What's Changed
- Release to reserve the name
in pypi by @YooSunYoung in #19 - Documentation materials by @YooSunYoung in #14
- Load and Dump configuration. by @YooSunYoung in #11
- Fake data generator by @YooSunYoung in #28
- Zookeeper-kafka services docker recipe by @YooSunYoung in #31
- Feature data reduction handler by @YooSunYoung in #32
- Code cleaning by @YooSunYoung in #35
- Logging feature by @YooSunYoung in #36
- Add pytest CI action by @YooSunYoung in #40
- Update requirements and conda recipe for test/demo by @YooSunYoung in #52
- Multi-application handling interface part-1 by @YooSunYoung in #45
- Communication broker - part 1 / Multi-application handling interface part-2 by @YooSunYoung in #49
- Minor code clean by @YooSunYoung in #56
- Roughly implemented kafka producer/consumer interfaces. by @YooSunYoung in #53
- Wipe out source code for easier review on next bigger updates by @YooSunYoung in #58
- Dependency injection framework with tests by @YooSunYoung in #59
- Refurbished logging module. by @YooSunYoung in #70
- Async scheduling/error handling helper decorator. by @YooSunYoung in #71
- Increase expected waited time interver for CI testing environment by @YooSunYoung in #78
- Increase expected waited time interver for CI testing environment again. by @YooSunYoung in #79
- Copier template applied. by @YooSunYoung in #77
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.7.1 to 1.8.8 by @dependabot in #80
- Cached provider by @YooSunYoung in #73
- Apply copier update for better mypy configuration by @YooSunYoung in #83
- Copier update, github actions/requriements/readme/code of conduct/mypy settings by @YooSunYoung in #86
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.8 to 1.8.10 by @dependabot in #87
- Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action from 4.4.2 to 4.4.3 by @dependabot in #89
- Bump scipp from 23.7.0 to 23.8.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #90
- Update runtime type-checker of the dependency injection module. by @YooSunYoung in #92
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #98
- Move docker recipe to documentation along with instructions. by @YooSunYoung in #100
- Singleton provider argument equality check (hashable/unhashable) by @YooSunYoung in #93
- Add prototypes for benchmark testing. by @YooSunYoung in #94
- Very simple kafka topic managing tool. by @YooSunYoung in #102
- Copier update. by @YooSunYoung in #105
- Replace logging related dependency with more actively maintained package and update dependencies. by @YooSunYoung in #107
- Remove accidentally added files. by @YooSunYoung in #110
- Benchmark session/runner helper. by @YooSunYoung in #104
- Copier update by @YooSunYoung in #111
- Bump scipp from 23.08.0 to 23.11.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #113
- Benchmark loader and visualization tool. by @YooSunYoung in #112
- Bump scipp from 23.11.1 to 23.12.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #115
- Copier update by @YooSunYoung in #116
- Logos and icons by @YooSunYoung in #117
- Unpin scipp version. by @YooSunYoung in #119
- Fix kafka documentation and helper module. by @YooSunYoung in #120
- Copier update and remove init from pytest. by @YooSunYoung in #121
- Update kafka topic helper. by @YooSunYoung in #123
- Copier update. by @YooSunYoung in #124
- Docs benchmark by @YooSunYoung in #122
- Documentation update - API reference. by @YooSunYoung in #126
- Simplified data reduction step with example. by @YooSunYoung in #128
- Update synchronous workflow to match asynchronous workflow. by @YooSunYoung in #129
- Bump scipp from 23.12.0 to 24.2.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #140
- Drop python 3.9 and add python 3.12 by @YooSunYoung in #141
- Update scipp nightly version. by @YooSunYoung in #143
- Dependency update. by @YooSunYoung in #142
- Refactoring prototypes (without kafka yet). by @YooSunYoung in #144
- Add stateless workflow interface by @SimonHeybrock in #150
- Workflow plugins by @jokasimr in #151
- Clean up accidentally duplicated code and jupyter notebook example. by @YooSunYoung in #155
- Change --workflow to list/accept choices, add Getting Started notebook by @SimonHeybrock in #158
- Add fake listener by @jokasimr in #156
- DaemonInterface as a generator. by @YooSunYoung in #146
- Copier update & Remove hard dependencies. by @YooSunYoung in #160
- Message router handle stops before it raises. by @YooSunYoung in #166
- Fix benchmark helper for MacOS. by @YooSunYoung in #167
- Copier update. by @YooSunYoung in #169
- Update handler registering method type hint to be more generic. by @YooSunYoung in #170
- Random event generator by @YooSunYoung in #173
- Argument parser adjustment done by it's user class. by @YooSunYoung in #175
- Additional arguments, event rate and frame rate for event generator. by @YooSunYoung in #174
- Add hypothetical detectors in the ymir json template. by @YooSunYoung in #176
- deps: need latest scippneutron by @jokasimr in #179
- Update example nexus templates in tests and documentations. by @YooSunYoung in #180
- Produce fake messages per source of event data. by @YooSunYoung in #181
- Insert event data into nexus structure by data assembling handler. by @YooSunYoung in #183
- Merge messages by @jokasimr in #184
- Improvements to type and function names by @jokasimr in #185
- Create fake events also for NXmonitor by @SimonHeybrock in #188
- fix: plot update; default handler arguments to match old behavior by @jokasimr in #187
- Add short tests for event generator. by @YooSunYoung in #189
- Generate events from NeXus file by @SimonHeybrock in #191
- Update fixed dependencies. by @YooSunYoung in #192
- Simple grid plots. by @YooSunYoung in #194
- Fix random generator, missing numpy array wrapping by @YooSunYoung in #195
- Fix nexus helper by @YooSunYoung in #196
- Add line breaks in a title for long names. by @YooSunYoung in #197
- Fix UP* errors. by @YooSunYoung in #206
- Fix rest ruff errors. by @YooSunYoung in #205
- Fix B* errors and C* errors. by @YooSunYoung in #204
- Fix RUF* errors by @YooSunYoung in #203
- Apply auto-formatting and Fix PT* errors by @YooSunYoung in #202
- Update dependencies. by @YooSunYoung in #199
- Copier update. by @YooSunYoung in #198
- Upgrade plopp/matplotlib by @YooSunYoung in #207
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #80
- @SimonHeybrock made their first contribution in #150
- @jokasimr made their first contribution in #151
Achieved Milestones
Full Changelog: v23.03.0dev0...v24.05.0