Node AWS is an easy-to-use AWS client.
Adding support for SNS Does not use libxml2js anymore
var aws = require('node-aws');
var client = aws.createClient({
accessKeyId: '...',
secretAccessKey: '...',
client.request('sns', 'publish', {
'TopicArn': topicArn,
'Subject': subject,
'Message': message,
'Action': 'Publish'
}, function(response) {
if (response instanceof Error) {
// uh oh
console.log(response.code, response.message);
} else {
// it worked!
The most up-to-date list of supported AWS services and methods is available by calling require('node-aws').getSupportedMethods()
. A potentially outdated list is provided below:
- publish
- allocateAddress
- associateAddress
- createKeyPair
- deleteKeyPair
- describeAddresses
- describeAvailabilityZones
- describeInstances
- describeKeyPairs
- describeRegions
- disassociateAddress
- getConsoleOutput
- importKeyPair
- rebootInstances
- releaseAddress
- startInstances
- stopInstances
- changeResourceRecordSets
- createHostedZone
- deleteHostedZone
- getChange
- getHostedZone
- listHostedZones
- listResourceRecordSets
- createBucket
- deleteBucket
- deleteObject
- getObject
- listAllMyBuckets
- listBucket
- putObject
- deleteVerifiedEmailAddress
- getSendQuota
- getSendStatistics
- listVerifiedEmailAddresses
- sendEmail
- verifyEmailAddress
- batchDeleteAttributes
- batchPutAttributes
- createDomain
- deleteAttributes
- deleteDomain
- domainMetadata
- getAttributes
- listDomains
- putAttributes
- select