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Rebar3 as primary build
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zmstone committed Jul 24, 2018
1 parent 932eb7e commit bf4ec56
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Showing 15 changed files with 255 additions and 338 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Expand Down
23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,17 @@ sudo: required
- docker

# install latest rebar3 because the one travis provids doesn't support cover_export_name option
- |
git clone
pushd .
cd rebar3
sudo mv rebar3 /usr/local/bin/
- git clone; cd elvis; rebar3 escriptize; sudo cp _build/default/bin/elvis /usr/bin; cd ..
- sudo docker info

email: false
Expand All @@ -17,26 +26,25 @@ otp_release:
- 19.3

- set -e
# check style first
- elvis rock

- echo "verifying rebar compilation"
# test compilation with rebar
- rebar get-deps
- rebar compile

# test with rebar3
- make distclean
- echo "verifying rebar3 compilation"
- rebar3 compile

- make distclean
- make rel
- make edoc
- make xref
- rebar3 edoc
- rebar3 xref
- |
OTP_VSN=`erl -noshell -eval 'io:format(erlang:system_info(otp_release)), halt(0)'`
if [ $OTP_VSN -eq 21 ]; then
# run dialyzer only in otp 21
make dialyze
rebar3 dialyzer
# test against kafka 0.9 in otp 21
export KAFKA_VERSION="0.9"
Expand All @@ -54,3 +62,4 @@ script:
export KAFKA_VERSION="1.1"
make test-env
make t
make cover
65 changes: 34 additions & 31 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,62 +1,65 @@
PROJECT = brod
PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = Kafka client library in Erlang

DEPS = supervisor3 kafka_protocol
TEST_DEPS = docopt jsone meck proper
REL_DEPS = docopt jsone

COMMON_ERLC_OPTS = -Werror +warn_unused_vars +warn_shadow_vars +warn_unused_import +warn_obsolete_guard +debug_info -Dbuild_brod_cli
ERLC_OPTS = -Werror +warn_unused_vars +warn_shadow_vars +warn_unused_import +warn_obsolete_guard +debug_info -Dbuild_brod_cli

dep_supervisor3_commit = 1.1.5
dep_kafka_protocol_commit = 2.1.0
dep_supervisor3_commit = 1.1.7
dep_kafka_protocol_commit = 2.1.1
dep_kafka_protocol = git $(dep_kafka_protocol_commit)
dep_docopt = git 0.1.3

ERTS_VSN = $(shell erl -noshell -eval 'io:put_chars(erlang:system_info(version)), halt()')
ESCRIPT_FILE = scripts/brod_cli
ESCRIPT_EMU_ARGS = -sname brod_cli

EDOC_OPTS = preprocess, {macros, [{build_brod_cli, true}]}
COVER = true

EUNIT_OPTS = verbose

CT_OPTS = -ct_use_short_names true


## Make app the default target
## To avoid building a release when brod is used as a project's dependency


rel:: escript
@cp scripts/brod _rel/brod/bin/brod
@cp $(ESCRIPT_FILE) _rel/brod/bin/brod_cli
@ln -sf erts-$(ERTS_VSN) _rel/brod/erts
@tar -pczf _rel/brod.tar.gz -C _rel brod
@rebar3 compile


t: eunit ct
./scripts/cover-summary.escript eunit.coverdata ct.coverdata
@rebar3 eunit -v --cover_export_name ut-$(KAFKA_VERSION)

# version check, eunit and all common tests
t: vsn-check ut
@rebar3 ct -v --cover_export_name ct-$(KAFKA_VERSION)

$(verbose) ./scripts/ $(PROJECT_VERSION)
@./scripts/ $(PROJECT_VERSION)

distclean:: rebar-clean

@rebar3 clean
@rm -rf _build
@rm -rf doc
@rm -f pipe.testdata

hex-publish: distclean
$(verbose) rebar3 hex publish
@rebar3 hex publish

## tests that require kafka running at localhost
INTEGRATION_CTS = brod_cg_commits brod_client brod_compression brod_consumer brod_producer brod_group_subscriber brod_topic_subscriber

## integration tests
.PHONY: it
it: eunit $(INTEGRATION_CTS:%=ct-%)
it: ut $(INTEGRATION_CTS:%=it-%)

@rebar3 ct -v --suite=test/$(subst it-,,$@)_SUITE --cover_export_name $@-$(KAFKA_VERSION)

