Python Client for Newgistics Fulfillments API v2.8.2 and Newgistics Web API v2.2. Please refer to the API docs before using this package.
Supports Python 3+ To install, simply use pip
$ sudo pip install newgistics
>>> from newgistics import NewgisticsFulfillment
>>> ngf_client = NewgisticsFulfillment(api_key='<NG-Fulfillments-API-Key>', staging=False)
>>> ngf_client.inbound_returns.create(payload=request_payload)
<Response [200]>
>>> from newgistics import NewgisticsWeb
>>> ngw_client = NewgisticsWeb(api_key='<NG-Web-API-Key>', staging=False)
>>> ngw_client.labels.create(payload=label_payload)
<Response [200]>
You can pass the api_key
explicitly. Alternatively, you may declare these environment variables NG_FL_API_KEY
For wrapper usage code snippets please check
Note: Below package usages return a requests module's Response object. Append .json() to get a python dictionary response
- Newgistics Fulfillments
- Shipments
- Create Shipment
Submit orders to WMS system
>>> request_payload = {'Orders': {'Order': {'AllowDuplicate': False, 'CustomerInfo': {'Address1': '32142 Waverton Lane', 'Address2': None, 'City': 'Huntersville', 'Company': None, 'Country': 'US', 'Email': '[email protected]', 'FirstName': 'John', 'IsResidential': 'true', 'LastName': 'Barron', 'Phone': None, 'State': 'NC', 'Zip': '28078'}, 'HoldForAllInventory': False, 'Items': {'Item': [{'Qty': 10, 'SKU': 'HLU'}]}, 'OrderDate': '04-12-2019', 'RequiresSignature': False, 'id': '4321'}}} >>> ngf_client.shipments.create(payload=request_payload)
- Fetch Shipment(s)
Retrieves a list of shipments based on one or more parameters
>>> ngf_client.shipments.fetch(params={'id': '4231'})
- Create Shipment
- Inbound Returns
- Create Inbound Return
Submits incoming returns by RMA ID to the WMS system
>>> request_payload = {'Returns': { 'Return': {'id': '8732832', 'Comments': 'COMMENTS', 'Items': {'Item': [{'Qty': 10, 'Reason': 'Some_Reason', 'SKU': 'HLU'}]}, 'RMA': '1234'}}} >>> ngf_client.inbound_returns.create(payload=request_payload)
- Fetch Inbound Return(s)
Retrieves a list of incoming returns by RMA ID to the WMS system
>>> ngf_client.inbound_returns.fetch(params={'startCreatedTimestamp': '', 'endCreatedTimestamp': ''})
- Create Inbound Return
- Returns
- Fetch Return(s)
Retrieves a list of returns received by Newgistics Fulfillment for a given date/time range or a specific return by order ID
>>> ngf_client.returns.fetch(params={'Id': '1234'})
- Fetch Return(s)
- Shipments
- Newgistics Web API
- Shipments
- Create Shipment Label
Creates a SmartLabel return label
>>> payload = { "clientServiceFlag": "Standard", "consumer": { "Address": { "Address1": "2700 Via Fortuna Drive", "Address2": "", "Address3": "", "City": "Austin", "CountryCode": "US", "State": "TX", "Zip": "78746" }, "DaytimePhoneNumber": "5122256000", "EveningPhoneNumber": "", "FaxNumber": "", "FirstName": "testname", "Honorific": "", "LastName": "tester", "MiddleInitial": "", "PrimaryEmailAddress": "[email protected]" }, "deliveryMethod": "SelfService", "dispositionRuleSetId": 99, "labelCount": 1, "merchantID": "NGST", "returnId": "123456789A" } >>> ngw_client.labels.create(payload=payload)
- Create Shipment Label
- Shipments
- Newgistics Web API endpoint:
- Prod:
- Staging:
- Newgistics Fulfillments API:
Newgistics provides services and technology to support the e-commerce operations of retailers around the world. Its offerings include software and services to build and maintain e-commerce websites, perform order fulfillment, and manage parcel delivery and returns. This package reduces the shortcomings/difficulties whule integrating Newgistics's APIs. It's still not what I'd appreciate, but it should just work! Looking for your active contribution to the project (See roadmap below)
For any wrapper related query/issue, please raise a GitHub issue.
Integrating with 3PL APIs like Newgistics(owned by PitneyBowes) can be pain at times. For instance, some APIs are XML only, whereas some can accept JSON as payload but return a XML response
1. Write Tests with a token from Newgistics(Observation: staging and production tokens are same on NG)
2. Cover more APIs from both Web & Fulfillment
3. Return better objects, eg: every function returns a python requests's Response object
4. Overall code and design improvements
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