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API Manager tools and themes



  • AAC
  • MySQL 5.5+


1. Database setup

  • using mysql as DB:

      - mysql -u root -p
      - create database regdb character set latin1 (*);
      - GRANT ALL ON regdb.* TO regadmin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "regadmin";
      - quit;

(*) character set is for windows only

  • copy mysql connector (i.e. mysql-connector-java-*-bin.jar) into repository/components/lib

  • edit /repository/conf/datasources/master-datasources.xml

    • for the datasources WSO2_CARBON_DB and WSO2AM_DB, make these changes:

    • launch the following scripts (for MySQL 5.7 use versions *.5.7.sql)

        mysql -u regadmin -p -Dregdb < dbscripts/mysql.sql
        mysql -u regadmin -p -Dregdb < dbscripts/apimgt/mysql.sql

2. WSO2 Configuration - KeyManager + TokenIssuer

2.1. WSO2-AAC connector

  • build wso2aac.client project with Maven.

  • copy wso2aac.client-1.0.jar from the project API-Manager/wso2aac.client to the WSO2 directory repository/components/lib

note that carbon caches jar inside repository/components/dropins/ so clean/flush when updating the jar.

2.2. WSO2 configurations

  • in repository/conf/api-manager.xml, change APIKeyManager and set ClientSecret with the value found in AAC for the client with clientId API_MGT_CLIENT_ID

Sample config

  • in repository/conf/api-manager.xml, uncomment RemoveOAuthHeadersFromOutMessage and set it to false


  • in repository/conf/identity/identity.xml change


2. WSO2 Configuration - legacy

Clone API Manager project

2.1. WSO2-AAC connector

  • build wso2aac.client project with Maven.

  • copy wso2aac.client-1.0.jar from the project API-Manager/wso2aac.client to the WSO2 directory repository/components/lib

2.2. WSO2 configurations

  • in repository/conf/api-manager.xml, change APIKeyManager and set ConsumerSecret with the value found in AAC for the client with clientId API_MGT_CLIENT_ID

  • in repository/conf/api-manager.xml, uncomment RemoveOAuthHeadersFromOutMessage and set it to false


  • in repository/conf/identity/identity.xml change

    <OAuthScopeValidator class="org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.validators.JDBCScopeValidator"/>


<OAuthScopeValidator class="it.smartcommunitylab.wso2aac.keymanager.CustomJDBCScopeValidator"/>

and in SupportedGrantTypes section disable saml2-bearer and ntlm and add

  • in repository/conf/carbon.xml, enable email username


  • in repository/conf/user-mgt.xml, add the following property to <UserStoreManager>

    <Property name="UsernameWithEmailJavaScriptRegEx">^[\S]{3,30}$</Property>

2.3. WSO2 Theming

  • copy the contents of project API-Manager/wso2.custom into the WSO2 directory

3. Keystore configuration

Import and add WSO2 certificate to the default keystore.


sudo rm -f cert.pem && sudo echo -n | openssl s_client -connect localhost:9443 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > ./cert.pem

sudo keytool -import -trustcacerts -file cert.pem -alias root -keystore JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts


keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore <<wso2_root>>/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks -destkeystore wso2.p12 -srcstoretype jks -deststoretype pkcs12 -alias wso2carbon -destkeypass 123456 (use a temporary password (such '123456') for destination keystore and PEM passphrase, empty password for origin and "wso2carbon" for wso2carbon password.)

openssl pkcs12 -in wso2.p12 -out wso2.pem

Edit wso2.pem and keep only the part between -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----

keytool -import -trustcacerts -file wso2.pem -alias root -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts"

(java cacerts default password is "changeit")

BEWARE: keytool is bugged in most java 8 versions, returning a java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: d != java.lang.String

4. Proxy server configuration (Apache)

4.1. Configure proxy for apps

  • Configure proxy publisher and subscriber apps: repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/site/conf/site.json (same for store):
    • context: /publisher
    • host: < >, e.g.,
  • Configure management console: repository/conf/carbon.xml
    • <HostName></HostName>
    • <MgtHostName></MgtHostName>
  • Configure WSO2 Tomcat reverse proxy: repository/conf/tomcat/catalina-server.xml
    • Add parameters to 9443 connector:
    • Configure Apache Virtual Host:
      • port 80: redirect port 80 to 443
      • port 443: ProxtPath and ProxyPathReverse / to ip:9443/

4.2. API Gateway

  • Configure Gateway endpoint: repository/conf/api-manager.xml
  • Configure axis2 transport Ins (http and https): add the following parameters
    <parameter name="proxyPort" locked="false">80</parameter>
    <parameter name="hostname" locked="false"></parameter>
  • Configure Apache Virtual Host:
    • port 80: ProxtPath and ProxyPathReverse / to ip:8280/
    • port 443: ProxtPath and ProxyPathReverse / to ip:8243/

4. API-M Analytics

In order to enable and configure the API-M analytics for API Publisher and Subscriber, follow the official instructions.

Some important performance tricks:

  • Disable Analytics indexing. This can be done adding the following parameter to the Analytics start command: -DdisableIndexing=true
  • Change the default configuration for the anaytics scripts: Analytics Carbon Console > Manage > Batch Analysis > Scripts. Set the appropriate CRON configurations for the script execution (e.g., each hour 0 0 * ? * * * instead of each 2 mins). Remeber that the configurations are reset after the server restart

5. API-M Custom User Store Manager

In order to provide the necessary infrastructure for allowing components to interact with API Manager in multitenant mode, it is important to deploy the two new bundles that extend the existing UserStoreManagerService admin.
This extension is done in order to permit the admin account to create,update,delete users and assign/revoke roles within specific tenants.

The configuration steps are the following:

  • build usermgmt project with Maven.

  • copy from the project orgmanager-wso2connector/ to the WSO2 directory repository/components/dropins

  • copy from the project orgmanager-wso2connector/ to the WSO2 directory repository/components/dropins

As a result the new admin stub can be accessible from the following endpoint: https://$APIM_URL/services/CustomUserStoreManagerService