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Sample console application using the ShapeDiver .NET SDK.

How to get support

About the SDK

The ShapeDiver .NET SDK bundles the following functionality into a coherent package.

  • Authentication client
  • Platform Backend client
    • SDK for the Platform Backend API
    • Makes use of the Authentication client and transparently handles Json Web Token refresh
  • Geometry Backend client
    • SDK for the Geometry Backend API
    • Can be used with the Platform Backend client for generating Json Web Tokens
    • Can be used with the token generator of dedicated ShapeDiver Geometry Backend systems


Build the console application using Visual Studio. Run the executable without options to get basic help:

C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe help
Copyright ©  2024

  demo                       Demo which prints some information about your account.

  export-models              Export models from the ShapeDiver platform.

  get-model                  Get information about a ShapeDiver model.

  list-models                List ShapeDiver models, sorted by descending date of creation.

  model-computation-stats    Fetch, display and export data from the log of computations of a ShapeDiver model.

  text-io-batch-demo         Demo using a ShapeDiver model with text input and output for batch processing.

  text-io-demo               Demo calling a ShapeDiver model with text input and output.

  upload-model               Upload a Grasshopper model to ShapeDiver.

  upload-model-verbose       Upload a Grasshopper model to ShapeDiver (verbose output).

  help                       Display more information on a specific command.

  version                    Display version information.


Command demo

This command shows how to authenticate using Platform API access keys or via the ShapeDiver Platform using your browser and make basic calls to the Platform Backend API and the Geometry Backend API.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe help demo
Copyright ©  2024

  -k, --key_id

  -s, --key_secret

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.

Example (interactive input of options)

C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe demo

IsAuthenticated: True

Credits used this month: 61

Usage of exports and embedded sessions in the past 5 days:
Exports on 20230520: 0
Credits for embedded sessions on 20230520: 0
Exports on 20230521: 0
Credits for embedded sessions on 20230521: 0
Exports on 20230522: 0
Credits for embedded sessions on 20230522: 0
Exports on 20230523: 0
Credits for embedded sessions on 20230523: 0
Exports on 20230524: 9
Credits for embedded sessions on 20230524: 0

Latest published models:
        Title: twistedtower-sdeuc1, Slug: twistedtower-sdeuc1
        Title: TextInputOutput, Slug: textinputoutput-sdeuc1
        Title: TextInputOutput, Slug: textinputoutput
        Title: TextInputOutput, Slug: textinputoutput
        Title: TextInputOutput, Slug: textinputoutput
        Title: email-export-test-1, Slug: email-export-test-1-2
Latest published model which allows backend access:
        Title: TextInputOutput, Slug: textinputoutput

Parameters and outputs of latest published model which allows backend access:
        Id: 11d2e52d-11b4-4955-9803-4d3c301fbf23, Name: Text file URL, Type: String
        Id: ed45c461-1ac8-4665-a7c0-50e724311a61, Name: Text file, Type: File
        Id: 0adf1b1c-c6f3-42df-ac2c-f636155b9c83, Name: Text (up to 10k chars), Type: String
        Id: 2ee2872a-e6ce-437c-b923-20f01b2f8024, Name: Extension, Type: StringList
        Id: aff3ba11-427d-48ca-b4e0-387e0c230cf5, Name: End of Line, Type: StringList
        Id: bf60cf5e-038d-44d5-9677-94115a30d814, Name: Filename, Type: String
        Id: 629e9b25-d179-4823-b88c-cefddadd5eae, Name: Encoding, Type: StringList
        Id: 6313b6247eb91dfd1583d6be25d189d9, Name: Tag, Uid: e06e85d9-1aa7-4e62-b1ab-375425797f06
        Id: 9e41ab6cf4536ccef8ef99478f70ec05, Name: Text output, Uid: bb341a14-4bd2-4b4c-94cc-6519c1581a63
Binary glTF files available:

This command shows how to query models according to some filter criteria, and download the corresponding Grasshopper models. It can be used to export models from your account on the ShapeDiver platform. The command also writes a csv file containing basic information about the exported models.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe help export-models
Copyright ©  2024

  -u, --userid           Filter models owned by the given user id, instead of your own

  -b, --backendsystem    Filter models by backend system

  -d, --download         Download models

  --deleted              Include deleted models

  -k, --key_id           ShapeDiver access key id (browser based authentication will be used if not

  -s, --key_secret       ShapeDiver access key secret

  --help                 Display this help screen.

