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This is the VSCode Extension for It allows for AWS role assumption within VSCode.

Assume an AWS Role in VSCode


  • Assume AWS Roles in VSCode
  • Automatic Refreshes
  • Automatically update ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials with: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
  • Works seamlessly with the AWS Toolkit


Please make sure the following is installed:

  • VSCode 1.84+

Then, install the VSCode Extension from the VSCode Marketplace.

Getting Started

Once the VSCode Extension is installed, run the following commands to login and assume roles:

  • Open the Command Palette (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P)
  • Choose Assume AWS Role

If no logins or roles are available, an administrator for an AWS account should complete the initial setup.

Add the --help flag to any command for available options.

Extension Settings

  • github.token: Provide a GitHub Token instead of using VSCode Authentication. This token requires the user:email scope. (Overridden by the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.)
  • assumeAws.assumeRoleAtStartup: Automatically attempt to assume a role at startup. If assumeAws.role or assumeAws.rememberRole is set, the role prompt will be skipped.
  • assumeAws.autoRefresh: Automatically refresh the credentials before they expire.
  • assumeAws.region: The AWS Default Region to set after assuming a role. (Overridden by the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable.)
  • assumeAws.role: Skip role selection input and assume this role. (Overridden by the AWS_ROLE_ARN environment variable.)
  • assumeAws.rememberRole: Skip role selection input and assume the last role used. This is ignored when the assumeAws.role setting is set.
  • Save AWS Credentials to a named profile in ~/.aws/config. (Overridden by the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.)

Initial Setup

Visit Install to get started by connecting a GitHub User or Organization to an AWS Account.

Reporting Issues

Please Open a New Issue in GitHub if an issue is found with this tool.



Apache-2.0 License