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Example by using Slim Framework 3 Skeleton Application

This sapmple demostrate the use of skeletone and basic setup also ho w to add dependencies to slim app this demo contain PHP rest api example with the CRUD(Create ,Read, Update ,Delete ) example code hope you like this

Download the Application

Just download the Project

After Download

Open Db->chatter.sql import this database file to the Mysql Databse Basically it will create new database names Chatter and 4 tables in it also it inlcude all the table we are using in this example

Initial setup

Open src->Dependencies.php check db depency and add your credentials there.

CRUD Operations

Yaaay now the real fun begins Goto the routes.php and check out CRUD operations i have made them as simple as possible to check it

open browser and type raout path http://your ip/path to the slim app/slimapp/public/todos

in my case its http://localhost/slimapp/public/todos