  --version              Display version information.

Command get-model

This command shows how to get information about a model from the Platform Backend API. The given model identifier can be slug (URL to the model), model id, geometry backend model id, or ticket.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe help get-model
Copyright ©  2024

  -i, --identifier    Identifier of the model (slug, model id, geometry backend model id, or ticket)

  -e, --embed         Request all available embed fields

  -j, --json          Output JSON instead of text

  -k, --key_id        ShapeDiver access key id (browser based authentication will be used if not specified)

  -s, --key_secret    ShapeDiver access key secret

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe get-model
Model identifier (slug, model id, geometry backend model id):
Get model information...

Model id (platform): 97aa9a17-c86f-408e-bb77-5bb10508a319
Title: Bookshelf, exportable
Slug: bookshelf-exportable
Description: A bookshelf design making use of a reciprocal connection detail, exportable as DWG, DXF, 3DM, STEP, STL.
Visibility: Public
VisibilityNominal: Public
Status: Done
Created at: 1667589854
Updated at: 1681404039
Embedding enabled: False
Private link sharing slug:
Backend access enabled: False
JWT required: False

C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe get-model -i bookshelf-exportable -e
Get model information...

Model id (platform): 97aa9a17-c86f-408e-bb77-5bb10508a319
Title: Bookshelf, exportable
Slug: bookshelf-exportable
Description: A bookshelf design making use of a reciprocal connection detail, exportable as DWG, DXF, 3DM, STEP, STL.
Visibility: Public
VisibilityNominal: Public
Status: Done
Created at: 1667589854
Updated at: 1681404039
Embedding enabled: False
Private link sharing slug:
Backend access enabled: False
JWT required: False

Get extended model information...

Geometry backend properties:
  "stat": "confirmed",
  "msg": null,
  "settings": {
    "compute": {
      "deny_script": null,
      "ftype": "ghx",
      "initial_warmup": false,
      "max_comp_time": 30000,
      "max_export_size": 536870912,
      "max_idle_minutes": 30,
      "max_model_size": 536870912,
      "max_output_size": 536870912,
      "max_texture_size": 16777216,
      "max_wait_time": 0,
      "num_loaded_max": 6,
      "num_loaded_min": 2,
      "num_preloaded_min": 0,
      "session_rate_limit": null,
      "trust": "full"
    "ticket": {
      "pub": false,
      "accessdomains": [
      "backendaccess": false
    "token": {
      "auth_groups": null,
      "require_iframe": false,
      "require_token": false

Geometry backend system:
        Alias: sdr7euc1
        Model view URL:
        Description: Rhino 7, shared Geometry Backend

Bookmark: False


User properties:
  "id": "f0a20eea-cccd-11eb-9aaa-0e98d64d1685",
  "username": "Alex Schiftner @ShapeDiver",
  "avatar_url": "",
  "slug": "alexatshapediver-com",
  "first_name": "Alexander",
  "last_name": "Schiftner",
  "visibility": "public",
  "visibility_nominal": "public",
  "policies_granted": null,
  "policies_denied": null,
  "permissions": null,
  "policies_denied_context": null

Command list-models

This command shows how to list ShapeDiver models using the Platform Backend API.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe help list-models
Copyright ©  2024

  -u, --user          Filter models owned by you

  -l, --limit         Limit for the number of models to list, defaults to 10

  -o, --offset        Offset for continuing query

  -v, --visibility    Visibility of the model, one of "private", "organization", "shared", or "public"

  -q, --search        Search string, used for searching models by slug, title, and model view URL

  -k, --key_id        ShapeDiver access key id (browser based authentication will be used if not specified)

