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abaplint abap package version

ABAP string map

String map primitive implementation for abap

  • install it using abapGit
  • errors, if happen, are raised via cx_no_check (with get_text)
  • implements get, set, has, size, is_empty, delete, clear
  • also convenience features to create map from string, table or structure (key/value)
data lo_map type ref to zcl_abap_string_map.
lo_map = zcl_abap_string_map=>create( ). " or create object ...

" Key and value can be a string or of C or N types (so `clike`)
  iv_key = 'hello'
  iv_val = 'world' ).
some_var = lo_map->get( 'hello' ). " => 'world'

lo_map->has( 'hello' ). " => abap_true
lo_map->is_empty( ).    " => abap_false
lo_map->size( ).        " => 1
lo_map->delete( 'hello' ).
lo_map->clear( ).
  • set allows chaining
  iv_key = 'A'
  iv_val = '1' 
  iv_key = 'B'
  iv_val = '2' ).
  • there is also setx - a more readable yet not so strict version of set. Can be useful for multiple sets in a raw.
lo_map->setx( 'A:1' )->setx( |B : { '2' }| ).
  • implements keys, values
data lt_all_keys type string_table.
data lt_all_vals type string_table.

lt_all_keys = lo_map->keys( ).   " => ( 'hello' )
lt_all_vals = lo_map->values( ). " => ( 'world' )
  • implements to_struc, from_struc
  begin of ls_struc,
    a type string,
    b type abap_bool,
    c type i,
  end of ls_struc.

lo_map->from_struc( ls_struc ). " Converts abap structure to string map
lo_map->to_struc( changing cs_container = ls_struc ). " Converts map to abap structure

" If you have more data entries in the map than fields in the target structure
" use strict( false ) - this skips entries which do not have a matching field
lo_map->strict( abap_false )->to_struc( changing cs_container = ls_struc ).
  • implements from_entries - this copies entries from a provided param. Importantly, the method accepts any table but the shape of the record must conform to zcl_abap_string_map=>ty_entry, namely it must have 2 string attributes for key and value respectively (see the code of from_entries for clarification)
  begin of ty_my_key_value,
    key type string,
    value type string,
  end of ty_my_key_value.

data lt_entries type table of ty_my_key_value.
lt_entries = value #(
  ( key = 'hello' value = 'world' )
  ( key = 'and' value = 'another' )
lo_map->from_entries( lt_entries ).
  • implements to_entries - the opposite to from_entries, saves data to a table with 2 char-like components
  begin of ty_my_key_value,
    a type string,
    b type c length 10,
  end of ty_my_key_value.

data lt_entries type table of ty_my_key_value.
lo_map->to_entries( changing ct_entries = lt_entries ).
  • implements from_string - this parses string of pairs like a = b, x = y into map. Spaces are condensed. to_string renders in string representation (careful with case insensitive - keys will be upper-cased).
lo_map->from_string( 'a = b, x = y' ).
lo_map->get( 'a' ). " => 'b'
lo_map->to_string( ). " => 'a=b,x=y'
  • implements from_map - copies another map object (respecting destination case sensitivity)
lo_map->from_map( lo_another_map ).
  • from_* methods allow chaining. They all add values to the map, existing values with the same name are overwritten.
lo_map->from_map( lo_another_map )->from_struc( ls_struc )->set( iv_key = 'x' iv_val = '1' ).
  • create also supports immediate initiation from another instance of string map, a structure (same as running from_struc after) or a table (same as running from_entries after)
lo_copy = zcl_abap_string_map=>create( lo_map ).
lo_copy = zcl_abap_string_map=>create( ls_struc ).   " see examples above
lo_copy = zcl_abap_string_map=>create( lt_entries ). " see examples above
lo_copy = zcl_abap_string_map=>create( 'a=b, x=y' ). " see examples above
  • you may set the map immutable (read only). Guards set, delete, clear, from_* methods.
  iv_key = 'A'
  iv_val = '1' )->freeze( ).

  iv_key = 'A'
  iv_val = '2' ). " raises cx_no_check
  • you may switch the map into "list" mode - this way there is no guarantee for the record uniqueness, but can be useful for some applications.
  lo = zcl_abap_string_map=>create( iv_list_mode = abap_false ).

For more examples see unit tests code

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String map primitive implementation on abap








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