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Towards Contrast-agnostic Soft Segmentation of the Spinal Cord


Official repository for contrast-agnostic spinal cord segmentation project using SoftSeg.

This repo contains all the code for data preprocessing, training and running inference on other datasets. The code is mainly based on Spinal Cord Toolbox and MONAI (PyTorch).

CITATION INFO: If you find this work and/or code useful for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={Towards contrast-agnostic soft segmentation of the spinal cord},
  author={B{\'e}dard, Sandrine and Enamundram, Naga Karthik and Tsagkas, Charidimos and Pravat{\`a}, Emanuele and Granziera, Cristina and Smith, Andrew and Weber II, Kenneth Arnold and Cohen-Adad, Julien},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.15402},

Table of contents

1. Main Dependencies

2. Dataset

The source data can be found at spine-generic multi-subject.

The preprocessed data are located at spine-generic multi-subject/derivatives/data_preprocessed

The GT used for training are located at: spine-generic multi-subject/derivatives/labels_softseg_bin

3. Preprocessing

Main preprocessing steps include:

For T1w and T2w:

  • Resampling
  • Reorientation to RPI
  • Remove suffix _RPI_r

For T2star:

  • Compute root-mean square across 4th dimension (if it exists)
  • Remove suffix _rms

For DWI:

  • Generate mean image after motion correction
  • Remove intermediate files

Next steps are to generate the contrast-agnostic soft segmentation:

  • creates spinal cord segmentation (if it doesn't exist yet)
  • creates a mask around the T2 spinal cord
  • co-register all contrasts to the T2 spinal cord
  • average all segmentations from each contrast within the same space (the T2)
  • bring back the segmentations to the original image space of each contrast (except for the T2)

The output of this script is a new derivatives/labels_softseg/ folder that contains the soft labels to be used in this contrast-agnostic segmentation project. All the registration were manually QC-ed (see Quality Control) and the problematic registrations were listed in exclude.yml. The processing was run again to generate the soft segmentations.

Specify the path of preprocessed dataset with the flag -path-data.

3.1. Launch Preprocessing

This section assumes that SCT is installed. The installation instructions can be found here.

cd processing_spine_generic
sct_run_batch -jobs -1 -path-data <PATH_DATA> -path-output <PATH-OUTPUT> -script -script-args exclude.yml

or use a config file:

Example config_process_data.json: 
  "path_data"   : "~/data_nvme_sebeda/datasets/data-multi-subject/",
  "path_output" : "~/data_nvme_sebeda/data_processed_sg_2023-08-04_NO_CROP",
  "script"      : "",
  "jobs"        : 50,
  "exclude_list": ["sub-brnoUhb02", "sub-brnoUhb03", "sub-brnoUhb07", "sub-brnoUhb08", "sub-brnoUhb08", "sub-brnoUhb08", "sub-ucdavis01", "sub-ucdavis02", "sub-ucdavis03", "sub-ucdavis04", "sub-ucdavis05", "sub-ucdavis06", "sub-ucdavis07", "sub-beijingVerio01", "sub-beijingVerio02", "sub-beijingVerio03", "sub-beijingVerio04", "sub-beijingGE01", "sub-beijingGE02", "sub-beijingGE03", "sub-beijingGE04", "sub-ubc01", "sub-oxfordOhba02"]
sct_run_batch -config config_process_data.json

A process_data_clean folder is created in where the cropped data and derivatives are included. Here, only the images that have a manual segmentation and soft segmentation are transfered.

3.2. Quality control

After running the analysis, check your Quality Control (QC) report by opening the file /qc/index.html. Use the "search" feature of the QC report to quickly jump to segmentations or labeling issues.

1. Segmentations

If segmentation issues are noticed while checking the quality report, proceed to manual correction using the procedure below:

  • In QC report, search for "deepseg" to only display results of spinal cord segmentation
  • Review segmentation and spinal cord.
  • Click on the F key to indicate if the segmentation is OK âś…, needs manual correction ❌ or if the data is not usable ⚠️ (artifact). Two .yml lists, one for manual corrections and one for the unusable data, will automatically be generated.
  • Download the lists by clicking on Download QC Fails* and on Download QC Artifacts.

