For Villages Compiling:
- Have SDL 1.2 installed in the 'default' location (
- Have SDL-image installed -
- have SDL-ttf installed -
- have SDL_mixer installed -
-Install CMake (
- Extract
- Open CMake
- For the path to source, use the base directory of the villages directory (ie, this directory has the src, assests, data, etc folders)
- For the build directory, choose the build/linux/ directory
- Click the compile button
- Select Unix Makefiles
- Keep 'Use default native compilers' option selected
- click Finish
If you installed SDL in the base directory, all the paths should auto-resolve. If for some reason they do not, then you will have to browse for the proper paths.
- Click Generate
Navigate to the build/linux directory with a command line
note, as part of the cmake generate command, the data/ folder should have been copied in here
- use the make command with no additional parameters
- there are a few warnings, but there should be no errors*
- Execute Villages