Thorappan Kochunni bot is a twitter bot that will help you save long twitter threads for later reading. Just reply to any tweet on the thread by tagging @Thorappan_k_ and the bot will DM the entire thread to you. You may even add extra notes while tagging as the bot sends those to you as well.
The bot is no longer running
- Althaf Ashraf
- Muhammed Jezwan
- Salman Nazeer
The bot works by using the twitter API. Bot accesses the associated twitter account using the API credentials.
This projects requires that you have Python Tweepy - 3.10.0 installed in your system. If you are deploying to heroku, it will automatically be done for you because of the requirements.txt file.
The only thing you have to do is to add your own Twitter API credentials as environment variables.
Upload to your deployment service after adding your twitter API credentials as environment variables to the deployment service. Try this youtube video for more info: