Releases: schombert/Project-Alice
Includes the new battle planner automation tool ( see ), the new super console, and graphically improved rivers
Adds multiple RGOs per province (see modding extensions page for how to customize this in your mod)
Supports translation into any language that is available through unicode
Add multilanguage support: Spanish, French, German, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian, Chinese, Arabic and Russian
National foci now properly evaluates limit to determine if they can be set or not
Fixes for HtA crashing
Extended error checking for government types and rebel types
Fix AI building units when it shouldn't
Fix foreign investment going into the investee
Ctrl-Backspace to delete a word
Fix armies for Italy in bookmarks
Add bookmarks
Fix CBs not properly evaluating FROM in can_use
Show continent and climate on province
Fix rename issues for GFM
Various mapmode fixes
Add news flags
GFM fixes for italian war, for austrian war, etc
More defines to tweak AI behaviour to desired player's
Nurture religion assimilation
Display meteoroligcal information on topbar
Stop "goto" from selecting sea provinces
New sound effects to immerse you more
Add getaddrinfo support (now you can type domain names on host)
Ticking warscore tooltip
RTL mode for Arabic
Various fixes for mods
Includes new map label placement & more fixes for gfm
Renaming decision on GFM now works
extend and replace now supported on .mod files
Make defining pops with rebels on uncolonized provinces be a warning instead of an error
Console commands to list flags and variables: lnf, lgv, lnv and laf
Fix limits on effects not being properly shown
Make inventions be invented at start date
New game button will no longer prevent you from making a new game under specific conditions
HOME to go to capital
any_empty_neighbor_province, random_greater_power
Support immediate for provincial events
Fixes for events without a name being discarded even if they had immediate effects
Hold CTRL to select navies over armies
Fix diplomacy window showing nation facts for rebels
Fix button SFX for tabs
Fix BMFont crashes when a BMFont wasn't available
Fix GFM dismantlement
Fix GFM lag in lategame
Fix some bugs related to events firing infinitely
Different any_country behaviour
Add any_defined_country,any_existing_country_except_scoped effect scopes
change_terrain added for provinces, to, you guessed it, change the terrain
Fix event images for RAM
Fix war_countries
Add a all_war_countries scope
Add 50,25% and such UI scales
Fix spoilers not accounting triggers
Show evaluation of limits in effects
Add cleanup tag exception (needs a manual lua tweaks)
Add aiel command
provid shows other IDs
Fix invention odds not set being never discovered (now they default to 100%)
Apply inventions at game start (that have >0% odds and can be discovered)
Generate an event graph with graph command
Depth 12 fusing for clr_global_flag
Fix null seceding not being case insensitive
Fix MHM crashes
Better map lettering to mimic real world maps
Bounded infinite recursive events, this way they will not crash the game thru stack overflow anymore (fixes mods like GFM)
Outlined countries when selecting them
And highlight them too
Label placement will now be less tolerant of "curvy text" (i.e Tunisia in most mods)
Fixed DDS files for GFM
Right click to remove national foci in production window
Fixes for The Grand Orchestra not playing music
Fix double click on nation select
Fix atlantropa on TNO
Fix province files with numbers on the province name not being recognized
Fix TNO OOB files not parsing correctly, alongside other mods
Fixes for mapmode tooltips displaying incorrectly
Display tooltips for mapmodes on lower zoom levels (except for political and terrain)
Various division by 0 fixes, allowing the program to be more robust to things like for example, missing fonts, instead of crashing
Showing a warning when game files are not found
Fix factory priority not being reset when changing ruling party
Support loading multiple CSV files from the assets/ directory
New sounds for clicking on provinces on the map
Fix WASD not properly working on the console and when editing text
Fix crashes caused by "hold mouse release" option
3D models now don't look squished
Removed "floor" from 3D models that was glitched out (train station and factories)
Fixed #inf bug with text formatting
Now we tell the user that scenario errors are not fatal, and they can continue to play the game
Fix tooltip options being ignored in nation picker and state select windows
SPHEREMASTER, SPHEREMASTER_ADJ and SPHEREMASTER_UNION_ADJ are now added as substitutions for events and decisions
Explain expenditure and income values in the budget screen by desglossating them
Various fixes for tooltips looking weird or "broken"
Fixes for "auto suggestion" on console
Sort releasable nations alphabetically
All wargoals selected by default
Speedup file listing on windows
Console button on minimap, to open console (duh)
Higher contrast for checkboxes in launcher
Fix tooltips not working properly in naation picker and state selector
Fix state selector bug where selecting a province made the state automatically be selected
Fixed OOB access when using army control group #9
Fix rotation false positive error in Victoria Universalis
Righ clicking on sea now opens up your country diplomacy
Fix handling of empty TAG in CSV province format not being properly error'ed
Fix conditionms not being accounted for on_election_start and on_election_finish
Add table_layout, add_pos and add_size as UI modding extensions
Added a bunch of defines to tweak the economy via modding
Added lambda events (define events within events!)
Fix diplomacy window offsets being fucked in GFM
Added sound cues for pausing, unpausing, taking a decision and an event option
Sounds for each tab
Fix crisis tooltip being fucked when there is a crisis
New sounds for left and right buttons on most sliders