Proceed to manual correction using FSLeyes or ITK snap. Upload the manual segmentations (_seg-manual.nii.gz) with json sidecar in the derivatives. Re-run the analysis: Launch processing

2. Registrations

3. Soft segmentations

  • In QC report, search for "softseg" to only display results of spinal cord soft segmentation
  • Click on the F key to indicate if the soft segmentation is OK âś…, needs manual correction ❌ or if the data is not usable ⚠️ (artifact). Two .yml lists, one for manual corrections and one for the unusable data, will automatically be generated.
  • Download the list by clicking on Download QC Fails.
  • Upload the soft segmentations under data-multi-subject/derivatives/labels_softseg.
  • Re-run the analysis: Launch processing

4. Training

4.1. Setting up the environment

The following commands show how to set up the environment. Note that the documentation assumes that the user has conda installed on their system. Instructions on installing conda can be found here.

  1. Create a conda environment with the following command:
conda create -n venv_monai python=3.9
  1. Activate the environment with the following command:
conda activate ven_monai
  1. Install the required packages with the following command:
pip install -r monai/requirements.txt

4.2. Datalist creation

The training script expects a datalist file in the Medical Decathlon format containing image-label pairs. The datalist can be created by running the script. For example, creating the datalist for the soft_all model:

python monai/ -pd ~/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/data_processed_sg_2023-08-08_NO_CROP\data_processed_clean> -po ~/datasets/contrast-agnostic/ --contrast all --label-type soft --seed 42

The dataset split containing the training, validation, and test subjects can be found in the monai/data_split_all_soft_seed15.yaml file.

Note The output of the above command is just .json file pointing to the image-label pairs in the original BIDS dataset. It does not copy the existing data to the output folder.

4.3. Training

The training uses MONAI functions and is written in PyTorch Lightning. Example training command to run the soft_all model:

python monai/ -m nnunet -crop 64x192x320 --contrast all --label-type soft -initf 32 -me 200 -bs 2 -opt adam -lr 1e-3 -cve 5 -pat 20 -epb -stp --enable_DS

Example training command to run the soft_per_contrast model on the dwi contrast:

python monai/ -m nnunet -crop 64x192x320 --contrast dwi --label-type soft -initf 32 -me 3 -bs 2 -opt adam -lr 1e-3 -cve 5 -pat 20 -epb -stp --enable_DS

These commands assume that the datalist created in Section 4.2 lies in the same folder as monai/ Run python monai/ -h to see all the available arguments and their descriptions.

Note WandB is used experiment tracking and is implemented via Lightning's Wandblogger. Make sure that the project and entity are changed to the appropriate values.

4.4. Running inference

Inference can be run on single images using the monai/ script. Run monai/ -h for usage instructions. Both CPU and GPU-based inference are supported.

4.5. Compute ANIMA metrics

To compute the ANIMA metrics shown in the paper, the scripts compute_anima_metrics_*.py are used. For generating the metrics on the spine-generic dataset and also for deepseg and propseg methods, use the following command:

python anima_metrics/ --pred-folder <PATH_PREDS> --method <monai/deepseg2d/deepseg3d/propseg> -dname spine-generic

For reproducing the results on the other datasets, use the following command:

python anima_metrics/ --pred-folder <PATH_PREDS> -dname <sci-t2w/ms-mp2rage/radiculopathy-epi>

Note The --pred-folder argument expects the path to the folder containing the prediction and GT segmentation masks.

5. Computing morphometric measures (CSA)

To compute the CSA at C2-C3 vertebral levels on the prediction masks and get the QC report of the predictions, the script compute_csa_qc_<nnunet/monai>.sh are used. The input is the folder data_processed_clean (result from preprocessing) and the path of the prediction masks is added as an extra script argument -script-args.

