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Releases: semgrep/semgrep

Release v1.75.0

03 Jun 14:35
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1.75.0 - 2024-06-03


  • Pro: Semgrep can now track taint through tuple/list (un)packing intra-procedurally
    (i.e., within a single function). For example:

    t = ["ok", "taint"]
    x, y = t
    sink(x) # OK, no finding
    sink(y) # tainted, finding
    ``` (code-6935)
  • Optional type matching is supported in the Pro engine for Python. For example,
    in Python, Optional[str], str | None, and Union[str, None] represent the
    same type but in different type expressions. The optional type match support
    enables matching between these expressions, allowing any optional type
    expression to match any other optional type expression when used with
    metavariable-type filtering. It's important to note that syntactic pattern
    matching still distinguishes between these types. (code-6939)

  • Add support for pnpm v9 (pnpm)

  • Added a new rule option decorators_order_matters, which allows users to make decorators/ non-keyword attributes matching stricter. The default matching for attributes is order-agnostic, but if this rule option is set to true, non-keyword attributes (e.g. decorators in Python) will be matched in order, while keyword attributes (e.g. static, inline, etc) are not affected.

    An example usage will be a rule to detect any decorator that is outside of the route() decorator in Flask, since any decorator outside of the route() decorator takes no effect.

    bad: another.func() takes no effect

    def f():

    ok: route() is the outermost decorator

    def f():
    pass (saf-435)


  • Pro: taint-mode: Fixed issue causing findings to be missed (false negatives)
    when a global or class field was tainted, and then used in a sink after two
    or more function calls.

    For example:

    class Test {
        string bad;
        void test() {
            bad = "taint";
        void foo() {
        void bar() {
            sink(bad); // finding no longer missed
    } (saf-1059)
  • [Mostly applicable to Pro Engine] Typed metavariables will now match against the inferred type of a binding even if a constant is propagated for that binding, if we are unable to infer a type from the constant. Previously, we would simply fail to match in this case. (saf-1060)

  • Removed the URLs at the end of the log when semgrep ci --dryrun is ran because dry run doesn't interact with the app so the URLs don't make sense. (saf-924)

Release v1.74.0

23 May 17:29
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1.74.0 - 2024-05-23


  • One part of interfile tainting was missing a constant propagation phase, which causes semgrep to miss some true positives in some cases during interfile analysis.

    This fix adds the missing constant propagation. (saf-1032)

  • Semgrep now matches YAML tags (e.g. !number in !number 42) correctly rather
    than ignoring them. (saf-1046)

  • Upgraded Semgrep's Dockerfile parser. This brings in various
    fixes from

    including minimal support for heredoc templates, support for variables in keys
    of LABEL instructions, support for multiple parameters for ADD and COPY
    instructions, tolerance for blanks after the backslash of a line continuation.
    As a result of supporting variables in LABEL keys, the multiple key/value
    pairs found in LABEL instructions are now treated as if they each had they own
    LABEL instruction. It allows a pattern LABEL a=b to match LABEL a=b c=d
    without the need for an ellipsis (LABEL a=b ...). Another consequence is
    that the pattern LABEL a=b c=d can no longer match LABEL c=d a=b but it
    will match a LABEL a=b instruction immediately followed by a separate
    LABEL c=d. (upgrade-dockerfile-parser)

Release v1.73.0

16 May 10:43
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1.73.0 - 2024-05-16


  • Added new AWS validator syntax for Secrets (scrt-278)


  • Fix couldn't find metavar $MT in the match results error, which may occur
    when we capture FQN with the metavariable and use metavariable-type filter on
    it. (code-7042)
  • Fixes the crash (during scan) caused by improper handling of unicode characters present in the source code. (gh-8421)
  • [Pro Engine Only] Tainted values are now tracked through instantiation of React functional components via JSX. (jsx-taint)

Release v1.72.0

08 May 19:55
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1.72.0 - 2024-05-08


  • Dockerfile support: Avoid a silent parsing error that was possibly accompanied
    with a segfault when parsing Dockerfiles that lack a trailing newline
    character. (gh-10084)

  • Fixed bug that was preventing the use of metavariable-pattern with
    the aliengrep engine of the generic mode. (gh-10222)

  • Added support for function declarations on object literals in the dataflow analysis.

    For example, previously taint rules would not have matched the
    following javascript code but now would.

    let tainted = source()
    let o = {
        someFuncDecl(x) {
    ``` (saf-1001)
  • Osemgrep only:

    When rules have metavariable-type, they don't show up in the SARIF output. This change fixes that.

