an impressive data visualization library aimed at Svelte framework users. This library, powered by the ever-popular D3.js, is highly customizable, allowing you to make the most of your data, as well as its declarative and reactive approach, allowing you to easily create interactive and informative visualizations.
Whether you're an experienced developer or just starting out, you'll find that this library is simple to use and yields stunning results that will impress. So why not try it out right now and take your data visualizations to the next level?
Coming soon !
<script lang="ts">
import { Chartfull, XAxis, YAxis, Line } from "Chartfull"
let data = []
let innerWidth: number
let inner Height: number
const xAccessor = d=> d.x
const yAccessor = d=> d.y
$: xScale = scaleTime(extent(, [0, innerWidth]);
$: yScale = scaleLinear(extent(, [innerHeight, 0]);
$: xGet = get(xScale, xAccessor);
$: yGet = get(yScale, yAccessor);
$: d = line(xGet, yGet)(data);
<!--> Line chart <-->
padding={{ left: 72, top: 16, right: 16, bottom: 16 }}
<YAxis scale={yScale} let:tick>
<Tick {tick} x2={-innerWidth} />
<text slot="label">Label goes here</text>
<XAxis scale={xScale} y={innerHeight} orient="bottom" let:tick>
<Tick {tick} y2={-innerHeight} />
<text slot="label" x={innerWidth}>Label goes here</text>
fill="rgba(0,0,0, .1)"
Chart title
<Line {d} stroke="rgba(0 0 0 / .6)" strokeWidth="1" />
Chartfulls is MIT Licence