for Linux
git clone https://github.com/sarrtle/.nvim.git .config/nvim
for windows
git clone https://github.com/sarrtle/.nvim.git appdata/local/nvim
- open your terminal and run
- wait for it to install then run
- wait for it to load and run
this will install the plugins
- basedpyright, ruff, black
- typescript-language-server, svelte-language-server, tailwindcss-language-server, prettierd, emmet-language-server, html, cssls
- rust-analyzer
- You need to install rust with rustup to get the rust-std.
- Auto close tags on react html and svelte: whenever you write any html tags, it will be automatically close.
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
- Auto formatting: By following code writing standard, your code will be automatically clean from bad writing. Both python and Web development works.
- Markdown preview: Preview markdown files with keyboard mapping of
for toggle ormd
for split view. - AI auto suggestion: Using
, this config has AI auto suggestions. To start, type command:NeoCodeium auth
to get your API key from Codeium.