    Also right now dataflow traces are always shown in SARIF even when --dataflow-traces is not passed. This change also fixes that. (saf-1020)

  • Fixed bug in rule parsing preventing patternless SCA rules from being validated. (saf-1030)

Release v1.71.0

03 May 17:14
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1.71.0 - 2024-05-03


  • Pro: const-prop: Previously inter-procedural const-prop could only infer whether
    a function returned an arbitrary string constant. Now it will be able to infer
    whether a function returns a concrete constant value, e.g.:

    def bar():
      return "bar"
    def test():
      x = bar()
      foo(x) # now also matches pattern `foo("bar")`, previously only `foo("...")`
    ``` (flow-61)
  • Python: const-prop: Semgrep will now recognize "..." * N expression as arbitrary
    constant string literals (thus matching the pattern "..."). (flow-75)


  • The --beta-testing-secrets-enabled option, deprecated for several months, is now removed. Use --secrets as its replacement. (gh-9987)


  • When using semgrep --test --json, we now report in the
    config_missing_fixtests field in the JSON output not just rule files
    containing a fix: without a corresponding ".fixed" test file; we now also
    report rule files using a fix-regex: but without a corresponding a
    .fixed test file, and the fix: or fix-regex: can be in
    any rule in the file (not just the first rule). (fixtest)

  • Fixes matching for go struct field tags metadata.

    For example given the program:

    type Rectangle struct {
        Top    int `json:"top"`
        Left   int `json:"left"`
        Width  int `json:"width"`
        Height int `json:"height"`

    The pattern,

    type Rectangle struct {
        $NAME $TYPE $TAGS

    will now match each field and the $TAGS metavariable will be
    bound when used in susequent patterns. (saf-949)

  • Matching: Patterns of statements ending in ellipsis metavariables, such as

    x = 1

    will now properly extend the match range to accommodate whatever is captured by
    the ellipsis metavariable ($...STMTS). (saf-961)

  • The SARIF output format should have the tag "security" when the "cwe"
    section is present in the rule. Moreover, duplicate tags should be

    Osemgrep wasn't doing this before, but with this fix, now it does. (saf-991)

  • Fixed bug in mix.lock parser where it was possible to fail on a python None error. Added handler for arbitrary exceptions during lockfile parsing. (sc-1466)

  • Moved --historical-secrets to the "Pro Engine" option group, instead of
    "Output formats", where it was previously (in error). (scrt-570)

Release v1.70.0

24 Apr 18:29
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1.70.0 - 2024-04-24


  • Added guidance for resolving API token issues in CI environments. (gh-10133)

  • The osemgrep show command supports 2 new options: dump-ast dump-pattern.
    See osemgrep show --help for more information. (osemgrep_show)

  • Added additional output flags which allow you to write output to multiple files in multiple formats.

    For example, the comand semgrep ci --text --json-output=result.json --sarif-output=result.sarif.json
    Displays text output on stdout, writes the output that would be generated by passing the --json flag
    to result.json, and writes the output that would be generated by passing the --sarif to result.sarif.json. (saf-341)

  • Added an experimental feature for users to use osemgrep to format
    SARIF output.

    When both the flags --sarif and --use-osemgrep-sarif are specified,
    semgrep will use the ocaml implementation to format SARIF.

    This flag is experimental and can be removed any time. Users must not
    rely on it being available. (saf-978)


  • The main regex engine is now PCRE2 (was PCRE). While the syntax is mostly
    compatible, there are some minor instances where updates to rules may be
    needed, since PCRE2 is slightly more strict in some cases. For example, while
    we previously accepted [\w-.], such a pattern would now need to be written
    [\w.-] or [\w\-.] since PCRE2 rejects the first as having an invalid range. (scrt-467)


  • Semgrep LS now waits longer for users to login (gh-10109)

  • When semgrep ci finishes scanning and uploads findings, it tells the
    app to mark the scan as completed.

    For large findings, this may take a while and marking the scan as
    completed may timeout. When a scan is not marked as completed, the app
    may show that the repo is still processing, and confuses the user.

