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Statistical Learning

These are my class notes for my automated learning graduate course based on the textbook The Elements of Statistical Learning available in PDF at Haestie's website at Stanford. The data sets used in the examples are from the book's website. I hope that there will be native LaTeX rendering in the markdown soon, so I could include equations (the present solutions of generating images are quite ugly in dark mode). The book uses R in their example code, so I am going to replant everything in Python for an enriched experience and more pain on my part.

Weekly schedule


Frequent uses: prediction, classification, factor identification


  • an outcome measurement (qualitative or quantitative)
  • a set of features (extracted from the input data)
  • a subset of the data set aside for training (the rest for validation)
  • the goal is to build a model (a.k.a. learner)

When the training data comes with a label indicating the intended outcome, this this supervised learning. In the unsupervised case, there are only features and the goal is more like clustering.


  • is an email spam?
  • does a patient have cancer?
  • which handwritten digit is this?
  • are some of these genes related to certain types of cancer?

Homework 1

Identify one or more learning problems in your thesis work and identify their goals and elements. Write the description with GitHub markdown in the of your course repository. If your thesis work has none, discuss potential project topics with the teacher in on the course channel in Discord.

Supervised learning

It is important to mark variables as categorical even if they are numbers (like the handwritten digits) when the value is not to be interpreter as an ordering of sorts.

Predicting a quantitative variable is regression, whereas predicting a qualitative one is classification.

An ordered categorical variable (small / medium / large) has a non-metric ordering.


  • input variable (often a vector containing p features) X
  • quantitative output Y
  • qualitative output G
  • quantitative prediction Yp
  • qualitative prediction Gp
  • n tuples of quantitative training data (xi, yi)
  • n tuples of qualitative training data (xi, gi)

Least squares for linear models

The output is predicted as a weighted linear combination of the input vector plus a constant, where the weights and the constant need to be learned from the data.

We can avoid dealing with the constant separately by adding a unit input

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform, normal

x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]).T # a column vector n x 1                                                  
n = len(x) # (n - 1) features plus the constant gives n                                               
w = np.array(uniform(size = n)).T # weights (random for now, between 0 and 1 for starters)            
iyp = np.inner(x, w) # inner product of two arrays        

and the quality of the prediction is compared as a sum of squares between the desired values y and the predicted values yp.

xt = [ x.T ] # transpose into a row vector, 1 x n                                                     
yp = np.matmul(xt, w) # a scalar prediction, (1 x n) x (n x 1) = 1 x 1                                
assert iyp == yp # should coincide with the inner product from above            

Lets use matrices to make this more compact:

  • X is a matrix where each column is an input vector (n inputs) and each row is a feature (p features)
  • y is a vector of the intended labels/outputs (the first element for the first column of X, the second for the second column, etc.)
  • yp is then obtained as X multiplying the weight vector w
X = np.array([[1, 1, 1],
              [3, 5, 7],
              [8, 7, 3],
              [2, 4, 6]]) # n x p        
assert n == np.shape(X)[0] # features as rows                                                         
p = np.shape(X)[1] # inputs as columns                                                                

# let assume the model is 3 x1 - 2 x2 + 4 x3 - 5 with small Gaussian noise                            
def gen(x): # generate integer labels from an arbitrary model                                         
    label = 5 * x[0] + 3 * x[1] - 2 * x[2] + 4 * x[3] \
                  + normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.2, size = 1)
    label = round(label[0])
    print(x, 'gets', label)
    return label

y = np.apply_along_axis(gen, axis = 0, arr = X) # 1 x p, one per input                             

def rss(X, y, w):
    Xt = X.T
    yp = np.matmul(Xt, w) # predictions for all inputs                                                
    yyp = y - yp
    assert np.shape(yp) == np.shape(y)
    return np.matmul(yyp.T, yyp)

The best model in this sense is the one that minimizes RSS

for r in range(10): # replicas                                                                        
    wr = np.array(uniform(low = -6, high = 6, size = n)).T
    print(f'{rss(X, y, wr)} for {wr}') # the smaller the better   

and this is very similar to what the perceptron does (cf. the last homework of the simulation course, if you took that one already). This code (which is not a lot) is available in the file and I really recommend sticking to the NumPy routines for creating vectors and matrices as well as multiplying them. Remember to pay close attention to the dimensions.

Nearest neighbors

This technique supposes that we have a set of pre-labeled inputs in some (metric) space in which we can compute a distance from one input to another. Then, when we encounter a non-labeled input x, we simply take the k nearest labeled inputs and average over their values of y to obtain a yp for our x. When using just one neighbor, this effectively reduces to Voronoi cells (cf. the fourth homework of simulation).

In terms of code, let's generate random data again (the book has a two-dimensional example):

from math import sqrt
from numpy import argmax
from random import random, randint

n = 5 # number of features
# possible labels 1, 2, 3
low = 1
high = 3

# generate 'labeled' data at random
N = 100 # amount of known data points
# a list of pairs (x, y)
known = []
for d in range(N):
    known.append(([random() for i in range(n)], randint(low, high)))

For the metric, we will use the root of sum of squares of coordinate differences using the features as an Euclidean space:

def dist(x1, x2): # using euclidean distance for simplicity
    return sqrt(sum([(xi - xj)**2 for (xi, xj) in zip(x1, x2)]))

Now we can find for a given x the k known data points nearest to it and store the corresponding labels y; we have to consider all of the labeled data by turn and remember which k were the closest ones, which I will do in a simple for loop for clarity instead of attempting to iterate over a matrix.

x = [random() for i in range(n)] # our 'unknown' x

k = 3 # using three nearest neighbors
nd = [float('inf')] * k # their distances (infinite at first)
ny = [None] * k # the labels of the nearest neighbors

for (xn, yn) in known:
    d = dist(x, xn)
    i = argmax(nd)
    if d < nd[i]: # if smaller than the largest of the stored
        nd[i] = d # replace that distance
        ny[i] = yn # and that label

One the k closest labels are known, we average them and I will also round them as the labels in the known data were integers (a majority vote would be a reasonable option to rounding, as well as using the median):

y = sum(ny) / k
xs = ' ' .join(['%.2f' % round(xi ,2) for xi in x])
print(f'[{xs}] is {round(y)}') # round to the closest label (a simple choice)

The complete code resides at

Things to consider when applying KNN are:

  • which metric to use for the distance
  • should the features be normalized somehow before doing any of this
  • how many neighbors should we use
  • how should be combine the labels of the neighbors to obtain a prediction

Read Sections 2.3 and 2.4 to improve your understanding of why and how these methods are expected to be useful, as well as Section 2.5 to understand why they tend to fall apart when the number of features is very high (this is similar to what happens in the first simulation homework for the high-dimensional Brownian motion that no longer returns to the origin and the eleventh simulation homework with Pareto fronts where a high number of objective functions renders the filtering power of non-dominance effectively null and void). The remainder of the chapter introduces numerous theoretical concepts that we are likely to stumble upon later on, so please give them at least a cursory look at this point so you know that they are there.

