Simple password manager application built on VueJS and Electron. I made this project for my personal use, consider use it at your own risk.
All my passwords are 16 characters long and randomly generated from A-Z, 0-9 and special characters included, so it's really hard to remember.
(Note: This description is for previous version) I chose VueJS because it's easy to start, and with some basic knownledge when I've learned ReactJS, jump into VueJS is a big "WOW". I want to focus in VueJS, so I used the boilerplate electron-vue to generate. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.
Update: In version 3, I rewrite the source code from scratch, project was generated by Vue CLI 3, then installed electron-builder
as plugin. More information you can read from here.
Click here to download the latest version of Password Manager for Mac OS. Or go to release page to download the other version of Password Manager, also for other OS.
The application should have these features, but some of them are under development.
- Add new record (each item is a row of password.)
- Edit record.
- Delete record.
- Instant search.
- Sort by alphabetical order.
- Sort by frequent of clicks.
These are features I'm working on it:
- Encrypt password input.
- Setting: backup/restore data into secret Gist.
In current version, I made a simple "crypto" method to convert characters into new character, using passphrase as "key". This is definitely not a proper way to store sensitive data so consider to use this app at your own risk.
If you want to join development, clone this git, then in the root folder of project, run:
# install dependencies
yarn install
# run on development
yarn electron:serve
# build electron application for production
yarn electron:build
You can do anything, mentor, find bugs, raise issue, folk, create pull request, or even drop me a message at Twitter @sangdth, you are more than welcome.
Big shout out for creator/maintainers of these packages that Password Manager relies on:
- Vue Router for navigation.
- VeeValidate for input validation.
- Electron JSON database to store data.