FBD, a set of script for downloading disc.gsfc.nasa.gov files using a list of URLs in a file.
This will download grib files to a directory named forcing_downloads
- Create a GES DISC account
- Approve GES as a NASA earth data application on urs.earthdata.nasa.gov. Instructions here
- Clone this repository
and enter your GES DISC Account information. All this is doing is creating files used by wget, see link for specifics.sudo make install
- To uninstall
sudo make uninstall
- To uninstall
Acquire a list of urls from disc.gsfc.nasa.gov, save these to a file.
fbd filename <number of simultatious downloads>
fbd test_urls.txt 8
- GNU Flavor
- To install on Mac OSX use homebrew with the following
brew install findutils
- To install on Mac OSX use homebrew with the following