A curated list of awesome tools and resources for seismologists.
- Array seismology
- Earthquake bulletins/catalogues
- Educational resources
- Fibre optic sensing
- Geodetics
- Imaging
- Inversion & Inference
- Machine learning
- Marine seismology
- Observatory software
- Phase picking and association
- Raytracing
- Seismic data access
- Seismic data handling
- Seismic interferometry and ambient noise
- Source parameter estimation
- Synthetic seismograms
- Visualisation
- acoular - Acoustic testing and source mapping software.
- B3AM & B3Ampy - Toolbox for easy and fast beamforming analysis of three-component array data.
- beampower - Beamforming (or backprojection) of seismic signal for event detection and location.
- covseisnet - Array covariance matrix analysis.
- fast_beamforming - Fast and efficient beamforming in Python.
- TwistPy - Toolbox for wavefield inertial sensing techniques.
- BGR - Bulletin of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany.
- EMSC - Bulletin of the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre.
- GEOFON - Bulletin of the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany.
- Geosphere Austria - Bulletin of the Geosphere Austria.
- Global CMT - Bulletin of the Global Centroid-Moment-Tensor (CMT) Project.
- IGN - Bulletin of the Instituto Geografico Nacional, Spain.
- INGV - Bulletin of the Instituto Nazionale Di Geofisicia e Vulcanologia, Italy.
- ISC - Bulletin of the International Seismological Centre, UK.
- ROB - Bulletin of the Royal Observatory of Belgium.
- SED - Bulletin of the Swiss Seismological Service, Switzerland.
- USGS - Bulletin of the US Geological Survey, USA.
- seismo-live - Live jupyter notebooks for seismology.
- awesome-das - Curated list of awesome resources for distributed acoustic sensing (DAS).
- DASCore - Python library for distributed fiber optic sensing.
- dastools - Tools to work with data generated by DAS systems.
- Lightguide - Package for handling, filtering and modelling distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) data.
- Xdas - Python library for managing, processing and visualizing Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data.
- geokernels - Fast geospatial distance and geodesic kernel computation.
- MSNoise-Tomo - Plugin to the MSNoise framework for 2D tomography.
- PyGLImER - Workflow to create a global database for Ps and Sp receiver function imaging.
- SeisLib - Python package that allows for obtaining seismic images of the sub-surface.
- BayesBay - Generalised trans-dimensional and hierarchical Bayesian inference.
- GeoBED - Optimal experimental design tailored to geoscientific applications.
- pyGIMLi - Multi-method modelling and inversion in geophysics.
- DeepDenoiser - Seismic signal denoising and decomposition using deep neural networks.
- SeisBench - Python toolbox for machine learning in seismology.
- scatseisnet - Transform time series into scattering coefficients with a scattering network.
- OCloC (OBS Clock Correction) - Detect and correct timing errors when using passive seismic records.
- Antelope - Real time Earth monitoring for a dynamic world.
- Earthworm - Waveform and automatic earthquake processing software.
- SEISAN - Earthquake analysis software.
- SeisComP - Seismological software for data acquisition, processing, distribution and interactive analysis.
- EQTransformer - AI-based earthquake signal detector and phase picker.
- GaMMA - Gaussian Mixture Model Associator.
- OBSTransformer - A Deep Learning Seismic Phase Picker for OBS Data.
- PhaseNet - Deep-neural-network-based seismic arrival time picking method.
- PyOcto - High-throughput seismic phase associator.
- TauP - Seismic travel time calculator.
- Cake (pyrocko) - 1D travel-time and ray-path computations.
- scikit-fmm - Fast Marching Method for Python.
- pykonal - Fast Marching Method in cartesian or spherical coordinates in 2 or 3 dimensions.
- EarthScope (formerly IRIS) - Waveform and event data access, US based.
- EIDA (ORFEUS) - Waveform and event data access, EU based.
- FDSN network codes - List of all seismic network codes assigned by the FDSN.
- STEAD - STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD):A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI.
- ObsPy - Python framework for processing seismological data.
- Pyrocko - Open source seismology toolbox and library.
- Seismic Handler - Powerful seismic waveform analysis tool.
- Seismic Unix - Seismic processing, research, and educational software package.
- Seis.jl - Open, fast and flexible framework for analysing seismic data in Julia.
- MSNoise - Python package for monitoring using ambient seismic noise.
- NoisePy - Fast and easy computation of ambient noise cross-correlation functions.
- noisi - Ambient noise cross-correlation modeling and inversion.
- SANS - Seismic ambient noise source maps.
- SeisNoise.jl - Fast and easy ambient noise cross-correlation.
- SeisMIC - Seismological monitoring using interferometric concepts.
- WMSAN - Wave model sources of ambient noise.
- Grond (pyrocko) - Probabilistic source optimization.
- BEAT (pyrocko) - Bayesian Earthquake Analysis Tool.
- BPMF - Earthquake detection and location with GPU-accelerated processing.
- focmec - Package for determining and displaying earthquake focal mechanisms.
- HypoDD - Double-difference earthquake location algorithm
- NonLinLoc - Non-Linear locations.
- Qseek (pyrocko) - The friendly earthquake detector.
- Simul2023 - inversion of earthquake data for 3-D velocity and hypocenters or 3-D Q.
- AxiSEM - Axially symmetric Spectral Element Method (2.5D).
- AxiSEM3D - Axially symmetric Spectral Element Method (3D).
- Axitra - Seismograms in 3D plane layered medium.
- Computer Programs in Seismology - Package of programs for making synthetic seismograms.
- Fomosto (pyrocko) - Calculate and manage Green's function databases.
- instaseis - Instant global seismograms based on a broadband waveform database.
- Mineos - Compute synthetic seismograms in a spherically symmetric non-rotating Earth by summing normal modes.
- PyFK - Python port of FK used to calculate the Green's function and the synthetic waveforms for the 1D Earth model.
- Salvus - Proprietary waveform simulations and inversions.
- SeisSol - Software package for simulating wave propagation and dynamic rupture.
- SPECFEM - Open-source spectral-element method software codes for computational seismology.
- SW4 - Seismic waves, 4th order accuracy.