## build escript and a releas, and copy escript to release bin dir
@rebar3 as brod_cli escriptize
@rebar3 as brod_cli release
@cp _build/brod_cli/bin/brod_cli _build/brod_cli/rel/brod/bin/

@rebar3 cover -v
73 changes: 33 additions & 40 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Why "brod"? [](

# Building and testing

make compile
make test-env t # requires docker-compose in place

# Working With Kafka 0.9.x or Earlier
Expand All @@ -47,29 +47,29 @@ e.g. in sys.config:

Assuming kafka is running at `localhost:9092` and there is a topic named `test-topic`.

Start Erlang shell by `make; erl -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin`, then paste lines below into shell:
Start Erlang shell by `make compile; erl -pa _build/default/lib/*/ebin`, then paste lines below into shell:

{ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(brod).
KafkaBootstrapEndpoints = [{"localhost", 9092}].
Topic = <<"test-topic">>.
Partition = 0.
ok = brod:start_client(KafkaBootstrapEndpoints, client1).
ok = brod:start_producer(client1, Topic, _ProducerConfig = []).
{ok, FirstOffset} = brod:produce_sync_offset(client1, Topic, Partition, <<"key1">>, <<"value1">>).
ok = brod:produce_sync(client1, Topic, Partition, <<"key2">>, <<"value2">>).
SubscriberCallbackFun = fun(Partition, Msg, ShellPid = CallbackState) -> ShellPid ! Msg, {ok, ack, CallbackState} end.
Receive = fun() -> receive Msg -> Msg after 1000 -> timeout end end.
{ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(brod),
KafkaBootstrapEndpoints = [{"localhost", 9092}],
Topic = <<"test-topic">>,
Partition = 0,
ok = brod:start_client(KafkaBootstrapEndpoints, client1),
ok = brod:start_producer(client1, Topic, _ProducerConfig = []),
{ok, FirstOffset} = brod:produce_sync_offset(client1, Topic, Partition, <<"key1">>, <<"value1">>),
ok = brod:produce_sync(client1, Topic, Partition, <<"key2">>, <<"value2">>),
SubscriberCallbackFun = fun(Partition, Msg, ShellPid = CallbackState) -> ShellPid ! Msg, {ok, ack, CallbackState} end,
Receive = fun() -> receive Msg -> Msg after 1000 -> timeout end end,
brod_topic_subscriber:start_link(client1, Topic, Partitions=[Partition],
_ConsumerConfig=[{begin_offset, FirstOffset}],
_CommittdOffsets=[], message, SubscriberCallbackFun,
AckCb = fun(Partition, BaseOffset) -> io:format(user, "\nProduced to partition ~p at base-offset ~p\n", [Partition, BaseOffset]) end,
ok = brod:produce_cb(client1, Topic, Partition, <<>>, [{<<"key3">>, <<"value3">>}], AckCb).
{ok, [Msg]} = brod:fetch(KafkaBootstrapEndpoints, Topic, Partition, FirstOffset + 2), Msg.
{ok, {_, [Msg]}} = brod:fetch(KafkaBootstrapEndpoints, Topic, Partition, FirstOffset + 2), Msg.

Example outputs:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,80 +413,73 @@ brod:fetch(Hosts, Topic, Partition, 1).
This will build a self-contained binary with brod application

make rel
./_rel/brod/bin/brod --help
make brod-cli
_build/brod_cli/rel/brod/bin/brod -h

Disclaimer: This script is NOT designed for use cases where fault-tolerance is a hard requirement.
As it may crash when e.g. kafka cluster is temporarily unreachable,
or (for fetch command) when the parition leader migrates to another broker in the cluster.