Homework 2

First carry out Exercise 2.8 of the textbook with their ZIP-code data and then replicate the process the best you manage to some data from you own problem that was established in the first homework.

Linear regression

We assume the expected value of y given x to be a linear function of the features. We can either use the raw features or apply transformations (roots, logarithms, powers) to the quantitative ones, whereas the qualitative ones can be numerically coded (varying the ordering), and we could create interactions by introducing auxiliary functions to create a "combination feature" that takes as inputs two or more of the original features. As noted before, we usually aim to choose the weights so as to minimize the residual sum of squares (RSS). Such minimization, theoretically, is achieved by setting its first derivative to zero and solving for the weights.

def rss(X, y, w):
    yp = np.matmul(X, w) # n predictions, one per input                                                                                
    yyp = y - yp
    return np.matmul(yyp.T, yyp)

Let's use more inputs and features this time around and a bit more noise in the model that generates the labels:

Xt = np.array([[1, 1, 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], # the constants
               [2, 5, 7, 3, 5, 2, 1, 2], # feature 1
               [8, 6, 3, 1, 9, 4, 3, 2], # feature 2
               [2, 3, 5, 2, 4, 5, 7, 3], # feature 3
               [3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 8, 8, 2]]) # feature 4
X = Xt.T
n = np.shape(X)[0]
p = np.shape(X)[1]
print(p, 'features (incl. a constant)')
print(n, 'inputs')
coeff = uniform(size = p, low = -5, high = 5) # a model

def gen(x): # a bit more randomness this time and use integers
    count = np.shape(x)[0]
    noise = normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.1, size = count).tolist()
    return sum([coeff[i] * x[i] + noise[i] for i in range(count)]) 

y = np.asarray(np.apply_along_axis(gen, axis = 1, arr = X)) 
print(f'{n} labels: {y}')    

Now we can replicate the equations for the unique zero of the derivative:

X = Xt.T
XtX = np.matmul(Xt, X)
XtXi = inv(XtX)
XXX = np.matmul(XtXi, Xt)
w = np.matmul(XXX, y)
ba = rss(X, y, w)
print(f'best analytical {ba:.3f} with weights {w}:')
for (wp, wt) in zip(w, coeff):
    print(f'{wp:.3f} (recovered) for {wt:.3f} (inserted)')

We can use it to construct a prediction:

pred = np.matmul(X, w)
for (yl, yp) in zip(y, pred):
    print(f'{yp:.3f} for {yl:.3f}')

As before, we can also compare it with how just choosing weights at random and picking the lowest RSS would perform:

lowest = float('inf')
for r in range(1000): # try a bunch of random ones
    wr = np.array(uniform(low = min(w), high = max(w), size = p))
    lowest = min(lowest, rss(X, y, wr))
print(f'the best random attempt has RSS {lowest:.2f} whereas the optimal has {ba:.2f}')

Note that this will not work if any of the inputs are perfectly correlated (as it would result in a singular matrix for np.matmul(X.T, T), so some pre-processing may be necessary. If p is much larger than n, problems may also arise and some dimensionality-reduction in the feature space could come in handy. All of the above takes place in regression.NY.

Let's make another version that actually examines the correlations and attempts to assess the statistical significance of the model, whenever one manages to be made. First we set some parameters:

import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
from numpy.linalg import inv
from scipy.stats import norm
from numpy.random import normal, uniform
from scipy.stats.distributions import chi2

np.seterr(all='raise') # see the origin of all troubles
np.set_printoptions(precision = 2, suppress = True)

high = 0.95 # correlation threshold
alpha = 0.01 # significance level for the p value
z1a = norm.ppf(1 - alpha) # Gaussian percentile 

# more inputs this time so that n - 1 > p 
n = 100
p = 10
print('f{n} inputs, {p} features')
dof = n - p - 1 # degrees of freedom
coeff = uniform(size = p, low = -5, high = 5) # coefficients of features (model)
coeff[p // 2] = 0 # make the middle one irrelevant
constants = np.ones((1, n))

def gen(x): # a bit more randomness this time and use integers
    count = np.shape(x)[0]
    noise = normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.1, size = count).tolist()
    return sum([coeff[i] * x[i] + noise[i] for i in range(count)]) 

Now we can loop until success (see for the whole thing). We randomly create some data and use the generation model to assign labels if the correlation checks pass:

features = uniform(low = -50, high = 50, size = (p - 1, n))
Xt = np.vstack((constants, features)) # put the constants on the top row
X = Xt.T # put the inputs in columnns
assert p == np.shape(X)[1]
assert n == np.shape(X)[0]
# check for correlations in the inputs (columns of X, ignoring the constant)
cc = np.corrcoef(X[np.ix_([1, p - 1], [1, p - 1])], rowvar = False)
mask = np.ones(cc.shape, dtype = bool)
np.fill_diagonal(mask, 0)
if cc[mask].max() > high:
	print('High correlations present in the inputs, regenerating')

# check for correlations in the features (rows of X, ignoring the constant)
cc = np.corrcoef(X[np.ix_([1, p - 1], [1, p - 1])], rowvar = True)
mask = np.ones(cc.shape, dtype = bool)
np.fill_diagonal(mask, 0)
if cc[mask].max() > high:
	print('High correlations present in the features, regenerating')

y = np.asarray(np.apply_along_axis(gen, axis = 1, arr = X)) # generate the labels using the features    

Once all of this plays out, we can try to run the math:

    XtX = np.matmul(Xt, X)
        XtXi = inv(XtX)
        print('Encountered a singular matrix regardless of the correlations checks')
    v = np.diag(XtXi)
    XXX = np.matmul(XtXi, Xt)
    w = np.matmul(XXX, y)
    yp = np.matmul(X, w)
    dy = y - yp
    dsq = np.inner(dy, dy) # sum([i**2 for i in dy])
    var = dsq / dof # variance
    sd = sqrt(var) # standard deviation
    assert min(v) > 0 # all the vj are positive (that is, the math worked as intended)