    This change increases the timeout (previously 20 minutes) to 30
    minutes. (saf-980)

  • Fix semgrep ci --oss-only when secrets product is enabled. (scrt-223)

Release v1.69.0

16 Apr 01:58
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1.69.0 - 2024-04-16


  • Tracing: remove support for SEMGREP_OTEL_ENDPOINT and replace with --trace-endpoint <url>.
    This change is for an internal feature for debugging performance. (saf-885)


  • Passing --debug to Semgrep will not print much, unless a set of tags is specified
    via LOG_TAGS. You can get all debug logs with LOG_TAGS=everything. We do not
    want --debug's output to be enourmous, as it tends not to be useful and yet cause
    some problems. Note that --debug is mainly intended for Semgrep developers, please
    ask for help if needed. (gh-10044)
    • The environment variables used to select the debug-level log messages
      are now prefixed with SEMGREP_ (or PYTEST_SEMGREP_) to avoid namespace
      pollution and undesired cross-application side effects.
      The supported environment variables are now SEMGREP_LOG_TAGS
      and PYTEST_SEMGREP_LOG_TAGS. (gh-10087)
  • The implicit tag to show all debug-level log messages changes from
    everything to all. All debug-level messages shown by default are
    now tagged and selectable with a default tag. (gh-10089)


  • In generic mode (default, spacegrep engine), matching a pattern that
    ends with an ellipsis now favors the longest match rather than the shortest
    match when multiple matches are possible. For example, for a given target
    program a a b, the pattern a ... b will match a b as before but
    the pattern a ... will now match the longer a a b rather than a b. (gh-10039)
  • Fixed the inter-file diff scan issue where the removal of pre-existing findings
    didn't work properly when adding a new file or renaming an existing file. (saf-897)

Release v1.68.0

09 Apr 00:19
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1.68.0 - 2024-04-08


  • Scan un-changed lockfiles in diff-aware scans (gh-9899)
  • Languages: Added the QL language (used by CodeQL) to Semgrep (saf-947)
  • SwiftPM parser will now report package url and reference. (sc-1218)
  • Add support for Elixir (Mix) SCA parsing for pro engine users. (sc-1303)


  • Output for sarif format includes dataflow traces. (gh-10004)
  • The environment variable LOG_LEVEL (as well as PYTEST_LOG_LEVEL) is
    no longer consulted by Semgrep to determine the log level. Only
    consulted in the current implementation but should not be used outside of
    Semgrep's Pytest tests. This is to avoid accidentally affecting Semgrep
    when inheriting the LOG_LEVEL destined to another application. (gh-10044)
  • Fixed swiftpm parser to no longer limit the amount of found packages in manifest file. (sc-1364)
  • Fixed incorrect ecosystem being used for Elixir. Hex should be used instead of Mix. (sc-elixir)
  • Fixed the match_based_ids of lockfile-only findings to differentiate between findings in cases where one rule produces multiple findings in one lockfile (sca-mid)
  • Secrets historical scans: fixed a bug where historical scans could run on differential scans. (scrt-545)

Release v1.67.0

28 Mar 19:42
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1.67.0 - 2024-03-28


  • --historical-secrets flag for running Semgrep Secrets regex rules on git
    history (requires Semgrep Secrets). This flag is not yet implemented for
    --experimental. (scrt-531)


  • Files with the .phtml extension are now treated as PHP files. (gh-10009)

  • [IMPORTANT] Logged in users running semgrep ci will now run the pro engine by default! All semgrep ci scans will run with our proprietary languages (Apex and Elixir), as well as cross-function taint within a single file, and other single file pro optimizations we have developed. This is equivalent to semgrep ci --pro-intrafile. Users will likely see improved results if they are running semgrep ci and did not already have additional configuration to enable pro analysis.

    The current default engine does not include cross-file analysis. To scan with cross-file analysis, turn on the app toggle or pass in the flag --pro. We recommend this unless you have very large repos (talk to our support to get help enabling cross-file analysis on monorepos!)

    To revert back to our OSS analysis, pass the flag --oss-only (or use --pro-languages to continue to receive our proprietary languages).

    Reminder: because we release first to our canary image, this change will only immediately affect you if you are using semgrep/semgrep:canary. If you are using semgrep/semgrep:latest, it will affect you when we bump canary to latest. (saf-845)


  • Fixed a parsing error in Kotlin when there's a newline between the class name and the primary constructor.

    This could not parse before

    class C

    because of the newline between the class name and the constructor.

    Now it's fixed. (saf-899)

Release v1.66.2

26 Mar 23:47
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1.66.2 - 2024-03-26


  • osemgrep now respects HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY when making network requests (cdx-253)


  • [IMPORTANT] The public rollout of inter-file differential scanning has been
    temporarily reverted for further polishing of the feature. We will reintroduce
    it in a later version. (saf-268)


  • Autofix on variable definitions should now handle the semicolon
    in Java, C++, and C#. (saf-928)