Cozio is an ongoing project that serves as a clone of Airbnb. It is built using a full-stack JavaScript approach, with a Node.js/Express backend and a mix of React, EJS, and Bootstrap on the frontend. The application allows users to create, edit, view, and delete rental listings much like Airbnb. It is currently under active development.
- CRUD Operations: Create, read, update, and delete rental listings.
- Dynamic Views: Server-side rendering using EJS templates.
- Responsive Design: Built with Bootstrap for a modern and responsive UI.
- Client-Side Functionality: Some components are built in React.
- Robust Error Handling: Custom error handling middleware and asynchronous error management.
- Data Validation: Using Joi for schema validation.
- Asynchronous Operations: Simplified using helper functions like
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Database: MongoDB, with Mongoose as the ODM (handles schema definitions, relationships, and cardinality)
- Frontend:
- Templating: EJS (Embedded JavaScript)
- UI Components: React and Bootstrap
- Utilities:
- Nodemon: For live reloading during development
- Method-Override: To support HTTP verbs like PUT and DELETE in HTML forms
- Joi: For request data validation
The application uses MongoDB for data storage, managed via Mongoose. Mongoose schemas define the structure of your documents (e.g., listings) and their relationships. For example, each listing may have one-to-many relationships with reviews or bookings, ensuring that data is stored efficiently and relationships (cardinality) are maintained as per the requirements of the application.
- Node.js: Download Node.js
- MongoDB: Download MongoDB Community Server and ensure it is running locally.
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd cozio
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Running the Project Locally
npx nodemon app.js
After starting the server, open your browser and go to
- This project is currently under active development.
- New features are being added and refined regularly.
- As it is a clone of Airbnb, the project aims to mimic the core functionality of Airbnb's listing and booking system.
- Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions or improvements, please fork this repository and submit a pull request.
- For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.