Usually, one assumes that the deviations between the predicted yp and the expected y are normally distributed. If so, the estimated weights w are normally distributed around the true weights and their variance is from a chi-squared distribution (n - p - 1 DoF), allowing for the calculation of confidence intervals. To statistically check if a specific weight in w is zero (that is, the corresponding input in X has no effect on the output y), we compute it's Z-score (or F-score as feature-exclusion):

sqv = sqrt(v[j])
ss = sd * sqv            
z = w[j] / ss
excl = np.copy(w)
excl[j] = 0 # constrain this one to zero
rss0 = rss(X, y, excl) # a model without this feature
f = (rss0 - rss1) / rd # just one parameter was excluded
p = chi2.sf(f, dof) # survival function (assuming f == z) 
signif = p < alpha
print(f'\nCoefficient {coeff[j]:.2f} was estimated as {w[j]:.2f}',
      'which is significant' if signif else 'but it is insignificant',
      f'with a p-value of {p:.5f}')

We can use F-scores to compare between models with different subsets of features. We can also add confidence interval calculations with the normality hypothesis by adding a bit of calculations:

width = z1a * sd
low = w[j] - width
high = w[j] + width
print(f'with a confidence interval [{low}, {high}]', 
      'that contains zero' if low < 0 and high > 0 else '')

If we have multiple outputs, meaning that Y is a matrix, too. This happens in using the math from Section 3.2.3 using from numpy.linalg import qr, inv for the QR-decomposition.

First, we need to make the generator create multiple outputs per input:

k = 3 
print(f'{n} inputs, {p} features')
coeff = uniform(size = (k, p), low = -5, high = 5) # coefficients for the k output

def gen(x): # a bit more randomness this time and use integers
    count = np.shape(x)[0]
    noise = normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.1, size = count).tolist()
    return [sum([coeff[j, i] * x[i] + noise[i] for i in range(count)]) for j in range(k)]

Then we generate the labels and throw in the math:

y = np.asarray(np.apply_along_axis(gen, axis = 1, arr = X))
Q, R = qr(X)
Ri = inv(R)
Qt = Q.T
RiQt = np.matmul(Ri, Qt)
w = np.matmul(RiQt, y)
for i in range(k):    
    for j in range(p):
        print(f'Coefficient {coeff[i, j]:.2f} of output {i + 1} was estimated as {w[j, i]:.2f}')

We can also make predictions:

QQt = np.matmul(Q, Qt)
yp = np.matmul(QQt, y)
for i in range(n):
    print(f'Expected {y[i, :]}, predicted {yp[i, :]}')

Please read with careful thought the sections on subset-selection methods, as it is important to stick to the smallest reasonable model instead of simply shoving in every feature and interaction one can think of. I know it's a lot of text, but this is stuff you need to be familiar with, although in practice you will usually employ an existing library for all of this. For python code on the selection methods, check out the thorough examples by Oleszak.

Homework 3

Repeat the steps of the prostate cancer example in Section 3.2.1 using Python, first as a uni-variate problem using the book's data set and then as a multi-variate problem with data from your own project. Calculate also the p-values and the confidence intervals for the model's coefficients for the uni-variate version. Experiment, using libraries, also with subset selection.


Now the predictor takes discrete values (each input gets assigned to a class). The task is to divide the input space into regions that correspond to each class. In a linear case, the class boundaries are hyperplanes.

When using regression, we can compute the weights w as before and then obtain posterior probabilities. The whole thing is at

First we make a model with integer labels 1 and 2.

import numpy as np
from math import exp
from numpy.linalg import qr, inv 
from numpy.random import normal

np.set_printoptions(precision = 0, suppress = True)
Xt = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], # constant
               [2, 5, 7, 3, 5, 2, 1, 2], # feature 1
               [8, 6, 3, 1, 9, 4, 3, 2], # feature 2
               [2, 3, 5, 2, 4, 5, 7, 3], # feature 3
               [3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 8, 8, 2]]) # feature 4
X = Xt.T
coeff = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) # zero weight for the constant
threshold = 30 # make two classes

def gen(x): # a bit more randomness this time and use integers
    count = np.shape(x)[0]
    noise = normal(loc = 0, scale = 0.1, size = count).tolist()
    value = sum([coeff[i] * x[i] + noise[i] for i in range(count)])
    return (value > threshold) + 1 # class one or class two

intended = np.asarray(np.apply_along_axis(gen, axis = 1, arr = X))
print('Intended labels')

Then we make indicator vectors (true versus false) for each of the two classes:

y = np.array([(1.0 * (intended == 1)), (1.0 * (intended == 2))]).T

With those, we recycle the multi-regression math with the QR decomposition:

Q, R = qr(X)
Ri = inv(R)
Qt = Q.T
RiQt = np.matmul(Ri, Qt)
w = np.matmul(RiQt, y)

We can also make and round predictions directly as before:

QQt = np.matmul(Q, Qt)
yp = np.matmul(QQt, y)
print('Assigned indicators')
print('Predicted indicators (rounded)')
print(np.fabs(np.round(yp, decimals = 0)).T)

but the new math allows us to compute for each class the probability that the input belongs to it:

wt = w.T
for c in [1, 2]: # for both classes
    b = wt[c - 1]
    print('Class', c)
    for i in range(len(intended)):
        x = X[i]
        yd = intended[i]
        eb = exp(np.matmul(b, x)) 
        ed = 1 + eb
        pThis = eb / ed
        pOther = 1 / ed
        ok = pThis > pOther
        print(f'{x} should be {yd}: this {pThis:.2f} vs. other {pOther:.2f} ->', 'right' if ok else 'wrong')

Most of the input are correctly labeled regardless of which class is used to compute the posterior probabilities. As the book points out, in practice, class boundaries have no particular reason to be linear.

We can also predict without explicitly computing the weights as in Equation (4.3) of the book, using the same X

y = np.asarray(np.apply_along_axis(gen, axis = 1, arr = X))
Y = np.array([(1.0 * (y == 1)), (1.0 * (y == 2))]).T
XtXi = inv(np.matmul(Xt, X))
XXtXi = np.matmul(X, XtXi)
XXtXiXt = np.matmul(XXtXi, Xt)
Yp = np.matmul(XXtXiXt, Y)
print('Assigned indicators')
print('Predicted indicators')
print(np.fabs(Yp.T)) # the -0 bother me so I use fabs

If the classes share a covariance matrix, we can apply linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to compute linear discriminant functions to obtain the class boundaries. For two classes, this is the same as using the above calculations with an indicator matrix, but not in the general case. When the covariance matrix cannot be assumed to be the same, quadratic discriminant functions arise. An option to LDA/QDA is regularized discriminant analysis (RDA). Subspace projections may also come in handy.

Logistic regression for classes 1, 2, ..., k refers to modeling logit transformations (logarithm of the posterior probability of a specific class i normalized by the posterior probability of the last class k) with linear functions in the input space, using a linear function ci + bi.T x where ci is the constant term and bi the weight vector for class i, with such an equation for each i < k and then iteratively solving for the values of the ci and the vectors bi. This may or may not converge and relies on an initial guess for the weights. A regularized version exists for this as well.