  -s, --key_secret    ShapeDiver access key secret

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe list-models -v public -q shelf
984b57f9-1162-401d-aff7-f1795bbda329;youtube-shelf-outputs;YouTube Shelf Outputs
97f6b6db-c025-4da0-b0c2-52c96588e626;shelf-youtube-exports;YouTube Shelf Exports
97ea2903-d18f-4f26-9765-a671d3f36c6c;shelf-youtube;YouTube Shelf
97aa9a17-c86f-408e-bb77-5bb10508a319;bookshelf-exportable;Bookshelf, exportable
Offset for continuing query: Hy2M+4WGkjt0y0ay31r+nw==

Fetch, display and export data from the log of computations of a ShapeDiver model. Geometry Backend API - Get model computation statistics.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe model-computation-stats --help
Copyright ©  2024

  -i, --identifier    Identifier of the model (slug, model id, geometry backend model id, or ticket)

  -d, --days          Number of past days to inspect computation stats for

  -k, --key_id        ShapeDiver access key id (browser based authentication will be used if not specified)

  -s, --key_secret    ShapeDiver access key secret

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe model-computation-stats -i -d 2
Get model information...
Fetch computations from log between 20240109114111105 and 20240111114111105 ...
20240111113751950 - 20240111104536290: 74 computations
20240111104511320 - 20240111101730704: 77 computations
20240109125814710 - 20240109121308124: 74 computations
20240109121204492 - 20240109110800916: 74 computations

Exported information about 324 components sorted by decreasing average computation time to components-stats--{SUPPRESSED}--20240111113751950.csv.

Exported stats of 3593 successful computations to components-stats--{SUPPRESSED}--20240111113751950.csv.

Exported stats of 268 successful exports to exports-stats--{SUPPRESSED}--20240111113751950.csv.

Exported stats of 2 failed computations and exports to failed-stats--{SUPPRESSED}--20240111113751950.csv.

Exported stats of all computations to computations-stats--{SUPPRESSED}--20240111113751950.json.

Summary statistics of successful computations:
Milliseconds used by Grasshopper solver (time_solver) - Min,Avg,Mag: 31,5803,35577 - p01,p05,p10,p25,p50,p75,p90,p95,p99: 46,109,1813,3051,6071,7479,9653,11687,15579
Milliseconds used to collect data after solution (time_solver_collect) - Min,Avg,Mag: 0,363,70139 - p01,p05,p10,p25,p50,p75,p90,p95,p99: 0,0,0,31,77,532,720,930,3912
Milliseconds used to store data (time_storage) - Min,Avg,Mag: 0,484,31963 - p01,p05,p10,p25,p50,p75,p90,p95,p99: 0,0,0,155,203,359,484,1126,6280
Milliseconds used to process the request (time_processing) - Min,Avg,Mag: 80,6793,107566 - p01,p05,p10,p25,p50,p75,p90,p95,p99: 179,940,2274,3794,6624,8457,10911,13480,22218
Milliseconds the request waited before being processed (time_wait) - Min,Avg,Mag: 5,96,9966 - p01,p05,p10,p25,p50,p75,p90,p95,p99: 8,9,10,11,14,18,26,37,3829
Milliseconds used to answer the request (time_completion) - Min,Avg,Mag: 95,6889,107576 - p01,p05,p10,p25,p50,p75,p90,p95,p99: 195,951,2300,3841,6675,8564,11259,13830,22410
Size of resulting data in bytes (size_assets) - Min,Avg,Mag: 0,2544323,160774684 - p01,p05,p10,p25,p50,p75,p90,p95,p99: 0,0,0,520052,871936,1987512,2586160,2827340,70641924

Command text-io-demo

This command shows how to use the SDK for ShapeDiver models that support the input and output of text. The input and output strings can be large, up to the limit defined by your ShapeDiver subscription. Please upload the corresponding Grasshopper model using your ShapeDiver account for testing. You will need a backend ticket and the Model view URL of your model, both available on the Developers tab when viewing your model on the ShapeDiver Platform.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe help text-io-demo
Copyright ©  2024

  -t, --backend_ticket

  -u, --model_view_url

  -i, --input_file

  -o, --output_file

  --help                  Display this help screen.

  --version               Display version information.

