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We're using the GNU General Public License v3.0 so please keep this in mind if you'd like to use my code.

About Dish Exchange

Dish exchange is supposed to be matching application app, where people can add their dishes to their profile and match with other people's dishes to eventually "exchange" their own home-made dishes in person. This application is for a school project so not all features are available. In Features we will explain which features are available.

Why Dish Exchange?

This concept is for people who love cooking, tasting food and love to share their food with the world. It's an easy and cheaper way to experience food from all kinds of people you would be able to find on the app. It was inspired by people who are big foodies, who cannot afford all the time to eat out and try different dishes and flavours, because that can be very expensive.


As explained earlier, this project is a school project, so not all features you would expact a matching application to have, will be available.

We have several features, such as:

  1. being able to register an acoount
  2. being able to login
  3. being able to create, modify and delete your own dishes within the application
  4. Being able to filter your own created dishes

How do you use our application?

To help you use my application, I set up a guide on how to use it.

What will you need?

To be able to use my application you will need a few things:

  • Any code editor
  • Terminal for Linux
  • Git
  • Npm
  • A mongoDB database (free)
  • A spoonacular account
  • Your own .env file within this repository (I recommend using my .envSample and renaming it to .env)


If you have any trouble of questions with the installation, please don't hesitate and send me a message!

  1. Open Linux in the terminal
  2. In the terminal: locate yourself in the folder you want the local repository to be in
  3. Copy the link of my repository - The link of my repository, can be found at the top of this page if you press on the code button and and then the copy button.
  4. Use git clone [LINK OF MY REPOSITORY] in the terminal
  5. Use npm install in the terminal to install the required node modules

Like I said before, you will need a mongoDB database and a Spoonacular account, which I'll explain below.


First I'll explain how to create a new project and a cluster

  1. Make a mongoDB account on "" (it's free!)
  2. Create a new project by clicking on the green button saying new project button in MongoDB (if you're not on the homepage, click on the leaf in the top left corner on the page to return to the homepage)
  3. Create a cluster by clicking on the green button saying build a database (any settings are fine, a shared cluster is free)
  4. MongoDB sends you to a security quickstart. In here you'll be making a user that can use your database. You will need the password of this user later for in your .env file! (see step 19)
  5. If you scroll down on the security quickstart you will see that there's a button saying add my current IP adress. Click on it to add you IP to the IP Access list (otherwise you won't have access to your cluster)
  6. Click on finish and close followed by go to database

In the following steps I'll explain how to create a collection in MongoDB

  1. Now you should see database deployments of your cluster. To create a collection, click on browse collections followed by add my own data
  2. Name the database dishexchange and call the collection dishes (PLEASE USE THE SAME NAMES OTHERWISE THE APPLICATION MIGHT NOT WORK!)

Now that you have your database set up, I'll explain in the following steps on how to connect your cluster with the application. For this you will need your own .env file (I recommend using .envSample and renaming it to .env)

  1. Use my .envSample file in this repository and rename it to .env (I recommend using this file, because all you need to change is the value of the variables)
  2. To connect your mongoDB cluster, go to your mongoDB cluster, click on database (on the left) and click on connect
  3. Because we're using the Node.js driver to connect mongoDB, click on connect your application
  4. Make sure that driver is set to Node.js
  5. In the variable DB_HOST: of the .env file, you copy whatever is written in the string from cluster (after the @) until
  6. In the variable DB_NAME: of the .env file, you write the name of the collection, which is in this case dish-exchange.
  7. In the variable DB_USER: of the .env file, you write the name of the user you created in step 9.
  8. In the variable DB_PASS: of the .env file, you write the password of the user you created in step 9.
  9. In the variable SESSION_SECRET: of the .env file, you write a random password for your session.

The session secret is a key used for signing and/or encrypting cookies set by the application to maintain session state. In practice, this is often what prevents users from pretending to be someone they're not ensuring that random person on the internet cannot access your application as an administrator.

MongoDB should now be connected to this application!


To be able to use Spoonacular, you will need an API key. I'm only using spoonacular as a progressive enhancement, so that as a user you can make a picture of a dish and Spoonacular will try to "guess" the name of the dish and add this "guess" as name in the form, so you won't have to type the name of the dish yourself.

  1. Create a Spoonacular account on: "" (it's free!)
  2. Go to your Spoonacular profile (on the left, below API Console)
  3. Click on show / hide API key to show your API key
  4. Copy your API key
  5. Paste your API key as the value of the variable API_KEY in your .env file

Now you should have everything you need and you're ready to go! test


We worked as a team of 4 with the following team members: Ruben Finnerud, Vanessa Choe, Dave Dankwah and Roshnie de Groen.