CURrent TIME'32 console utility
FREEWARE (C) 2004-2006 Sergey Kulik aka Saboteur
Contact author: [email protected]
Purpose and usage:
Utility print all arguments to the standard output
Many years ago there were no suitable ools for windows that could produce formatted date/time output like Unix/Linux "date".
So it is my alternative with some useful features. Should work in any win32 system.
This program was based on my curtime (dos-16), and the following major features were fixed
- No issues with long file names
- No command line lenght limitation
- Only win32 api uses, so no dos-machine routines
See curtime32 /help to find all substututions.
- You can use
$+XX and $ -XX to set relative utput date, also you can use timestamp
- There are english and russian names for weekdays and months.
- Formatted output could be evaluated (executed) with "/exec" option
You can download source package with compiled binaries for curtime32 and 16-bit curtime.
Detailed help:
curtime32 /help
$ curtime32 "$y/$M/$d process started"
21/03/29 process started
$ curtime32 "Today is $w and tomorrow $+24h will be $W"
Today is Mon and tomorrow will be Tuesday
$ curtime32 "zip a $y$M$ file.log" /exec
Executing: [zip a file.log]
$ echo "$h-$m-$s" | curtime32