calinon's pbdlib repo to recreate GMM/HMM for Robot trajectories
The repository contains the procedure to recreate the GMM/HMM/HSMM models demonstrated in Sylvian Calinon's pbdlib-python repository [Link:] in order to train the robot trajectories for the aim of achieving LfD learning from demonstrations.
Clone the repository
git clone
Within the pbdlib-python folder setup the python 2.7 virtual environment using:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2,7 py27venv
Enter the virtualenv using:
source py27venv/bin/activate
Install pbdlib
pip install -e .
Now copy the jupyter notebook ipynb file in this repository into the notebooks folder and open the jupyter notebook using
jupyter notebook notebooks/
You will need the new_traj.mat matlab file in the RobotData folder within the /pbdlib/data/RobootData folder for this code to work.
Now all your trajectories are read and displayed in the jupyter file.
Navigating to the folder /home/hulk/Documents/waypoints/ you will find two files f1.txt and f2.txt.
These files contain the saved values of the SIGMA and MU values as well as each trajectory points.
Check it out to plot the Gaussians and the reconstructed trajectory by editing the values in the Display_Gaussians.m file. This file uses the plot_gaussian_ellipsoid.m file also enclosed in the repo
This work is a combined effort of the Computer Vision and Robotics Laborartory at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Dr. Martin Jagersand.