🔭 I’m currently working on EduTrack & Cosmos Study Timer & Quiz Mingle
🌱 I’m currently learning .Net & Clean Code - Akın Kaldiroglu
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🔭 I’m currently working on EduTrack & Cosmos Study Timer & Quiz Mingle
🌱 I’m currently learning .Net & Clean Code - Akın Kaldiroglu
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Study Timer is a motivational tool for studying that goes beyond a simple countdown application. It allows you to assign and categorize tasks, while providing a visually stimulating image to keep y…
This project has been created to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the Akbank Backend Training. The project encompasses applications developed within the scope of the Akbank Backend Tr…
The "OrderTrack" project is an innovative backend architecture for the development of two microservices for customer and order management, communicating through an API gateway.er and order manageme…
C# 1