Please read all of Chapter 4 carefully. Also perceptrons (already mentioned before, the ones we worked with in the simulation class) are discussed in Section 4.5.1 in the context of hyperplane separation (ideally, the decision boundary would be as separated from the training inputs as it can).

Homework 4

Pick one of the examples of the chapter that use the data of the book and replicate it in Python. Then, apply the steps in your own data.

Basis expansions

It is intuitively clear that real-world relationships between factors in data are unlikely to be linear. One work-around that is compatible with the math we have used thus far is including new features that are transformations of the original ones (or their combinations). This, of course, makes the feature-selection and model-minimization algorithms even more relevant as we are now blowing the number of possible features sky-high.

The transformations could be specific functions (attempted with a Tukey ladder, for example) such as logarithms or powers, but basis expansions is a more flexible way to get this done. This chapter deals with using piece-wise polynomials and splines as also touches the use of wavelets.

There is a toy example of how to work with transformations

It is common to doing this assuming additivity: each model feature is a linear combination of basis functions applied to the raw features, among a set of p basis functions. Basis functions that do not result in a significant contribution to the model can be discarded with selection methods, and also the coefficients of the linear combination could be restricted (this is called regularization).

In a piecewise-linear function, the book refers to the points at which the pieces change as knots (do not confuse this with the mathematical concept of a knot). Splines of order m are piecewise-polynomials with m - 2 continuous derivatives; cubic (m = 3) splines often result in polynomials where the knot locations are no longer easy to spot to the naked eye. If the locations of the knots are fixed (instead of flexible), these are called "regression splines". Play with the example in for a bit, varying the magnitude of the noise in the calls to normal and the step size (the third parameter of np.arange(-7, 7, 0.05)) to see how the spline behaves. Also mess with the function itself. We use from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline to create the spline. Note that CubicSpline wants an ordered x, so we have to sort after we add the noise.

The resulting splines

The figure shows the data with red dots, a green dashed line for the function we used, and two splines: one fitted to the "model" and another one fitted to the noisy version of the coordinates.

plt.scatter(x, y, c = 'red') # data
plt.plot(xt, yt, c = 'gray, linestyle = 'dashed') # pure model
plt.plot(x, s(x), c = 'orange) # clean spline
plt.plot(xt, s(xt), c = 'blue) # noisy spline

Undesirable behavior at boundaries can be somewhat tamed by using natural splines (

s = CubicSpline(x, y) # as before, the default is 'not-a-knot'
ns = CubicSpline(x, y, bc_type = 'natural') # fit a NATURAL cubic spline

plt.scatter(x, y, c = 'gray', s = 10) # data now in GRAY with small dots
plt.plot(xt, s(xt), linestyle = 'dashed', c = 'red') # the default one in RED
plt.plot(xt, ns(xt), c = 'orange') # natural spline now in ORANGE

If there is a difference, it appears at the edges of the plot. Rerun until you've seen it at both ends (the random noise affects the spline computations so the outcome differs at each execution).

Natural splines

There are many fine details to applying this, so it is important to read all of Chapter 5.

An alternative family of basis functions are wavelets that are orthonormal. There is a library for that.

Homework 5

Fit splines into single features in your project data. Explore options to obtain the best fit.


Instead of fitting one model to all of the data, we can fit simple, local models for each point we are interested in; the book calls these query points. The way "locality" is defined is by assigning a function that sets a weight for each data point based on its distance from the query point. These weight-assignment functions are called kernels and are usually parameterized in a way that controls how wide the neighborhood will be. Kernels are the topic of Chapter 12.

This is like the simple thing we did for the nearest-neighbor averaging method in in Chapter 2. To illustrate the downside of the simple procedure, let's use KNN to estimate a curve like the ones we used for the spline examples in the previous chapter; this code is in First we create data and pick some query points at random:

low = -7
high = 12
xt = np.arange(low, high, 0.1) 
n = len(xt)
m = 0.1
x = np.sort(xt + normal(size = n, scale = m)) 
y = np.cos(xt) - 0.2 * xt + normal(size = n, scale = m) # add noise
xq = np.sort(uniform(low, high, size = n // 2)) # sorted

Then we pick the k closest data points (in terms of x as we do not know the y, since we are trying to estimate it) and use their average as the estimate for the corresponding y:

yq = []
k = 10
for point in xq: # local models
    nd = [float('inf')] * k
    ny = [None] * k 
    for known in range(n):
        d = fabs(point - x[known]) # how far is the observation
        i = np.argmax(nd)
        if d < nd[i]: # if smaller than the largest of the stored
            nd[i] = d # replace that distance
            ny[i] = y[known]
    yq.append(sum(ny) / k)


The curve resulting by connecting the query point estimates is, of course, generally discontinuous, as expected. Throwing in some more math, we can patch the existing math for a smoother result. First we define the auxiliary function and the kernel itself:

def dt(t): # Eq. (6.4)
    return (3/4) * (1 - t**2) if fabs(t) <= 1 else 0

def kernel(qp, dp, lmd = 0.2): # Eq. (6.3)
    return dt(fabs(qp - dp) / lmd)

and then we use these to calculate the y estimates as weighted averages (the whole thing is at

tiny = 0.001
for point in xq:
    nd = [float('inf')] * k
    nx = [None] * k
    ny = [None] * k
    for known in range(n):
        d = fabs(point - x[known]) # how far is the observation
        i = np.argmax(nd)
        if d < nd[i]: # if smaller than the largest of the stored
            nd[i] = d # replace that distance
            nx[i] = x[known]
            ny[i] = y[known]
    w =  [kernel(point, neighbor) for neighbor in nx] # apply the kernel 
    bottom = sum(w) # the normalizer
    if fabs(bottom) > tiny: 
        top = sum((w * yv) for (w, yv) in zip(w, ny)) # weighted sum of the y values
        yq.append(top / bottom) # store the obtained value for this point
    else: # do NOT divide by zero
        yq.append(None) # no value obtained for this point (omit in drawing)


Of course we could use another dt like that of Eq. (6.7) or a different kernel. Now, applying this same idea to linear or even polynomial regression, we could also perform that in a local neighborhood, using a kernel to assign weights to the known data points within that local neighborhood. Much of this is playing with the parameters (like lmd in kernel) to obtain the best possible model.

Homework 6

You guessed it. That's the homework. Build some local regression model for your data and adjust the parameters. Remember to read all of Chapter 6 first to get as many ideas as possible.


