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This app is a Angular Reddit-clone with Firebase as a backend solution, based on the following tutorial: & Firebase (

This version contains several improvements:

  • Update to new Firebase/AngularFire authentication method ($firebaseAuth instead of $firebaseSimpleLogin)
  • Custom bootstrap/bootswatch theme integration (LESS to CSS compile task in Grunt)
  • Autmatic dependency injection in unit tests (wiredep)



You need git to clone the repository. You can get it from

NodeJS & NPM

You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed.
You can get them from

Bower & Grunt:
npm install -g bower grunt


Clone this repository using [git][git]:
git clone
cd angularfirebasetutorial
Install the npm dependencies.
npm install
Install the bower dependencies.
bower install
Replace FIREBASE_URL constant in app.js with your Firebase URL.
.constant('FIREBASE_URL', 'place your URL here');
Run the app locally.
grunt serve
Run unit tests.
grunt test
Create a 'dist' folder for deploying to remote host.
grunt build
Optional: deploy to Firebase hosting service.
Install Firebase CLI.
npm install -g firebase-tools
Setup Firebase hosting.
firebase login
Deploy to Firebase hosting.
firebase deploy
Open webpage to your hosted app.
firebase open