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Installing EventStore

Sean Dobbs edited this page Mar 31, 2016 · 1 revision

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ES Tools Installation

To use the EventStore tool programs, first check out the source tree from <syntaxhighlight> svn ls </syntaxhighlight>

Note that these tools rely on the GlueX sim-recon package, since that contains the libraries used to read HDDM files.

Then follow these steps:

  1. Make sure BMS_OSNAME is set - it should be if you've set up the standard GlueX environment.
  2. Edit EventStore/setup.[c]sh to set EVENTSTORE_BASE (todo: set this automatically) and source the script
  3. These scripts require at least python 2.7. The standard version on the CUE is still python 2.6. A script for configuring python 2.7 on the CUE is given as EventStore/setup_python27_jlab.[c]sh
  4. Run EventStore/install_external_packages.csh . This downloads some external python packages from the web server, compiles, and installs them locally.


  • MySQL/SQLite
  • epydoc
  • fpconst (?)
  • pysqlite - need to port to built-in sqlite bindings (sqlite3)
  • MySQL-python (MySQLdb)
  • SOAPpy - subdeps: setuptools, wstools
For Metadata DB:
  • CherryPy
  • SQLAlchemy
  • elementtree/cElementTree
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