Suppose we have tons of data. We first separate our available data, at random, into three non-overlapping sets:

  • Training set (about 50 to 70 %)
  • Validation set (about 15 to 25 %)
  • Test set (about 15 to 25 %) and life is sort of easy from there on. Use the training set to build a model, use the validation set to adjust any parameters or details that might need tuning, and then assess the model performance and quality in terms of the test set without making any tweaks to the model based on those results.

The seventh chapter is about what do when you do not in fact have this luxury and you have to validate analytically or using the same data repeatedly (like cross-validation and bootstrap).

So, if we have tons of potential models with various different subsets and transformations of the features, using different techniques, how do we quantify how good these models are and how would be go about choosing one in particular to actually use for whatever application we have in mind.

Let Y again be the target variable (i.e., what we are trying to model) and X the inputs (i.e., in terms of what we are building the model for Y). Denote by f(X) a prediction model that produces the estimates for Y as a function of X.

A loss function L(Y, f(X)) is a measurement of the prediction error. Typical examples include the squared error (Y - f(X))**2 and the absolute error np.abs(Y - f(X)). For categorical data, we can go with an indicator function that returns zero when the labels match (intended versus assigned) and one otherwise or a log-likelihood version such as deviance as in Equation (7,6).

In terms of such a function L, we can define generalization error (a.k.a. test error) as the expected value of L, conditioned on a (specific, fixed) test set T, where the inputs of T are not the ones we included in the training set X that was used to build the model in the first place.

The expected value of this expectation over possible test sets is the expected prediction error. Remember that when you are dealing with data instead of theory, averaging over several independent samples is usually a decent way to estimate an expected value of a quantity. In effect, if we average the loss over a set of independent training sets, we get what is called training error.

If you recycle any of the inputs in X in T, you are likely to see a lower error, but it does not imply you're "doing better" --- of course the error is lower if you test with the same data you modeled on. This is not a good thing. You want a low error on previously unseen data. The difference of errors when measured
(1) on actual validation or testing data (larger error) and (2) on the training data itself (smaller error) is called the optimism of the model. Analytically, optimism increases linearly with the number of features we use (raw or transformed). If we estimate optimism (analytically) and then add it to the training error, we get an estimate for the actual prediction error. This is what is discussed in Section 7.5 of the book.

We assume the error to be a a sum of three factors: an irreducible error plus bias (squared) plus variance, the first of which is the variability present in the phenomenon that is being modeled, the second measures how far the estimated mean is from the true mean, and the third measures how the estimates deviate from their mean. Complex models tend to achieve a lower bias (a more precise mean) but with the cost of a higher variance. Section 7.6 discusses how to determine the "effective number of parameters" for a model, whereas Section 7.8 describes the "minimum description length" which is another approach for the same issue: how to quantify model complexity. There are sections on Bayesian approaches as well as heavier stuff, too, for the mathematically oriented.

The book provides us with analytical expressions for this sum for linear KNN and ridge regression methods. Tuning a model parameter results in a bias-variance trade-off: lowering one results in an increase in the other.

A very popular way to go about prediction error estimation is called cross-validation that estimates, in a direct manner, the expected error over independent test samples. First, take your data and split it into c non-overlapping subsets. Then, iterate c times as follows: set the cth subset aside for validation and use the other c - 1 subsets, combined, as training data. Average over the loss functions to obtain an estimate for the prediction error. Yes, you should try different values of c to find out which one works with any particular data-model combination. It is important to carry out the entire process c times with the resulting test sets, instead of building once and then attempting to "only validate" multiple times (read Section 7.10 to understand why it is bad to limit it to just some of the steps). A conceptual toy example is available at with c = 5 and n = c * 20 meaning that it uses 80 samples to train and 20 to validate on each iteration. We use the same math as before for linear regression to compute predictions and then average over their errors:

e = list() # errors go here
for r in range(c):
    # since they are randomly generated, take every cth column starting at r 
    Xc = X[r::c] 
    yc = y[r::c]
    yp = predict(Xc, yc)
    diff = (yc - yp)
    e.append(np.inner(diff, diff)) # SSQ
print('Iterations', np.array(e))
print('Estimated prediction error', sum(e) / c) # average over them

Another common way to go about this is bootstrap. Here, we generate b random samples of the same size than the original training set, but with replacement, meaning that the individual inputs may (and usually will) repeat. We fit the model to these "fake" data sets and compare the fits, but simply averaging over the losses here suffers from the fallacy of using the same data for testing and validation, resulting in "artificially low" error estimates. Read Section 7.11 for more details on this.

A conceptual toy example for this as well is available at with b = 5 and n = 100 meaning that it uses 100 samples to train a base model and then samples from these a set of n but with replacement for each of the b replicas on each iteration. Note that the same math we used for linear regression to compute predictions will not work as sampling with replacement makes the matrix singular so we will use a sklearn.linear_model implementation for LinearRegression instead to circumvent this issue. The toy example does not actually compute any errors or perform validation; it simply builds the models and spits out the coefficients so you can stare at them and observe that they do in fact vary. We use choices from random to sample with replacement.

baseline = LinearRegression().fit(X, y) 

pos = [i for i in range(n)]
for r in range(b): 
    Xb = np.zeros((n, p))
    yb = np.zeros(n)
    i = 0
    for s in choices(pos, k = n): 
        Xb[i, :] = X[s, :]
        yb[i] = y[s]
    model = LinearRegression().fit(Xb, yb) 
    print(model.coef_) # replica model

Also read the last section of the chapter before jumping to the homework.

Homework 7

You guessed it again, you clever devil: apply both cross-validation and bootstrap to your project data to study how variable your results are when you switch the test set around.


The methods applied thus far concentrate on minimizing an error measure such as the sum of squares or cross entropy (check out the tutorial by Jason Brownlee if the word "entropy" still makes you anxious); now, instead, we maximize the likelihood in a Bayesian sense.

First, consider doing a bootstrap but by adding Gaussian noise to the predictions and then use the minimum and maximum values over the replicas as upper and lower limits of confidence bands to the estimate. Let's make a wide example plot

from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
figure(figsize = (20, 4), dpi = 100)

so that we can draw for each input the bounds we get from a bunch of bootstrap replicas using their minimums and maximums:

low = [float('inf')] * n
high = [-float('inf')] * n
pos = [i for i in range(n)]
for r in range(b): 
    Xb = np.zeros((n, p))
    yb = np.zeros(n)
    i = 0
    for s in choices(pos, k = n): 
        Xb[i, :] = X[s, :]
        yb[i] = y[s]
    model = LinearRegression().fit(Xb, yb) 
    repl = model.predict(X) # predict 
    for i in range(n):
        prediction = repl[i]
        low[i] = min(low[i], prediction)
        high[i] = max(high[i], prediction)

plt.xlabel('Input index')
plt.vlines(pos, low, high, zorder = 1) # behind
plt.scatter(pos, low, c = 'red', zorder = 2) # front
plt.scatter(pos, high, c = 'blue', zorder = 2) # front

The whole thing is in and the resulting figure shows errorbars-like things.

