The Scalyr Grafana data source plugin allows you to create and visualize graphs and dashboards in Grafana using data in Scalyr. You may want to use this plugin to allow you to visualize Scalyr data next to other data sources, for instance when you want to monitor many feeds on a single dashboard.
With the Scalyr plugin, you will be able to create and visualize your log-based metrics along side all of your other data sources. It's a great way to have a single pane of glass for today's complex systems. You can leverage Grafana alerts based on Scalyr data to notify you when there are possible issues. More importantly, you'll soon be able to jump to Scalyr's fast, easy and intuitive platform to quickly identify the underlying causes of issues that may arise.
- An installed Grafana server instance with write access: This document assumes that an existing instance of Grafana already exists. If you need help bringing up a Grafana instance, please refer to the documentation provided by Grafana.
- A Scalyr read log API Key: A Scalyr API key is required for Grafana to pull data from Scalyr. You can obtain one by going to your account in the Scalyr product and selecting the “API Keys” from the menu in the top right corner. You can find documentation on API Keys here.
To install the stable version of the plugin using grafana-cli, run the following command:
grafana-cli --pluginUrl \ \ plugins install scalyr-datasource
Adding plugins requires a restart of your grafana server.
For init.d based services you can use the command:
sudo service grafana-server restart
For systemd based services you can use the following:
systemctl restart grafana-server
If you require the development version, use the manual installation instructions.
If you want a stable version of plugin, download the desired version from github releases. If you want the
version of the plugin, clone the plugin repository from GitHub.git clone
Grafana plugins exist in the directory:
. Create a folder for the scalyr plugin:mkdir /var/lib/grafana/plugins/scalyr
Copy the contents of the Scalyr plugin into grafana:
Stable version:
tar -xvf scalyr_grafana_plugin_7073038.tar.gz cp -rf dist/ /var/lib/grafana/plugins/scalyr/
Development version:
cp -r scalyr-grafana-datasource/dist/ /var/lib/grafana/plugins/scalyr/
Adding plugins requires a restart of your grafana server.
For init.d based services you can use the command:
sudo service grafana-server restart
For systemd based services you can use the following:
systemctl restart grafana-server
In order to verify proper installation you must log in to your grafana instance and navigate to Configuration Settings -> Data Sources.
This will take you into the configuration page. If you already have other data sources installed, you will see them show up here. Click on the Add data source button:
If you scroll down on the resulting page you should see “Scalyr Grafana Datasource” show up in the “Others” section.
Click on “Select”. This will take you to a configuration page where you insert your API key mentioned in the prerequisite section.
Enter these settings:
Field Name Value Scalyr API Key Your Scalyr Read Logs API Key Scalyr URL
for EU users. -
Click Save & Test to verify these settings are correct.
Now that you’ve completed installing and configuring the Scalyr data source plugin, lets go through an example of how you can start using it to create a dashboard using Scalyr data.
Create a new dashboard by click Create > dashboard
In the “New Panel” box, select the “Add Query” icon
From the Query dropdown, select "Scalyr Grafana Datasource".
A 'Standard query' consist of 4 parts:
- Function: You are given a list of the function that can be applied to the field values. Scalyr graphFunctions documentation is a good resource to see the list of supported functions.
- Field: The name of the event field to be graphed.
- Conversion Factor: (Optional) Value to multiply the values of the graph, useful for converting units.
- Label: (Optional) Label for the query. This is displayed as the series title in the graph legend. Same value
as the
field by default. - Filter: Specifies which events to match. This field supports Scalyr query syntax.
- DataLink URL: A read-only generated field, this link can be copied to a new DataLink (at the end of the Visualization section). This DataLink will go to the logs in the Scalyr used to create this graph.
Fill out all the fields and click the save button. In the image below, we’ve added a query to graph CPU Utilization. In general, if you have used graphs and dashboards within Scalyr, you should be able to port those over to grafana using the same Scalyr query syntax.
You’ve successfully installed, configured and created a graph in Grafana using Scalyr data!
Note: you can add multiple queries to a visualization to plot multiple series on the same graph.
For general information on Grafana variables see the Grafana documentation
Queries support all Grafana variable substitution syntaxes, for example:
For multi-value variables there is a custom default substitution method, the values will be quoted and separated with commas, for example:
The expected use of multi-value variables is for in
queries, for example:
Your queries will automatically generate a URL you can use as a DataLink in Grafana, this link will take you to the logs used to generate your graph in the Scalyr UI
To set up the DataLink first click Copy
to copy the link into your clipboard
Next go to the Visualization tab and scroll down to the Data links section
Click Add link
, give it an appropriate title, and paste your URL into the URL
Your Data Link is now ready! If you now go to your graph and click on the line you will have a new option, this will take you to Scalyr and show the logs your graph represents
Note: You will need to already be logged in to Scalyr for the DataLink to reach the UI, and variables are accepted in DataLinks but there are limitations due to a Grafana bug
Breakdown graphs are currently not supported. These may be supported in the future.
Power Queries is an experimental feature and requires the user to change the visualization to a “table” inside Grafana. You can also attempt to graph your results with a “graph” visualization, by setting the x-axis mode to “series”.
Complex queries with multiple functions are currently not supported. These may be supported in the future.
The DataLinks feature currently only works for queries without variables due to a Grafana bug.
See How to contribute? for developer documentation.
The Scalyr Grafana plugin is licensed under Apache License, version 2.0. More information is available in the LICENSE file.