The two key components of computational molecular design are virtually generating molecules and predicting the properties of these generated molecules. This study focuses on an effective method for virtual molecular generation through virtual synthesis and global optimization of a given objective function. By using a pre-trained graph neural network (GNN) objective function to approximate the docking energies of compounds for four target receptors, we were able to generate highly optimized compounds with 300-400 times less computational effort compared to virtual compound library screening. These optimized compounds have similar synthesizability to drug-like molecules in commercial libraries, and their diversity and novelty are comparable to known binders with high potency. This method, called CSearch, can be effectively utilized to generate chemicals optimized for an appropriate objective function. Even with the GNN function approximating docking energies, CSearch could generate molecules with predicted binding poses to the target receptors similar to known inhibitors, demonstrating its effectiveness in generating drug-like binders.
drug-like molecular generation via pre-trained docking score optimization
Please clone the CSearch git repository by
git clone
After cloning the repository of CSearch, install conda environment by
conda env create -f environment.yml
The target protein to optimize docking energy. "6M0K" for MPro, "5P9H" for BTK, "4MKC" for ALK, and "3TI5" for H1N1 NA
The initial bank to start CSearch. Formatted with "data/Initial_bank_PDBID_drugspace.smi" or "data/Initial_bank_PDBID_drugbank.smi"
The size of the bank. Default value is 60.
The fragment set SMILES file for virtual synthesis.
The number of the seed molecules that used in virtual synthesis at first cycle. Default value is 6.
The number of the seed cycle. Default value is 2.
The option of tracking the origin of generated molecules by fragments during CSearch optimization or not.
The option of filtering generated molecule by lipinski rule of 5 or not.
The index for parallel implement. Default value is 0.
Number of the step that Rcut approaches to the Rmin. Default value is 20.
Number of the max iterations. Default value is 50.
The ratio of Rmin compare to Rcut_initial. Default value is 5(means 1/5).
python -p 6M0K -i data/Initial_bank_6M0K_drugspace.smi -b data/Enamine_Fragment_Collection_single.smi
The results would be saved in Result/6M0K/DATE/Bank60_seed6_sc2_mx50_nst20_pace_5_0