This is an implementation of pagerank in python.
There are 2 ways to executing the file, longhand way and shorter way.
Shorter way is possible when you already have python added to your environment path and can run python.exe whichever directory you are in. This is more common, so let me give instructions for shorter way first.
- Imagine that you have 'HW2-SANGHO-SUH' folder at C:\ so that full directory is C:\HW2-SANGHO-SUH
- Go to the command line on your OS. Move to C:\HW2-SANGHO-SUH
- At the command prompt, type 'Python'
Longhand way is if you have not yet added python to environment path and thus cannot run python.exe whichever directory you are in. In this case, the instructions are as follows.
- Suppose your python installation directory is C:\Python24. And file resides in C:\HW2-SANGHO-SUH
- Go to the command line on your OS. At the command prompt, type C:\Python24\Python.exe C:\HW2-SANGHO-SUH\