Example (interactive input of options)

C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe text-io-demo
Enter backend ticket: 176129440dedba57391786b24ec2374e176c976a8939c5d9a4771270753653a447a1603dcac3e1e1f4b5a86571b686b3c162e032ca6c6f767926f2ecf7cbb27f8824e20d96f3d82d8c3514a61a96c4f0d95c59c3c2803ad8e531f51979123a6d660d97284d2f5ea54f13fe94fac2d47240cc208e20b23ee3-f94c0d435e8c61736cc3832e93273cae
Enter model view URL:
Input file name: TextInputOutput_200k.txt
Creating session ... done (739ms)
Uploading input data ... done (506ms)
Computing ... done (764ms)
Downloading and saving results to export.txt ...done (179ms)
Closing session ...done (77ms)

Example (command line input of options)

C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe text-io-demo ^
  --backend_ticket 176129440dedba57391786b24ec2374e176c976a8939c5d9a4771270753653a447a1603dcac3e1e1f4b5a86571b686b3c162e032ca6c6f767926f2ecf7cbb27f8824e20d96f3d82d8c3514a61a96c4f0d95c59c3c2803ad8e531f51979123a6d660d97284d2f5ea54f13fe94fac2d47240cc208e20b23ee3-f94c0d435e8c61736cc3832e93273cae ^
  --model_view_url ^
  --input_file TextInputOutput_200k.txt
Creating session ... done (739ms)
Uploading input data ... done (506ms)
Computing ... done (764ms)
Downloading and saving results to export.txt ...done (179ms)
Closing session ...done (77ms)

This command shows how to use the SDK for batch computations using ShapeDiver models. The examples uses a model that supports the input and output of text. The input and output strings can be large, up to the limit defined by your ShapeDiver subscription. Please upload the corresponding Grasshopper model using your ShapeDiver account for testing. You will need a backend ticket and the Model view URL of your model, both available on the Developers tab when viewing your model on the ShapeDiver Platform.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe help text-io-batch-demo
Copyright ©  2024

  -t, --backend_ticket    Provide backend_ticket AND model_view_url, OR an identifier

  -u, --model_view_url    Provide backend_ticket AND model_view_url, OR an identifier

  -m, --model             Identifier for the model (slug, url or id). Provide and identifier, OR backend_ticket AND
                          model_view_url. When using an identifier, also specify key_id and key_secret or use browser based

  -i, --input_dir         Path to the directory to read input data from

  -o, --output_dir        Path to the directory to write output data to

  -k, --key_id            ShapeDiver access key id (browser based authentication will be used if not specified)

  -s, --key_secret        ShapeDiver access key secret

  --help                  Display this help screen.

  --version               Display version information.

Example (command line input of options, using backend ticket and model view URL)

C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe text-io-batch-demo ^
  --backend_ticket 176129440dedba57391786b24ec2374e176c976a8939cd9a4771270753653a447a1603dcac3e1e1f4b5a86571b686b3c162e032ca6c6f767926f2ecf7cbb27f8824e20d96f3d82d8c3514a61a96c4f0d95c59c3c2803ad8e531f51979123a6d660d97284d2f5ea54f13fe94fac2d47240cc208e20b23ee3-f94c0d435e8c61736cc3832e93273cae ^
  --model_view_url ^
  --input_dir ../../text-io-batch-demo/in
  --output_dir ../../text-io-batch-demo/out
Creating session ... done (1042ms)
Done/Failed/Total: 1 (0.1 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 693ms | Avg parallelism: 0.90
Done/Failed/Total: 2 (0.3 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 721ms | Avg parallelism: 1.73
Done/Failed/Total: 3 (0.4 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 747ms | Avg parallelism: 2.55
Done/Failed/Total: 4 (0.6 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 772ms | Avg parallelism: 3.33
Done/Failed/Total: 5 (0.7 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 801ms | Avg parallelism: 3.98
Done/Failed/Total: 6 (0.9 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 841ms | Avg parallelism: 4.52
Done/Failed/Total: 7 (1.0 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 872ms | Avg parallelism: 5.32
Done/Failed/Total: 8 (1.1 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 903ms | Avg parallelism: 5.96
Done/Failed/Total: 9 (1.3 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 933ms | Avg parallelism: 6.66
Done/Failed/Total: 10 (1.4 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 959ms | Avg parallelism: 7.50


