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Swift package for reading and caching data from MBTile databases.


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Swift package for reading and caching data from MBTile databases.


Work in progress, including documentation.


// Logger is part of the swift-log packacge and is an optional parameter for
// the swift-mbtiles classes described below

let logger = Logger(label: "org.example.mbtiles")
logger.logLevel = .info

let tiles_resolver = TileResolver()

let root = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
let tiles_collection = MBTilesCollection(root: root, logger: logger)
let tiles_pool = MBTilesDatabasePool(logger: logger)
let tiles_reader = MBTilesReader(resolver: tiles_resolver, logger: logger)
let tiles_cache = MBTilesCache(db_pool: tiles_pool, db_reader: tiles_reader, resolver: tiles_resolver, throttle: 10, logger: logger)

An attempt has been made to create small and discrete classes that only do a finite set of tasks. They are:

  • MBTilesCollection This class manages a set of MBTiles database contained in a parent directory.
  • MBTilesDatabasePool This class manages database connections to one or more MBTiles (SQLite) databases.
  • MBTilesReader This class manages queries of and reading data from an MBTiles (SQLite) database.
  • MBTilesCache This class manages a caching layer for tile requests. Interface-wise it's a bit of a mess; this is discussed more below.

Some of these classes suffer, in a technical sense, from "leaky abstractions". That's not ideal but in the interest of "getting things done" they are understood as acceptable compromises until such a time as they are not.

Under the hood this package is using stephencelis/SQLite.swift for database access. The (SQLite) database layer has not been abstracted behind a single class (MBTilesDatabasePool). The different swift-mbtiles classes pass each other SQLite instances. This is one of those places where, in time, we might be able to develop a higer level abstraction for MBTiles-related tasks but, as of this writing, it's still too soon for that.

There is also a branch that uses FMDB but it contains a crashing bug that I haven't been able to debug (taking in to account all the things that the documentation says to do).

Did you notice the instatiation of the TileResolver() class above? This is code that you will need to implement and that conforms to the MBTilesResolver protocol below. This is code used to resolve a URL in to MBTile database specifics like the name of the database and Z, X, Y coordinates.

Once all of these classes have been instantiated you can precache the tiles in your MBTiles databases like this: .background).async {
	let db_rsp = tiles_collection.Databases()
	var database_urls = Array<URL>()
	switch db_rsp {
	case .failure(let error):
		// handle error here
	case .success(let urls):
		database_urls = urls
	let cache_rsp = tiles_cache.PrecacheTileData(databases: database_urls)
	if case .failure(let error) = cache_rsp {
		// handle error here

And then later on in your code when a tile is requested we check to see if we have a cached version:

if let _ = tiles_cache.missing.object(forKey: tile_path as NSString) {
	return .failure(Errors.missingTileError)
if let tile_data = tiles_cache.cache.object(forKey: tile_path as NSString) {
	return .success(tile_data as String)

See the way we're calling tiles_cache.missing.object and tiles_cache.cache.object ? These are not ideal interfaces for dealing with tile caching. What's really needed is an interface for tiles that sits on top of a generic interface for caching and there hasn't been the luxury of time to figure that out yet. It is definitely an area for improvement.

Assuming there isn't a cached version (and we don't know that the tile is missing) the tile data would be retrieved like this:

let tile_path = "tiles/example/10/12/345.png"

var tile: MBTile
let tile_rsp = tiles_resolver.MBTileFromPath(path: tile_path)
switch tile_rsp {
case .failure(let error):
	// handle error here
case .success(let t):
	tile = t
let db_path = tiles_collection.DatabasePathFromTile(tile: tile)
let data_rsp = tiles_reader.ReadTileAsDataURL(db_pool: tiles_pool, db_path: db_path, tile: tile)
switch data_rsp {
case .failure(let error):
	// handle error here				
case .success(let tile_data):
	tiles_cache.cache.setObject(NSString(string: tile_data), forKey:NSString(string: tile_path))
	// do something with tile data here


public protocol MBTilesResolver {
    func PrefixFromPath(path: String) -> Result<String, Error>
    func MBTileFromPath(path: String) -> Result<MBTile, Error>
    func PathFromMBTile(tile: MBTile) -> Result<String, Error>

See also


Swift package for reading and caching data from MBTile databases.








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