Errorbar thingies

With an infinite number of replicas, this would result in the same bands as a least-squares approach. Averaging over the predictions is called bagging and is discussed in Section 8.7 with cool examples. If instead of averaging, we opt for a best-fit approach, then it's called bumping and Section 8.9 is the place to be.

Suppose that g is a probability density function for the observations, parameterized in some way. For example, a Gaussian distribution would have two parameters: the mean and the variance.

A likelihood function is the product of the values of g under those parameters for all of our input vectors. Take the logarithm of that so you can deal with a sum instead of a product, and you have the corresponding log-likelihood function.

Now, the score of a certain parameter-data combo is the value of its log-likelihood. We want to make model choices that maximize this score.

In a Bayesian spirit, one can compute the conditional (posterior) distribution for those parameter values given the input data which we can then combine with the conditional probabilities of new data given the parameters to compute a predictive distribution. One would like to sample this posterior distribution, but in practice it tends to be such a mess that you will want to go MCMC on this (see the fifth homework of the simulation course that I keep mentioning and read Section 8.6 for more info on how that works). Averaging over Bayesian models is discussed in Section 8.8.

A careful examination of Section 8.4 is a wonderful way to develop a headache over these concepts. Section 8.5, however, explains how the expectation-maximization (EM) works. This is delightfully complemented by the discussion of how to do it in Python given by Siwei Causevic.

Homework 8

Yeah, do EM with your data following the from-scratch steps of Causevic.

Additive models and trees

Still within the realm of supervised learning, we now look at different options for structuring a regression function.

In an additive model, we assume that the expectation of Y given Xis a linear combination of individual functions f(x) over the features that form X (again assuming a unit vector there for the constant term). The relationship between the mean of Y conditioned on X to that sum of the f(x)terms is given by a link function(options include logit, probit, identity or just a logarithm). The task is to come with the those functions f(x) for each feature; they do not need to be all linear or nonlinear (especially mixing quantitative and qualitative features often requires diverse fs). What is optimized is a (possibly weighted) sum of squares of the errors (with tons of tunable parameters). Iterative methods that keep adjusting the functions until they stabilize in a sense are typical (cf. backfitting in Algorithm 9.1 of the book).

Methods that use trees work by partitioning the feature space into (non-overlapping) hypercubes and fitting a separate model to each cube. Such partitioning is often done recursively. The magical part is, naturally, choosing the partition thresholds for the features, usually by optimizing some quantity that measures "distance" or "separation" between the two sides. This is very common for classification problems and the methods are (quite evidently) called classification trees. Potential performance measures include counting classification errors, computing the deviance (cross-entropy), as well as the Gini index (check out the tutorial by Kimberly Fessel to understand this in general and Shagufta Tahsildar's blog post for the specific context of classification).

The patient rule induction method (PRIM) discussed in Section 9.3 is available as a pippackage, whereas multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) discussed in Section 9.4 using scikit-learnis explained in Jason Brownee's blog post.

If you dislike the idea of splitting the feature space into non-overlapping sub-regions, hierarchical mixtures of experts (HME) is a probabilistic variant of the tree-based approach (Section 9.5),

Homework 9

Read through the spam example used throughout Chapter 9 and make an effort to replicate the steps for your own data. When something isn't quite applicable, discuss the reasons behind this. Be sure to read Sections 9.6 and 9.7 before getting started.


Much like bagging, boosting refers to making use of multiple weak models (with classification errors only a wee bit better than random chance, for example) in forming a decently-performing one.

So, produce a total k weak classifiers, each with a modified input set (created for example by weighted sampling, where each iteration assigns more weight to those samples that the preceding ones mis-labeled), and then combine these (possibly again with weights) to produce the final classification. An example of this approach is AdaBoost and the idea also works for regression. The thing to be optimized are the weights of the component models upon computing the combined model. For AdaBoost, the component weights will be a logarithm of the success/error ratio (see Algorithm 10.1 in the book). The tenth chapter, overall, discusses how and why this works. All of this can be, of course, tweaked in tons of ways, including

  • gradually expanding the set of possible basis functions over the iterations
  • using different loss functions, such as exponential ones
  • using this on trees instead of 'flat' classifiers
  • optimizing the loss function with gradient boosting (such as steepest descent)
  • regularization to avoid overfitting; shrinkage to keep the models small
  • bootstrapping or bagging to average stuff out (and reduce variance)

Homework 10

Replicate the steps of the California housing example of Section 10.14.1 (with some library implementation) unless you really want to go all-in with this) to explore potential dependencies and interactions in the features of your data.

Neural networks

General idea: use the original features to create linear combinations of them (I will refer to these building blocks as neurons) and then build a model as a non-linear function of these.

Projection pursuit regression (PPR): f(X) = sum([g[k](np.matmul(w[k].T, X) for k in neurons]), meaning that for each neuron k we compute a scalar multiplying the inputs from the left with the transposed weights of that neuron and use a specific ridge function g for each neuron, then summing over the resulting values. Both the weights w and the functions g need to be estimated with an optimization procedure of sorts. Note that flexibility in the choice of the g allows representing for example multiplicative features (see Section 11.2 of the book). The larger the value of k, the more complex the model, of course. In economics, the case k = 1 is called the single index model.

In a neural network, each neuron of the first (hidden) layer_activates_ as a function of np.matmul(w.T, X) (for example a sigmoidal function), yielding an intermediate input. These k intermediate inputs are fed into an output layer, the neurons of which produce their own linear combinations of the intermediate inputs, which are then fed into a function that gives the output of the network. See Figure 11.2 of the book for an illustration of this structure. It is common to include the constant unit feature to represent bias. The weights of the neurons are what needs to be estimated to minimize error (analytically or just iteratively; SSQ for regression, cross-entropy for classification), avoiding over-fitting as it ruins generalization to unseen data. Back-propagation refers to computing predictions using current weights, then calculating the errors, and using these errors to make adjustments to the weights that gave rise to them. This is pleasant to parallelize. The adjustments can be either made after each individual input has been processed or in batch mode.

Frequent issues:

  • good initial weights (random, small)
  • over fitting (use a tuning parameter)
  • normalization of inputs
  • choosing kfor the hidden layer
  • deciding whether to also have k outputs or fewer
  • deciding whether multiple hidden layers would help
  • local minima

Homework 11

Go over the steps of the ZIP code examples in Chapter 11 and replicate as much as you can with your own project data. Don't forget to read the whole chapter before you start.