Done/Failed/Total: 690 (99.1 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 1212ms | Avg parallelism: 9.67
Done/Failed/Total: 691 (99.3 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 1212ms | Avg parallelism: 9.67
Done/Failed/Total: 692 (99.4 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 1212ms | Avg parallelism: 9.65
Done/Failed/Total: 693 (99.6 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 1212ms | Avg parallelism: 9.65
Done/Failed/Total: 694 (99.7 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 1211ms | Avg parallelism: 9.65
Done/Failed/Total: 695 (99.9 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 1211ms | Avg parallelism: 9.65
Done/Failed/Total: 696 (100.0 %) / 0 / 696 | Avg time: 1211ms | Avg parallelism: 9.65
Closing session ...done (88436ms)

Example (command line input of options, using model identifier)

C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe text-io-batch-demo ^
  --model textinputoutput-sddev2 ^
  --input_dir ../../data/text-io-batch-demo/in ^
  --output_dir ../../data/text-io-batch-demo/out
Creating session ... done.
Done/Failed/Total: 1 (4.2 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 701ms | Avg parallelism: 1.00
Done/Failed/Total: 2 (8.3 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 734ms | Avg parallelism: 1.83
Done/Failed/Total: 3 (12.5 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 759ms | Avg parallelism: 2.69
Done/Failed/Total: 4 (16.7 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 798ms | Avg parallelism: 3.34
Done/Failed/Total: 5 (20.8 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 833ms | Avg parallelism: 4.11
Done/Failed/Total: 6 (25.0 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 869ms | Avg parallelism: 4.79
Done/Failed/Total: 7 (29.2 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 896ms | Avg parallelism: 5.71
Done/Failed/Total: 8 (33.3 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 927ms | Avg parallelism: 6.29
Done/Failed/Total: 9 (37.5 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 960ms | Avg parallelism: 6.81
Done/Failed/Total: 10 (41.7 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 996ms | Avg parallelism: 7.33
Done/Failed/Total: 11 (45.8 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 993ms | Avg parallelism: 6.57
Done/Failed/Total: 12 (50.0 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 991ms | Avg parallelism: 6.53
Done/Failed/Total: 13 (54.2 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 982ms | Avg parallelism: 6.75
Done/Failed/Total: 14 (58.3 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 992ms | Avg parallelism: 7.20
Done/Failed/Total: 15 (62.5 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 985ms | Avg parallelism: 7.50
Done/Failed/Total: 16 (66.7 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 990ms | Avg parallelism: 7.82
Done/Failed/Total: 17 (70.8 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 984ms | Avg parallelism: 8.11
Done/Failed/Total: 18 (75.0 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 986ms | Avg parallelism: 8.35
Done/Failed/Total: 19 (79.2 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 984ms | Avg parallelism: 8.43
Done/Failed/Total: 20 (83.3 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 984ms | Avg parallelism: 8.44
Done/Failed/Total: 21 (87.5 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 974ms | Avg parallelism: 8.41
Done/Failed/Total: 22 (91.7 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 955ms | Avg parallelism: 8.42
Done/Failed/Total: 23 (95.8 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 943ms | Avg parallelism: 8.64
Done/Failed/Total: 24 (100.0 %) / 0 / 24 | Avg time: 933ms | Avg parallelism: 8.65
Closing session ...done
Total processing time: 22398ms
Elapsed time: 2646ms

This command shows how to upload and publish a Grasshopper model to ShapeDiver.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe help upload-model
Copyright ©  2024

  -f, --filename      Required. Path to Grasshopper model (.gh or .ghx)

  -t, --title         Title of the model on the ShapeDiver Platform

  -k, --key_id        ShapeDiver access key id (browser based authentication will be used if not specified)

  -s, --key_secret    ShapeDiver access key secret

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.


C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe upload-model -f ARRS_improved_materials_R6.ghx
Starting model upload and check, please wait...
Model upload and check completed.

(Model opens in browser)

C:\Users\...\DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp\bin\Debug>DotNetSdkSampleConsoleApp.exe upload-model-verbose -f ARRS_improved_materials_R6.ghx
Create model...
Upload model...
Waiting for model check to start...
Waiting for model check to start...
Maximum allowed computation time: 30 seconds
Waiting for model check to finish...
Publishing confirmed model...

(Model opens in browser)