Open Source Family Shopping List
- Use Linux or OS X (check known issues section)
- Install node.js 0.6.0 or greater (Choose one of the options below)
- Parkage management Installtion:
- Download from
- Install mongodb 2.0.7
- Get it from
- Extract the compressed file in any location of you choice
- Install all the needed modules
- In the terminal, change directory to the root location of the application
- Type: npm install (all the needed modules will be resolved from the package.json file)
- Start the mongodb demon
- In another terminal, change directory to bin directory of your extracted mongodb database
- Start the demon with ./mongod
- You can connect to the server from another terminal using ./mongo
- Start the server with "node server.js" using the terminal created in step 3
- Browse to http://localhost:8080
- mongodb module will not install on Windows due to the inability to compile bson. This is an issue with the bson module and not npm or this application.