🌳 With this library you can talk to almost all AWS services without hassle. ⚡
- A clean API separated per service. Each module has a correspondent service.
- Support for most of AWS services.
- Configurable HTTP client and JSON parser.
- Generated by aws-codegen using the same JSON descriptions of AWS services used to build the AWS SDK for Go.
- Documentation is updated from the official AWS docs.
Here is an example of listing Amazon Kinesis streams. First you need to start a console with iex -S mix
After that, type the following:
iex> client = AWS.Client.create("your-access-key-id", "your-secret-access-key", "us-east-1")
iex> {:ok, result, resp} = AWS.Kinesis.list_streams(client, %{})
iex> IO.inspect(result)
%{"HasMoreStreams" => false, "StreamNames" => []}
If you are using S3
, you can upload a file with integrity check doing:
iex> client = AWS.Client.create("your-access-key-id", "your-secret-access-key", "us-east-1")
iex> file = File.read!("./tmp/your-file.txt")
iex> md5 = :crypto.hash(:md5, file) |> Base.encode64()
iex> AWS.S3.put_object(client, "your-bucket-name", "foo/your-file-on-s3.txt", %{"Body" => file, "ContentMD5" => md5})
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
. It also requires hackney for the default HTTP client. Optionally, you can implement your own (Check AWS.Client docs).def deps do [ {:aws, "~> 0.7.0"}, {:hackney, "~> 1.17"} ] end
mix deps.get
to install.
Most of the code is generated using the aws-codegen
library from the JSON descriptions of AWS services provided by Amazon. They can be found in lib/aws/generated
Code outside lib/aws/generated
is manually written and used as support for the generated code.
- Run
MIX_ENV=docs mix docs
- Open
note: Arguments, errors and reponse structure can be found by viewing the model schemas used to generate this module at aws-sdk-go/models/apis/<aws-service>/<version>/
An example is aws-sdk-go/models/apis/rekognition/2016-06-27/api-2.json
Alternatively you can access the documentation for the service you want at AWS docs page.
mix test
- Make sure the
is up-to-date and and reflects the changes for the new version. - Bump the version here in the
and inmix.exs
. - Run
git tag v$VERSION
to tag the version that was just published. - Run
git push --tags origin master
to push tags to Github. - Run
mix hex.publish
to publish the new version.
© 2015-2017 Jamshed Kakar [email protected]. See LICENSE
file for