Start an Erlang shell with brod started


## brod-cli examples:
## brod-cli examples (with `alias brod=_build/brod_cli/rel/brod/bin/brod`):

### Fetch and print metadata
./scripts/brod meta -b localhost
brod meta -b localhost

### Produce a Message

./scripts/brod send -b localhost -t test-topic -p 0 -k "key" -v "value"
brod send -b localhost -t test-topic -p 0 -k "key" -v "value"

### Fetch a Message

./scripts/brod fetch -b localhost -t test-topic -p 0 --fmt 'io:format("offset=~p, ts=~p, key=~s, value=~s\n", [Offset, Ts, Key, Value])'
brod fetch -b localhost -t test-topic -p 0 --fmt 'io:format("offset=~p, ts=~p, key=~s, value=~s\n", [Offset, Ts, Key, Value])'

Bound variables to be used in `--fmt` expression:

- `Offset`: Message offset
- `Key`: Kafka key
- `Value`: Kafka Value
- `CRC`: Message CRC
- `TsType`: Timestamp type either `create` or `append`
- `Ts`: Timestamp, `-1` as no value

### Stream Messages to Kafka

Send `` to kafka one line per kafka message
./scripts/brod pipe -b localhost:9092 -t test-topic -p 0 -s @./
brod pipe -b localhost:9092 -t test-topic -p 0 -s @./

### Resolve Offset

./scripts/brod offset -b localhost:9092 -t test-topic -p 0
brod offset -b localhost:9092 -t test-topic -p 0

### List or Describe Groups

# List all groups
./scripts/brod groups -b localhost:9092
brod groups -b localhost:9092
# Describe groups
./scripts/brod groups -b localhost:9092 --ids group-1,group-2
brod groups -b localhost:9092 --ids group-1,group-2

### Display Committed Offsets

# all topics
./scripts/brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --describe
brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --describe
# a specific topic
./scripts/brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --describe --topic topic-name
brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --describe --topic topic-name

### Commit Offsets
Expand All @@ -495,16 +488,16 @@ NOTE: This feature is designed for force overwriting commits, not for regular us

# Commit 'latest' offsets of all partitions with 2 days retention
./scripts/brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --topic topic-name --offsets latest --retention 2d
brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --topic topic-name --offsets latest --retention 2d
# Commit offset=100 for partition 0 and 200 for partition 1
./scripts/brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --topic topic-name --offsets "0:100,1:200"
brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --topic topic-name --offsets "0:100,1:200"
# Use --retention 0 to delete commits (may linger in kafka before cleaner does its job)
./scripts/brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --topic topic-name --offsets latest --retention 0
brod commits -b localhost:9092 --id the-group-id --topic topic-name --offsets latest --retention 0
# Try join an active consumer group using 'range' protocol and steal one partition assignment then commit offset=10000
./scripts/brod commits -b localhost:9092 -i the-group-id -t topic-name -o "0:10000" --protocol range
brod commits -b localhost:9092 -i the-group-id -t topic-name -o "0:10000" --protocol range

## TODOs
Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions rebar.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
{deps, [ {supervisor3, "1.1.5"}
, {kafka_protocol, "2.1.0"}
{deps, [ {supervisor3, "1.1.7"}
, {kafka_protocol, "2.1.1"}
{edoc_opts, [{preprocess, true}, {macros, [{build_brod_cli, true}]}]}.
{cover_enabled, true}.
{erl_opts, [warn_unused_vars,warn_shadow_vars,warn_unused_import,warn_obsolete_guard,debug_info]}.
{xref_checks, [undefined_function_calls, undefined_functions,
locals_not_used, deprecated_function_calls,
26 changes: 24 additions & 2 deletions rebar.config.script
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,29 @@
IsRebar3 = erlang:function_exported(rebar3, main, 1),

DocoptUrl = "",
DocOptTag = "0.1.3",
DocoptDep = {docopt, {git, DocoptUrl, {branch, DocOptTag}}},
Profiles =
{profiles, [
{brod_cli, [
{deps, [jsone, DocoptDep]},
{erl_opts, [{d, build_brod_cli}]},
{escript_name, brod_cli},
{relx, [{release, {brod, "i"}, % release the interactive shell as brod-i
[brod, jsone, docopt]},
{include_erts, true},
{overlay, [{copy, "scripts/brod", "bin"},
{copy, "{{lib_dirs}}/crc32cer/priv/", "bin"},
{copy, "{{lib_dirs}}/snappyer/priv/", "bin"}
{test, [
{deps, [meck, proper, jsone, DocoptDep]},
{erl_opts, [{d, build_brod_cli}]}
case IsRebar3 of
true ->
[Profiles | CONFIG];
false ->
URLs = [ {supervisor3, ""}
, {kafka_protocol, ""}
Expand All @@ -18,3 +39,4 @@ case IsRebar3 of
end, URLs),
lists:keyreplace(deps, 1, CONFIG, {deps, Rebar2Deps})


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