For every trained model, you can run:

sct_run_batch -jobs -1 -path-data /data_processed_clean/ -path-output <PATH_OUTPUT> -script compute_csa_qc_<nnunet/monai>.sh -script-args <PATH_PRED_MASKS>
  • -path-data: Path to data from spine generic used for training.
  • -path-output: Path to save results
  • -script: Script to compute the CSA and QC report
  • -script-args: Path to the prediction masks

The CSA results will be under <PATH_OUTPUT>/results and the QC report under <PATH_OUTPUT>/qc.

5.1. Using contrast-agnostic model (best)

Here is an example on how to compute CSA and QC on contrast-agnostic model

sct_run_batch -jobs -1 -path-data ~/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/data_processed_sg_2023-03-10_NO_CROP\data_processed_clean -path-output ~/results -script -script-args ~/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/models/monai/spine-generic-results

5.2. Using nnUNet model

Note: For nnUnet, change the variable prefix in the script according to the prefix in the prediction name. Here is an example on how to compute CSA and QC on nnUNet models.

sct_run_batch -jobs -1 -path-data ~/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/data_processed_sg_2023-03-10_NO_CROP\data_processed_clean -path-output ~/results -script -script-args ~/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/models/nnunet/spine-generic-results/test_predictions_2023-08-24

6. Analyse CSA and QC reports

To generate violin plots and analyse results, put all CSA results file in the same folder (here csa_ivadomed_vs_nnunet_vs_monai) and run:

python -i-folder ~/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/csa_measures_pred/csa_ivadomed_vs_nnunet_vs_monai/ \
                                 -include csa_monai_nnunet_2023-09-18 csa_monai_nnunet_per_contrast csa_gt_2023-08-08 csa_gt_hard_2023-08-08 \
                                          csa_nnunet_2023-08-24 csa_other_methods_2023-09-21-all csa_monai_nnunet_2023-09-18_hard csa_monai_nnunet_diceL
  • -i-folder: Path to folder containing CSA results from models to analyse
  • -include: names of the folder names to include in the analysis (one model = one folder)

The plots will be saved to the parent directory with the name charts_<>

7. Get QC reports for other datasets

The QC reports from three other datasets sci-t2w, ms-mp2rage, and radiculopathy-epi are shown in the paper. The scripts for reproducing the results are in the qc_other_datasets folder.

General command to run QC on prediction masks from other datasets:

sct_run_batch -path-data <PATH_DATA> -path-out <PATH-OUT> -script-args <PATH_PRED_MASK> -jobs 20 -script run_qc_prediction_<dataset>.sh
  • -path-data: Path to the original dataset used to run inferences.
  • -path-output: Path to the results folder to save QC report
  • -script: Script run_qc_prediction_<dataset> corresponding to the dataset.
  • -script-args: Path to prediction masks for the specific dataset

7.1. Running QC on predictions from SCI-T2w dataset

Using the contrast-agnostic model:

sct_run_batch -jobs 32 -path-data ~/path-to-dataset/sci-colorado/ \
                       -path-output ~/path-to-output/qc_contrast-agnostic_sci-colorado \
                       -script \
                       -script-args ~/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/models/monai/sci-colorado-results/test_preds_colorado_soft_all

Using the nnUNet model:

sct_run_batch -jobs 32 -path-data ~/path-to-dataset/sci-colorado/ \
                       -path-output ~/path-to-output/qc_nnunet_sci-colorado \
                       -script \
                       -script-args "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/u114716/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/models/nnunet/sci-colorado-results/test_predictions nnUNet"

7.2. Running QC on predictions from MS-MP2RAGE dataset

Using the contrast-agnostic model:

sct_run_batch -jobs 32 -path-data ~/path-to-dataset/basel-mp2rage/ \
                       -path-output ~/path-to-output/qc_contrast-agnostic_basel-mp2rage \
                       -script \
                       -script-args ~/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/models/monai/basel-mp2rage-rpi-results/test_preds_mp2rage_soft_all

Using the nnUNet model:

sct_run_batch -jobs 32 -path-data ~/path-to-dataset/basel-mp2rage/ \
                       -path-output ~/path-to-output/qc_nnunet_basel-mp2rage \
                       -script \
                       -script-args "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/u114716/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/models/nnunet/basel-mp2rage-rpi-results/test_predictions nnUNet"

7.3. Running QC on predictions from Radiculopathy-EPI dataset

Using the contrast-agnostic model:

sct_run_batch -jobs 32 -path-data ~/path-to-dataset/epi-stanford/ \
                       -path-output ~/path-to-output/qc_contrast-agnostic_epi-stanford \
                       -script \
                       -script-args ~/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/models/monai/epi-stanford-results/test_preds_soft_all

Using the nnUNet model:

sct_run_batch -jobs 32 -path-data ~/path-to-dataset/epi-stanford/ \
                       -path-output ~/path-to-output/qc_nnunet_radiculopathy-epi \
                       -script \
                       -script-args "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/u114716/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/models/nnunet/epi-stanford-results/test_preds_stanford_rest_weber nnUNet"

8. Transfer learning from contrast-agnostic model

This section provides instructions on how to train nnUNet models with pre-trained weights of the contrast-agnostic model. Ideal use cases include using the pretrained weights for training/finetuning on any spinal-cord-related segmentation task (e.g. lesions, rootlets, etc.).

Step 1: Download the pretrained weights

Download the pretrained weights from the latest release of the contrast-agnostic model. This refers to the .zip file of the format model_contrast_agnostic_<date>


Only download the model with the nnunet_compatible suffix. If a release does not have this suffix, then that model weights are not directly compatible with nnUNet.

Step 2: Create a new plans file

  1. After running nnUNetv2_plan_and_preprocess (and before running nnUNetv2_predict), create a copy of the original nnUNetPlans.json file (found under $nnUNet_preprocessed/<dataset_name_or_id>) and rename it to nnUNetPlans_contrast_agnostic.json.
  2. In the nnUNetPlans_contrast_agnostic.json, modify the values of the following keys in the 3d_fullres dict to be able to match the values used for the contrast-agnostic model:
"patch_size": [64, 192, 320],
"n_stages": 6,
"features_per_stage": [32, 64, 128, 256, 320, 320],
"n_conv_per_stage": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
"n_conv_per_stage_decoder": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
"strides": [
    [1, 1, 1],
    [2, 2, 2],
    [2, 2, 2],
    [2, 2, 2],
    [2, 2, 2],
    [1, 2, 2]
    [3, 3, 3],
    [3, 3, 3],
    [3, 3, 3],
    [3, 3, 3],
    [3, 3, 3],
    [3, 3, 3]


  • Note that the patch size does not have to be [64, 192, 320]. Any patch size can be used as long as the RL dimension is divisible by 16, AP and SI dimensions are divisible by 32. Examples of other patch sizes: [16, 32, 32], [32, 64, 96], [64, 128, 64], [64, 160, 192], [64, 192, 256] etc. For possibly best results, use the patch sizes that are close to original patch size in nnUNetPlans.json.

Step 3: Train/Finetune the nnUNet model on your task

Provide the path to the downloaded pretrained weights:

nnUNetv2_train <dataset_name_or_id> <configuration> <fold> -p nnUNetPlans_contrast_agnostic -pretrained_weights <path_to_pretrained_weights> -tr <nnUNetTrainer_Xepochs>


  • Training/finetuning with contrast-agnostic weights only works when for 3D nnUNet models.
  • Ensure that all images are in the RPI orientation before running nnUNetv2_plan_and_preprocess. This is because the updated patch_size refers to patches in RPI orientation (if images are in different orientation, then the patch size might be sub-optimal).
  • Ensure that X in nnUNetTrainer_Xepochs is set to a lower value than 1000. The idea is the finetuning does not require as many epochs as training from scratch because the contrast-agnostic model has already been trained on a lot of spinal cord images (so it might not require 1000 epochs to converge).
  • The modified nnUNetPlans_contrast_agnostic.json might not have the same values for parameters such as patch_size, strides, n_stages, etc. automatically set by nnUNet. As a result, the original (train-from-scratch) model might even perform better. In such cases, training/finetuning with contrast-agnostic weights should just be considered as another baseline for your actual task.


Contrast-agnostic spinal cord segmentation project with softseg







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