SVM and generalized LDA

Previously, we wanted to separate classes by hyperplanes, but it's not always the case that the classes are in fact linearly separable. We now discuss methods for creating non-linear boundaries by working in a transformation of the feature space in such a way that the boundaries in that transformed space are linear but their projections, so to speak, to the original feature space might not be.

Lets denote the margin at which the data points are from the separating hyperplane by M, making the width of the separation band 2M. As developed in Equation (12.4) of the book, M = 1 / np.linalg.norm(w) where w are the weights of the linear model (the ones the book denotes by beta).

When the classes are not linearly separable, some of the data will end up on the wrong side of the boundary, which calls for (positive) slack variables which I will denote by s[i] and the book denotes by xi.

For maximizing M even with some of the data on the wrong size, we can restrict to

np.matmul(y[i], np.matmul(x[j].T, w[i]) + constant) >= M - s[i]

which looks easy but results in a non-convex problem and that's inconvenient. So instead we opt to require

np.matmul(y[i], np.matmul(x[j].T, w[i]) + constant) >= M * (1 - s[i])

altering the margin width multiplicatively (*) instead of additively (-; a subtraction is just an addition of a negative quantity; we could also go for s[i] <= 0if we wanted to write it with a + in both formulation).

We assume that the sum of the slack variables is limited from above by a constant which directly limits by how much the predictions can escape on the wrong side: if s[i] > 1, the input x[i] is misclassified.

A SVM (Support Vector Machine) is a classifier that optimizes this formulation through a Lagrangian dual, but the authors warn that Section 12.2.1 might be a bit of a pain to process. Kernels are used to expand the feature space into a very large transformed one and regularization helps avoid overfitting. One can also use SVM for regression and for more than two classes. Check out the [blog post of Usman Malik]( for how to get started using scikit-learn.

Also LDA can be generalized, which is discussed in the rest of Chapter 12, from Section 12.4 onward. FDA stands for flexible discriminant analysis and PDA for penalized discriminant analysis (Figure 12.11 is particularly informative about how PDA improves upon LDA). An example of FDA using python is available at Jonathan Taylor's applied statistics course website.

Homework 12

Pick either (a variant of) SVM or a generalization of LDA and apply it on your project data. Remember to analyze properly the effects of parameters and design choices in the prediction error.

Prototypes and neighbors

Why bother with models when we can just "go with the closest match"? The idea here is to either pick from the existing labeled data a "close-by representative" and use its label for new data that happens to be similar to it or to construct such representatives (called prototypes) from the known data points.

In k-means clustering, we compute k cluster centers by minimizing the distance of each known data point to its nearest center. Start with k random points in the feature space, for example, assign each data point to the nearest one, and then update the center by averaging over the members of the cluster, and repeat until some convergence condition is met or you run out of time or some other stopping condition tells you to stop. There are, of course, tons of variants on how exactly to carry out this idea.

The absolute most famous person to have worked at the department where I studied, Teuvo Kohonen, proposed a methods called LVQ (learning vector quantification) in which the representatives are gradually moved towards the boundaries, starting with a random assignment of prototypes and then little by little moving the prototypes towards randomly selected training samples at a decreasing rate.

Another similar approach is the Gaussian mixture method where the clusters are represented as Gaussian densities and one iteratively adjusts the weighted means and covariances (data points that are equidistant from two or more clusters contribute to each one of them).

As mentioned before, KNN just uses the k closest known data points to assign a label to a previously unseen one; we can use a majority vote or a (weighted) mean or some other criteria of that kind.

For all of these methods, the absolute most relevant choices are

  • how distances are measured in the feature space or a transformed version thereof
  • how many clusters / neighbors are taken into account (either of these could be somehow auto-adjusted based on prediction error). Section 13.3.3 presents the interesting option of tangent distance to avoid some known issues.

Homework 13

After a complete read-through of Chapter 13, make a comparison between (some variants) of k-means, LVQ, Gaussian mixtures, and KNN for your project data. Since these models are pretty simple, implement at least one of them fully from scratch without using a library that already does it for you.

Unsupervised learning

Now we no longer have or need pre-labeled training samples. No more Y in the equations, no more prediction in that same sense. We just have the X now, possibly with a lot more features and a lot more data points. The goal is to somehow characterize the dataset.

Some ways to go about this:

  • estimating the probability density Pr(X) (Section 14.1)
  • association rules that describe sets of feature values that tend to appear together (Section 14.2)
  • label all of it as 'true', mash it up with random data labeled as 'false', and then apply regression (Section 14.2.4) or some other supervised method (Section 14.2.6)

A building block for these is using binary indicator variables to whether or not a feature of an input is "close" to a specific "typical" value for that feature. Then one searches for sets of inputs that have the same indicators set to true (we will say that these inputs "match" the indicator set). The support of a subset of such indicators refers to the proportion of data points that match it. One wants to find rules that have a support larger than a threshold (for example with the a priori algorithm discussed in Section 14.2.2). The interest is in figuring out which indicator subsets are simultaneously present with high probability (think of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich example of the aforementioned section). The confidence of a rule A -> B is the support of A -> B normalized by the support of A. An end user will typically want to manually query (or automatically mine for) rules involving specific indicators with both support and confidence exceeding some thresholds.

Another way to approach this issue, a long-time personal interest of mine, is through clustering (Section 14.3):

  • define a pairwise similarity measure (hopefully symmetrical)
  • use the corresponding dissimilarity as a distance (hopefully meeting the triangle inequality)
  • or define a distance and use it's inverse of some sorts as a similarity measure
  • build a proximity matrix in these terms
  • figure out a way to define similarity and/or dissimilarity for subsets of data points
  • apply a clustering algorithm to group the data into (possibly overlapping and/or hierarchical) groups that are internally similar but dissimilar between groups (the belonging into a group could also be fuzzy or probabilistic), with something simple like k-means or some other approach.

There is a plethora of clustering methods for data points as such, let alone graph representations based on thresholding the proximity matrix to obtain an adjacency relation. See spectral clustering in Section 14.5.3 on how to identify clusters based on the eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian. Also the PageRank algorithm that Google uses to determine which websites are relevant is based on an eigenvector; this is discussed in Section 14.10 and can be applied to determine relative importance of elements in any proximity matrix.

The utility of k-means for image processing is discussed in Section 14.3.9 regarding vector quantization. Variants of k-means that go beyond the usual Euclidean distance and averaging are numerous; see for example Section 14.3.10.

Iteratively grouping the data set gives rise to a hierarchy, best visualized as a dendrogram (see Figure 14.12). These can be built with both top-down approaches, dividing the data into two or more groups in each step, or bottom-up by combining in each step two or more subsets starting with singletons.

