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sync-with-PRO workflow #1848

sync-with-PRO workflow

sync-with-PRO workflow #1848

Workflow file for this run

name: check-submodule
# this file is copied from semgrep-proprietary's check-submodule.yaml
on: [pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout this repo
uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: true
- name: Check that Semgrep interfaces submodule points to main
uses: jtmullen/submodule-branch-check-action@v1
# See for
# docs
path: "cli/src/semgrep/semgrep_interfaces"
branch: "main"
# Allow the submodule to point to any commit that has made it into
# main, even if it's a commit on a separate branch that has since
# been merged in.
first_parent: false
# Don't fetch full history. We could remove this to do a full clone or
# increase the number if we start getting false positives, but our
# branches are usually short-lived so this is probably sufficient.
fetch_depth: "50"
# Pass if the PR in question doesn't modify the submodule, even if it
# would otherwise fail (i.e. if the submodule already points to
# something off of main, then don't bother people making unrelated
# changes).
pass_if_unchanged: true
# Don't check that the new commit is a descendent of the old commit.
# Otherwise, if the submodule already points to a different branch,
# this job would fail on the PR to return it to main. This way, the
# job will simply fail if the PR updates `semgrep-interfaces` to point
# to any non-`main` commit, and succeed otherwise.
disable_progression: true