Another contribution of Teuvo Kohonen are self-organizing maps (Section 14.4) that are similar to k-means but constrained into a low-dimensional projection of a sort (a manifold referred to as a constrained topological map). The idea is to 'bend' a 2D plane of principal components (Section 14.5) to a grid of prototypes in terms of a sample neighborhood.

See Sections 14.5.4 and 14.5.5 for fancy ways to apply principal component analysis. Other ways to make use of matrix decompositions include ICA (independent component analysis, Section 14.7) and other ways to map stuff down into a very low dimension include multidimensional scaling (Section 14.8).

Homework 14

After reading the whole chapter, pick any three techniques introduced in it and apply them to your data. Make use of as many libraries as you please in this occasion. Discuss the drawbacks and advantages of each of the chosen techniques.

Random forests

As discussed in Section 8.7 (bagging and bootstrap), one can improve upon a model by actually using several models (in parallel, if you wish) and then letting those average or vote for the outcome in some way. This is similar to boosting (Chapter 10) that differs from the former in that it is an iterative method that improves from one iteration to the next. Now we look into building a bunch of un-correlated trees and calling it a forest; the outcome is averaged over the individual trees.

The main idea is to take a bootstrap sample as before, and then train a tree for that sample. Let these trees carry out a majority vote when a prediction is made.

Each individual tree is made by selecting (independently and uniformly) at random a subset of m variables (the order of this subset is a parameter), pick the best split point among those m options, and then divide the data recursively until the amount of data points in the branch falls beneath a defined threshold (also a model parameter). The smaller the value of m, the less relation between the trees is to be expected.

We can use the splitting steps to determine how important the variables are in terms of how good the splits are (see Figure 15.5 of the book). Also a proximity matrix can be derived (a bit like a dendrogram distance) in terms of how many shared nodes the two variables have.

Homework 15

After carefully reading all of Chapter 15 (regardless of how much of Section 15.4 results comprehensible), train (and evaluate) a random forest on your project data and compute also the variable importance and the proximity matrix corresponding to the forest.

Ensemble learning

There are also other ways to take a bunch of models and combine their results. Anything that trains numerous models and uses their output to build a prediction is in essence an ensemble method. In this chapter, instead of just grabbing a bunch of models at random, an actual search procedure in the "learner space" is used to form that population.

Instead of using as-short-as-possible binary codes for the classes and then the bit positions to train two-class models, one option is to use an error-correcting code (meaning that extra bits are added to keep the class identifier vectors "as far apart as possible") or just random long binary strings.

In forward stagewise linear regression, assume initially that all coefficients are zero and iteratively increment the ones that have the highest impact (using the sign of the change they produce in the difference between the intended label and the resulting prediction), with a gradually slowing learning rate. (Tibshirani discusses this very clearly and in-depth). Ideally, non-relevant features will remain at zero coefficients whereas the relevant ones converge towards their "true" values.

In a similar manner, in ensemble learning, one could seek to get rid of those ensemble members that fail to contribute. A post-processing (with potential discarding) can achieve this, as is discussed in Section 16.3. One good option is LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) that does both regularization and variable selection (check out this tutorial by Aarsjhay Jain) to get rid of unwanted ensemble members (using the ensemble members outputs as the input variables for the prediction).

Homework 16

Two things: examine how increasing the length of the binary string to identify each class in a multi-class problem affects the performance and carry out some sort of pruning on an ensemble method of your choice, both with the project data.



So, let's put the features as vertices of a graph and also throw in the variables we want to predict. Then, add edges using some pairwise measurement (conditional dependencies or the like); these could also be directed in the case that the chosen measure were asymmetric. _

Bayesian networks_ are one way to work in this fashion. Another approach are Markov graphs where the absence of an edge represents conditional independence (given the values of the other variables). Interesting subsets of variables (vertices) are those that separate the rest of the vertex sets into two in such a way that all paths from one to another pass through the separating subset. We can reason about the graph in terms of its maximal cliques (complete subgraphs), assigning a potential function to each one.

One may either already know the structure of the graph and wish to determine some parameters, or both the structure and the parameters need to be estimated from the data. For the latter, LASSO comes in handy again to assume a complete graph and then rid oneself of the edges that have zero coefficients by only working with the non-zero ones (see Figure 17.5).

For continuous variables, Gaussian models are common, whereas for discrete variables, the special case of binarization brings us to Ising models (briefly discussed at the end of the Algorithm course in the context of phase transitions).

Also hidden Markov models are a cool field of study, especially for sequence-processing. A favorite of our friend, Arturo Berrones, are Bolzmann machines (see Section 17.4) that are bipartite graphs (layers of nodes with no internal edges in any of the layers, much like a layered neural network). Section 17.4.4 shows an interesting example of how powerful restricted Bolzmann machines can be for unsupervised learning.

Homework 17

Using either an existing graph-based model or one of your own creation, build a graph of the features (possibly with transformations, kernels or the like to expand the vertex set) and the variables of interest for your project data. Draw this graph using color and size to emphasize the relative importance of the variables (vertices) and their dependencies (edges).

High dimensionality

When we have tons more features than we do data points, things get challenging; this is often the case in medical studies (dozens or maybe hundreds of patients, but possibly thousands of measurements on each). Regularizing diagonal covariances in LDA may be useful (Section 18.2) or quadratic regularization with a linear classifier (Section 18.3). Feature selection becomes a must, really.

Final project

Using everything you have learned about your project data during the 17 homework assignments, write an article (as you would for a scientific journal) of your absolute best effort of applying statistical learning to the project data. Respect the usual structure of an article and the style of scientific writing in computational sciences.

Do not try to fit everything you did during the semester into the article. Be smart and use what you learned in later homeworks to improve upon the results you obtained in earlier ones instead of just copying and pasting homework fragments together. It is recommendable to include a comparison of techniques instead of just one technique, but try to not exaggerate on how many techniques to include. It is especially interesting if you manage to combine two or more techniques into a novel adaptation for your particular situation.

Include pseudocodes (with an appropriate LaTeX package) or very clear and concise code fragments (using the listingspackage) of the applied methods, clear equations for anything that can be expressed mathematically, and pay extra attention to the quality of the scientific visualization of your results. Each figure or table should serve a clear purpose and needs to be discussed in the text; if there is nothing of interest to conclude about it, then it should not really be included.

Remember to properly cite the state of the art and to provide the necessary concepts and notation in a background section. If the feedback on the homework was helpful, you can include me in the acknowledgments section along with people who provided data or had helpful discussions with you during the work; only people who actually write (either the manuscript or code) should be listed as authors, in all honesty (that's literally what being an author means).


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